SKYND’s music is based around real-life darkness, often tied to serial killers and murder. The latest dark chapter of humanity to be serialised by Netflix is the case of Elisa Lam, the Canadian tourist who wound up at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles on her trek across California, where she tragically met her untimely end. The case took the internet by storm in 2013 after the release of the infamous ‘elevator video’, and interest has piqued again following the premiere of The Vanishing At The Cecil Hotel earlier this month.
Slipknot / Korn / Falling In Reverse / Judas Priest / Eagles of Death Metal / Skindred / Russian Circles / Northlane / Municipal Waste / Jinjer / Zeal & Ardor / Soen / Death Angel / Pentagram / And So I Watch You from Afar / Vader / H2O / Tarja / Crossfaith / Ignite / Signs Of The Swarm / Evergreen Terrace / Till Lindemann / Walls of Jericho / Harakiri for the sky / Lost Society / Gutalax / Skynd / Derby Motoreta's Burrito Kachimba / Valient Thorr / Dirty Sound Magnet / KANONENFIEBER / Angelus Apatrida / Spectral Wound / House of Protection / Crucified Barbara / Seven Hours After Violet / Heredeiros da Crus / El Altar del Holocausto / Moonshine wagon
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The Last Internationale / Extreme / Rival Sons / Corey Taylor / Scorpions / John Coffey / Atreyu / Black Stone Cherry / Body Count feat Ice-T / Deep Purple / Machine Head / Wargasm / Sanguisugabogg / Crystal Lake / Ihsahn / Ereb Altor / The Black Dahlia Murder / Dark Funeral / Emperor / Zulu / Better Lovers / Make Them Suffer / Malevolence / Of Mice & Men / Slaughter To Prevail / Thy Art Is Murder / Future Palace / Skynd / Dream State / Vukovi / Crownshift / Karnivool / Igorrr / DJ Carl / Totolicious - Toto Tribute Band / DJ Nathachelet / Janie's Gun - Aerosmith Tribute Band / Rock The Fox
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Better Lovers / Black Stone Cherry / Body Count / Ice-T / Corey Taylor / Crystal Lake / Dark Funeral / Neck Deep / Emperor / Ereb Altor / Extreme / Future Palace / Igorrr / Ihsahn / Karnivool / Machine Head / Make Them Suffer / Malevolence / Monuments / Of Mice & Men / Sanguisugabogg / Scorpions / Skynd / Slaughter To Prevail / The Black Dahlia Murder / Thy Art Is Murder / Vukovi / Wargasm
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Avenged Sevenfold / Scorpions / Five Finger Death Punch / Tool / Judas Priest / Pendulum / Extreme / Electric Callboy / While She Sleeps / All Them Witches / Crosses (†††) / Hammerfall / Fu Manchu / Karnivool / Wargasm / Brutus / VOLA / Batushka / Lansdowne / Skynd / Батюшка / Dominum / Megadeth / Alien Weaponry / Alice Cooper / Steel Panther / Atreyu / Avantasia / Black Stone Cherry / Brand of Sacrifice / Bring Me The Horizon / Doro Pesch / Assinhell / Brothers of Metal / Blind Guardian / Bruce Dickinson / Corey Taylor / Drug Church / Emperor / Ereb Altor / Fear Factory / Kerry King / Landsdowne / P.O.D. / Pain / RED / Rotting Christ / Silverstein / SVARTSOT / Tarja Turunen / The Last Internationale / Kamelot / Fleddy Melculy / Textures / Brothers of Metal / Rival Sons / Bruce Dickinson / Vende / Corey Taylor / Body Count / Silverstein / Kvelertak / Spoil Engine / Slaughter To Prevail / Bury Tomorrow
