Shireen Concert History

Shireen is a dutch formation existing since 2010. They make witchpop, a new musical genre that blends folk, pop and acoustic rock with electronic samples and beats: an energetic sound to carry vocalist Annicke Shireen's enthralling voice. Matriarch, their latest output, deals with themes of personal exploration, the strength of our emotions, femininity, divinity, our beauty and our crudeness, and asks what it is that makes us human, and what makes us more than that...

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 01, 2024 –
Aug 04, 2024
Castlefest 2024
Datura / Sanseveria / Booze Brothers / Pat Razket / Prima Nocta / Fetu / Shireen / kelten zonder grenzen / Go_A / Plantec / Among the saints / Irdorath / Kalandra / Coppelius / Scrum / The Groggy Dogs / Árstíðir / Willos' / Faun / Pyrolysis / sunfire
Kasteel Keukenhof Lisse, South Holland, Netherlands
Aug 04, 2022 –
Aug 07, 2022
Castlefest 2022
Cesair / Emian / Faun / Harmony Glen / Katja Moslehner / La Horde / La Maisnie Hellequin / Nebala / PerKelt / Prima Nocta / Pyrolysis / Rapalje / Ritual Duir / Seed / Shireen / Sowulo / The SIDH / The Trouble Notes / Waldkauz / Ye Banished Privateers
Kasteel Keukenhof Lisse, South Holland, Netherlands
Jun 03, 2022 –
Jun 06, 2022
Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2022
KMFDM / Combichrist / clan of xymox / Aesthetic Perfection / Soft Kill / Corvus Corax / S.P.O.C.K / Choir Boy / Ritual Howls / Lacrimas Profundere / Cabaret Nocturne / And Also the Trees / Whispering Sons / A Split Second / Tanzwut / Dawn of Ashes / Letzte Instanz / Rezurex / Minuit Machine / Stahlmann / Blacklist / Rabia Sorda / WARFIELD / The Exploding Boy / ESA / Girls Under Glass / Boytronic / Children On Stun / Xotox / Kontrast / Cut Hands / Unzucht / Funhouse / Shireen / Storm Seeker / Korine / Eisfabrik / SRSQ / Astari Nite / Lizette Lizette / Cultus Ferox / Hord / Cesair / Culk / Kaizer / Jihad / Fïx8:Sëd8 / Metallspürhunde / Death in Rome / Soko Friedhof / New Days Delay / Horskh / Liebknecht / Beyond Obsession / Devil-m / Future Lied To Us / Schneewittchen / SJÖBLOM / She Owl / Lucy Kruger & The Lost Boys / Collection D'arnell Andrea / Terrorfrequenz / VV & The Void / Totenwald / BY THE SPIRITS / Nightnight / Loell Duinn / RIKI (LA) / Dead Lights / Kontrolle / Diodati / Paralyzzer / Messer (GE) / Enter Tragedy / Feuerdorn / funhouse (Official) / Noisuf-X / Welle:erdball / The 69 Eyes / S Y Z Y G Y X / Donnertrummel / Fiddlers Green / Kingspipers / Feuerdorn / Garmana / Trobar de Morte / Tvinna / Vroudenspil Show all bands
Wave-Gotik-Treffen Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Jun 02, 2017 –
Jun 05, 2017
Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2017 @ Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2017
Eden / Lebanon Hanover / Amanda Palmer / Skinny Puppy / Amorphis / The Mission / VNV Nation / The 69 Eyes / Rotting Christ / She Past Away / Drab Majesty / Cabaret Voltaire / Soviet Soviet / Esben and the Witch / Suicide Commando / Revolting Cocks / Rotersand / B-Movie / Ritual Howls / Whispering Sons / S.P.O.C.K / Scary Bitches / The Agnes Circle / Sex Gang Children / Varg / Desperate Journalist / Sylvaine / Sixth June / Peter Heppner / Noisuf-X / Jarboe / Ah! Kosmos / Spiritual Front / Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio / In the Woods... / CHROM / Virgin in Veil / Angels and Agony / Bloody Dead and Sexy / Hexperos / Finsterforst / The Vision Bleak / Massive Ego / Illuminate / Nim Vind / Ohm / Cryo / Black Nail Cabaret / Edward Ka-Spel / Shireen / Codex Empire / Frankenstein / Pouppée Fabrikk / Vogelfrey / Box and the Twins / Klez.e / Eisfabrik / Cephalgy / Klangstabil / Red Cell / Iszoloscope / This Morn' Omina / Sutcliffe Jugend / red mecca / The Devil and the Universe / Aeon Sable / Lolita Komplex / Saigon Blue Rain / Ah Cama-sotz / Sinistro / Autodafeh / Hord / Yggdrasil / Iamtheshadow / Annwn / Corde Oblique / Empusae / Peter Bjärgö / Whispers In the Shadow / Bfg / Der Blaue Reiter / Azar Swan / The Eye of Time / Welicoruss / Blac Kolor / Dunkelschön / Mlada Fronta / Ragnaröek / Thrudvangar / Der Fluch / Ianva / Unlight / LUCIFER’S AID / Too Dead to Die / Herbst in Peking / Rendered / Odroerir / Chemical Sweet Kid / CUELEBRE / Moon Far Away / Wires & Lights / 13th Monkey / Andi Sexgang / Nox Interna / DORSETSHIRE / Masquerade (FIN) / Landscape Body Machine / NIKOLAS SCHRECK / MACHINE DE BEAUVOIR / Vain Warr / Larrnakh / Besides (PL) / ANDYRA / HAUTVILLE / framheim / MGT & FRIENDS Show all bands
Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2017 Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Feb 07, 2015
Jyoti Verhoeff / Shireen / Cesair / Prima Nocta

Castlefest Winter Party

Podium de Vorstin Hilversum, North Holland, Netherlands
Show Duplicate for Feb 07, 2015
Gothic Rock
New Age
Ethereal Wave
Medieval Folk
Dark Folk
Rune Folk
Show more genres
2024 1 concert
2022 2 concerts
2017 1 concert
2015 1 concert
 Lenny West
 Andreas Nachtplan
 Yor Smit

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