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Alice Cooper / Alien Weaponry / All Them Witches / Amaranthe / AmÆzing Snäke / Architects / Asinhell / Atreyu / Avantasia / Avenged Sevenfold / BABYMETAL / Batushka / Better Lovers / Biohazard / Black Stone Cherry / Bleed From Within / Blind Guardian / Body Count / Borknagar / Brand of Sacrifice / Bring Me The Horizon / Brothers of Metal / Bruce Dickinson / Brutus / Bury Tomorrow / Casey / Comeback Kid / Corey Taylor / Counterparts / Crownshift / Crystal Lake / Dark Funeral / DeathbyRomy / Deep Purple / Deez Nuts / Defects / Dominium / Doro / Dream State / Drug Church / Dying Fetus / Dying Wish / Dynazty / Electric Callboy / Emperor / Empire State Bastard / Ereb Altor / ERRA / Extreme / Fear Factory / Fit for a King / Five Finger Death Punch / Fleddy Melculy / Flotsam and Jetsam / Fu Manchu / Future Palace / Gel / Graveyard / Hammerfall / HEALTH / High On Fire / I Am Morbid / Ice Nine Kills / Igorrr / Ihsahn / Iron Allies / John Coffey / Judas Priest / Kadavar / Kamelot / Kampfar / Karnivool / Kerry King / Khemmis / Kvelertak / Lansdowne / Limp Bizkit / Machine Head / Make Them Suffer / Malevolence / Mammoth WVH / Megadeth / Mr. Bungle / Ne Obliviscaris / Night Verses / Nile / Of Mice & Men / P.O.D. / Pain / Pendulum (Live) / Pest Control / Pestilence / Polyphia / RED / Rival Sons / Rock The Fox / Rotting Christ / Sanguisugabogg / Scorpions / Shadow of Intent / Silverstein / Skynd / Slaughter To Prevail / Solence / Spoil Engine / Stake / Steel Panther / Suffocation / SVARTSOT / Tarja / Textures / The Acacia Strain / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Last Internationale / The Vintage Caravan / Thursday / Thy Art Is Murder / Tool / Turnstile / Underoath / Until I Wake / Uriah Heep / Vltimas / VOLA / Vukovi / Wargasm / While She Sleeps / Wolfmother / Zulu / Crosses (†††)
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Abbath performs Immortal / Alice Cooper / Alien Weaponry / All Them Witches / Amaranthe / AmÆzing Snäke / Architects / Asinhell / Atreyu / Avantasia / Avenged Sevenfold / BABYMETAL / Batushka / Belgian Quo Band - a tribute to Status Quo / Better Lovers / Biohazard / Black Stone Cherry / Bleed From Within / Blind Guardian / Body Count & Ice-T / Borknagar / Brand of Sacrifice / Brian Downey's Alive And Dangerous / Bring Me The Horizon / Brothers of Metal / Bruce Dickinson / Brutus / Bury Tomorrow / Casey / Classic Rock Experience / Comeback Kid / Corey Taylor / Counterparts / Crownshift / Crystal Lake / DJ Carl / DJ Morbid Geert / DJ Nathachelet / Dani Hart & Friends / Dark Funeral / DeathbyRomy / Deep Purple / Deez Nuts / Defects / Dirty Toy Company / Dominum / Doro / Dream State / Drug Church / Dying Fetus / Dying Wish / Dynazty / Electric Callboy / Emperor / Empire State Bastard / Ereb Altor / ERRA / Extreme / Fear Factory / Fit for a King / Five Finger Death Punch / Fleddy Melculy / Flotsam and Jetsam / Fu Manchu / Future Palace / Gel / Glenn Hughes performs Classic Deep Purple / Graveyard / Hammerfall / HEALTH / High On Fire / I Am Morbid / Ice Nine Kills / Igorrr / Ihsahn / In Your Honor - Foo Fighters Tribute Band / Iron Allies / Janie's Gun - Aerosmith Tribute Band / John Coffey / Judas Priest / Kadavar / Kamelot / Kampfar / Karnivool / Kerry King / Khemmis / Kvelertak / Limp Bizkit / Lansdowne / Machine Head / Make Them Suffer / Malevolence / Mammoth WVH / Max & Iggor Cavalera / Megadeth / Mr. Bungle / Ne Obliviscaris / Night Verses / Nile / Of Mice & Men / P.O.D. / Pain / Pendulum / Pest Control / Pestilence / Polyphia / RED / Rival Sons / Rock The Fox / Rotting Christ / Sanguisugabogg / Scorpions / Sextrow / Shadow of Intent / Silverstein / Skynd / Slaughter To Prevail / Solence / Spoil Engine / Stake / Steel Panther / Suffocation / SVARTSOT / Tarja / Textures / The Acacia Strain / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Last Internationale / The Vintage Caravan / Thursday / Thy Art Is Murder / Tool / Totolicious - Toto Tribute Band / Turnstile / Underoath / Until I Wake / Uriah Heep / Vannstein - Rammstein Tribute Band / Vltimas / VOLA / Volbeatz: Volbeat / Vukovi / Wargasm / While She Sleeps / Wolfmother / Zulu / Crosses (†††)
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Abbath performs Immortal / Alice Cooper / All Them Witches / Asinhell / Avenged Sevenfold / Better Lovers / Biohazard / Black Stone Cherry / Bleed From Within / Blind Guardian / Ice-T & Body Count / Borknagar / Bring Me The Horizon / Brothers of Metal / Bruce Dickinson / Brutus / Bury Tomorrow / Comeback Kid / Corey Taylor / Counterparts / Crystal Lake / Dark Funeral / DeathbyRomy / Deep Purple / Defects / Doro / Dying Fetus / Dynazty / Electric Callboy / Emperor / Ereb Altor / ERRA / Extreme / Fit for a King / Five Finger Death Punch / Fu Manchu / Future Palace / Graveyard / High On Fire / I Am Morbid / Ice Nine Kills / Igorrr / Ihsahn / Iron Allies / Judas Priest / Kadavar / Kamelot / Kampfar / Karnivool / Lansdowne / Machine Head / Make Them Suffer / Malevolence / Megadeth / Monuments / Night Verses / Nile / Of Mice & Men / Pain / Pendulum (Live) / Pestilence / Polyphia / RED / Rotting Christ / Sanguisugabogg / Scorpions / Shadow of Intent / Silverstein / Skynd / Slaughter To Prevail / Solence / Steel Panther / Suffocation / Tarja / Textures / The Acacia Strain / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Vintage Caravan / Thy Art Is Murder / Tool / Until I Wake / Vltimas / VOLA / Vukovi / Wargasm / While She Sleeps / Crosses (†††) / Alien Weaponry / Amaranthe / Architects / Atreyu / Avantasia / Batushka / Brian Downey's Alive And Dangerous / Crownshift / Drug Church / Dying Wish / Empire State Bastard / Fear Factory / Flotsam and Jetsam / Heart / Limp Bizkit / Mammoth WVH / Mr. Bungle / Ne Obliviscaris / P.O.D. / Pest Control / Rival Sons / The Last Internationale / Thursday / Turnstile / Underoath / Uriah Heep / Wolfmother / Casey / Deez Nuts / Dominum / Gel / Classic Deep Purple Live with Glenn Hughes / John Coffey / Kerry King / Khemmis / Max & Iggor Cavalera / Spoil Engine / Zulu / Fleddy Melculy / Hammerfall / Kvelertak / BABYMETAL / Brand of Sacrifice / Fleddy Melculy / HEALTH / SVARTSOT / Totolicious / Dream State
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Tool / Alice Cooper / Megadeth / Kerry King / Baby Metal / Polyphia / Max & Iggor Cavalera / Crosses (†††) / Amaranthe / Underoath / Comeback Kid / Counterparts / Kvelertak / All Them Witches / Doro / Textures / Bury Tomorrow / Asinhell / Bleed From Within / Silverstein / Shadow of Intent / Dying Wish / Ne Obliviscaris / HANABIE. / Solence / ERRA / HEALTH / Alien Weaponry / Brothers of Metal / Dominium / Casey / Night Verses / Five Finger Death Punch / Judas Priest / Turnstile / Electric Callboy / Tobias Sammet's Avantasia / Pendulum / Bruce Dickinson / Biohazard / Fear Factory / P.O.D. / Tarja / Brian Downeys Alive & Dangerous / Graveyard / Fu Manchu / Nile / Vltimas / Thursday / Kadavar / Dying Fetus / Borknagar / Fit for a King / High On Fire / The Vintage Caravan / Brand of Sacrifice / Lansdowne / Dynazty / Deez Nuts / The Acacia Strain / SVARTSOT / Drug Church / Gel / Khemmis / Until I Wake / Bring Me The Horizon / Avenged Sevenfold / Limp Bizkit / Architects / Mr Bungle / While She Sleeps / Ice Nine Kills / Mammoth WVH / Kamelot / Steel Panther / Abbath performs Immortal / Wolfmother / Brutus / Blind Guardian / Uriah Heep / I Am Morbid / Empire State Bastard / Flotsam and Jetsam / Kampfar / Rotting Christ / Glenn Hughes / Frog Leap / Batushka / Fleddy Melculy / Pestilence / RED / Pain / Suffocation / VOLA / Pest Control / Iron Allies / DeathbyRomy / Spoil Engine / Defects / Scorpions / Machine Head / Deep Purple / Corey Taylor / Body Count / Emperor / Rival Sons / Extreme / Black Stone Cherry / Thy Art Is Murder / Igorrr / Slaughter To Prevail / Of Mice & Men / Karnivool / Dark Funeral / The Black Dahlia Murder / Ereb Altor / Atreyu / John Coffey / Ihsahn / Crownshift / Crystal Lake / Vukovi / The Last Internationale / Malevolence / Sanguisugabogg / Wargasm / Make Them Suffer / Better Lovers / Skynd / Future Palace / Zulu / Hammerfall / Dreamstate / Stake
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Tool / Alice Cooper / Megadeth / Kerry King / Baby Metal / Polyphia / Max & Iggor Cavalera / Crosses (†††) / Amaranthe / Underoath / Comeback Kid / Counterparts / Kvelertak / Stake / All Them Witches / Doro / Textures / Bury Tomorrow / Asinhell / Bleed From Within / Silverstein / Shadow of Intent / Dying Wish / Ne Obliviscaris / Solence / ERRA / HEALTH / Alien Weaponry / Brothers of Metal / Dominium / Casey / Night Verses / Five Finger Death Punch / Judas Priest / Turnstile / Electric Callboy / Tobias Sammet's Avantasia / Pendulum / Bruce Dickinson / Biohazard / Fear Factory / Hammerfall / P.O.D. / Tarja / Brian Downey's Alive And Dangerous / Graveyard / Fu Manchu / Nile / Vltimas / Thursday / Kadavar / Dying Fetus / Borknagar / Fit for a King / High On Fire / The Vintage Caravan / Brand of Sacrifice / Landsdowne / Dynazty / Deez Nuts / The Acacia Strain / SVARTSOT / Drug Church / Gel / Khemmis / Until I Wake / Bring Me The Horizon / Avenged Sevenfold / Limp Bizkit / Architects / Mr. Bungle / While She Sleeps / Ice Nine Kills / Mammoth WVH / Kamelot / Steel Panther / Abbath / Wolfmother / Brutus / Blind Guardian / Uriah Heep / I Am Morbid / Empire State Bastard / Flotsam and Jetsam / Kampfar / Rotting Christ / Classic Deep Purple Live with Glenn Hughes / Bathuska / Fleddy Melculy / Pestilence / RED / Pain / Suffocation / VOLA / Pest Control / Iron Allies / DeathbyRomy / Spoil Engine / Defects / Scorpions / Machine Head / Deep Purple / Body Count & Ice-T / Emperor / Rival Sons / Extreme / Black Stone Cherry / Thy Art Is Murder / Igorrr / Slaughter To Prevail / Of Mice & Men / Karnivool / Dark Funeral / The Black Dahlia Murder / Ereb Altor / Atreyu / John Coffey / Ihsahn / Crownshift / Crystal Lake / Vukovi / The Last Internationale / Malevolence / Sanguisugaboog / Wargasm / Make Them Suffer / Better Lovers / Skynd / Dream State / Future Palace / Zulu
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Tool / Avenged Sevenfold / Bring Me The Horizon / Five Finger Death Punch / Judas Priest / All Them Witches / Abbath performs Immortal / Alice Cooper / Asinhell / BABYMETAL / Better Lovers / Biohazard / Black Stone Cherry / Bleed From Within / Blind Guardian / Ice-T & Body Count / Borknagar / Brand of Sacrifice / Brothers of Metal / Bruce Dickinson / Brutus / Bury Tomorrow / Comeback Kid / Corey Taylor / Corrosion Of Conformity / Counterparts / Crystal Lake / Dark Funeral / DeathbyRomy / Deep Purple / Defects / Doro / Dying Fetus / Dynazty / Electric Callboy / Emperor / Ereb Altor / ERRA / Extreme / Fit for a King / Fu Manchu / Future Palace / Graveyard / High On Fire / I Am Morbid / Ice Nine Kills / Igorrr / Ihsahn / Iron Allies / Kadavar / Kamelot / Kampfar / Karnivool / Kvelertak / Lansdowne / Machine Head / Make Them Suffer / Malevolence / Megadeth / Monuments / Night Verses / Nile / Of Mice & Men / Pain / Pendulum / Pestilence / Polyphia / RED / Rotting Christ / Sanguisugabogg / Scorpions / Shadow of Intent / Silverstein / Skynd / Slaughter To Prevail / Solence / Steel Panther / Suffocation / SVARTSOT / Tarja / Textures / The Acacia Strain / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Vintage Caravan / Thy Art Is Murder / Until I Wake / Vltimas / VOLA / Vukovi / Wargasm / While She Sleeps / Fleddy Melculy / Architects / Underoath / Zulu / Dominum / Dying Wish / Fear Factory / Hammerfall / Amaranthe / Atreyu / Avantasia / Batushka / Kerry King / Ne Obliviscaris / The Last Internationale / Wolfmother / Ice-T & Body Count / Brian Downey's Alive And Dangerous / P.O.D. / Max & Iggor Cavalera / HEALTH / Limp Bizkit / Deez Nuts
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