Sharon O'Neill Concert History

Sharon Lea O'Neill (born 23 November 1952, Nelson, New Zealand) is a singer-songwriter and pianist from New Zealand, who had an Australasian hit single in 1983 with "Maxine" which reached #16 on both the Australian Kent Music Report and Recording Industry Association of New Zealand charts.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jan 26, 2019
Australia Day In Parramatta - Classic Hits Live
Matt Finish / Swanee / Sean Kelly (Models) / Dale Ryder (Boom Crash Opera) / Real Life / Eurogliders / Grant Walmsley (The Screaming Jets) / Sharon O'Neill / The Chantoozies / Steve Kilbey (The Church) / Ross Wilson (Daddy Cool & Mondo Rock)
The Crescent, Parramatta Park Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia
May 13, 2016
Pure Gold Live 2016
Wa Wa Nee / 1927 / Richard Clapton / Deborah Conway / Shane Howard / Sean Kelly / Kids In the Kitchen / Steve Kilbey / Moving Pictures / Paul Norton / Psuedo Echo / Wendy Stapleton / Swanee / Eurogliders / Real Life / Dale Ryder / Sharon O'Neill
Palais Theatre St Kilda, Victoria, Australia
Sep 05, 2007
Countdown Spectacular
"Countdown Spectacular" / Graham Bonnet Band / Robin Scott (Alias "M") / Richard Gower / BSG / Paul Gray (Of Wa Wa Nee) / John Schumann (Of Redgum) / The Radiators (Australian Band) / Doc Neeson's Angels / Rick Springfield / Supernaut / Kate Ceberano / Ian "Molly" Meldrum / Plastic Bertrand / Martha Davis / Sharon O'Neill / Katrina Leskanich / Les McKeown / Doug Fieger / David Paton (Of Pilot) / John Paul Young / Ignatius Jones (Of Jimmy & The Boys) / Samantha Fox / Gavin Wood / Dave Mason (Of The Reels) / Richard Clapton Show all bands
Burswood Dome Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Sep 02, 2007
Countdown Spectacular
"Countdown Spectacular" / Richard Gower / Plastic Bertrand / Martha Davis / BSG / Gavin Wood / David Paton (Of Pilot) / Samantha Fox / Doug Fieger / The Radiators (Australian Band) / Richard Clapton / Doc Neeson's Angels / Ignatius Jones (Of Jimmy & The Boys) / Paul Gray (Of Wa Wa Nee) / Katrina Leskanich / Sharon O'Neill / Robin Scott (Alias "M") / Graham Bonnet Band / Dave Mason (Of The Reels) / Supernaut / John Schumann (Of Redgum) / John Paul Young / Les McKeown / Rick Springfield / Kate Ceberano / Ian "Molly" Meldrum Show all bands
Adelaide Entertainment Centre Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Aug 30, 2007
Countdown Spectacular
"Countdown Spectacular" / Graham Bonnet Band / Supernaut / The Radiators (Australian Band) / Richard Clapton / Doc Neeson's Angels / Paul Gray (Of Wa Wa Nee) / Plastic Bertrand / Katrina Leskanich / BSG / Sharon O'Neill / Samantha Fox / Robin Scott (Alias "M") / Doug Fieger / David Paton (Of Pilot) / Ignatius Jones (Of Jimmy & The Boys) / John Schumann (Of Redgum) / Gavin Wood / Dave Mason (Of The Reels) / Kate Ceberano / Rick Springfield / Martha Davis / Ian "Molly" Meldrum / John Paul Young / Les McKeown / Richard Gower Show all bands
Rod Laver Arena Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Aug 28, 2007
Countdown Spectacular
"Countdown Spectacular" / BSG / Ian "Molly" Meldrum / Ignatius Jones (Of Jimmy & The Boys) / Rick Springfield / Richard Gower / Graham Bonnet Band / Martha Davis / Samantha Fox / Gavin Wood / Doc Neeson's Angels / Dave Mason (Of The Reels) / David Paton (Of Pilot) / John Paul Young / Kate Ceberano / Plastic Bertrand / Supernaut / Les McKeown / Richard Clapton / The Radiators (Australian Band) / Sharon O'Neill / John Schumann (Of Redgum) / Paul Gray (Of Wa Wa Nee) / Robin Scott (Alias "M") / Doug Fieger / Katrina Leskanich Show all bands
Derwent Entertainment Centre Glenorchy, South Australia, Australia
Aug 24, 2007
Countdown Spectacular
"Countdown Spectacular" / Martha Davis / Rick Springfield / Doug Fieger / Les McKeown / Sharon O'Neill / Ian "Molly" Meldrum / Robin Scott (Alias "M") / Graham Bonnet Band / Paul Gray (Of Wa Wa Nee) / John Schumann (Of Redgum) / Supernaut / Richard Clapton / Kate Ceberano / Katrina Leskanich / Plastic Bertrand / Richard Gower / David Paton (Of Pilot) / John Paul Young / Gavin Wood / Ignatius Jones (Of Jimmy & The Boys) / Dave Mason (Of The Reels) / BSG / The Radiators (Australian Band) / Doc Neeson's Angels / Samantha Fox Show all bands
Qudos Bank Arena Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Aug 22, 2007
Countdown Spectacular
"Countdown Spectacular" / Doug Fieger / Robin Scott (Alias "M") / Rick Springfield / Kate Ceberano / Ignatius Jones (Of Jimmy & The Boys) / Doc Neeson's Angels / Les McKeown / Supernaut / Martha Davis / Richard Clapton / Ian "Molly" Meldrum / John Schumann (Of Redgum) / Graham Bonnet Band / Katrina Leskanich / Sharon O'Neill / Gavin Wood / David Paton (Of Pilot) / John Paul Young / BSG / Dave Mason (Of The Reels) / Samantha Fox / Richard Gower / Plastic Bertrand / The Radiators (Australian Band) / Paul Gray (Of Wa Wa Nee) Show all bands
Brisbane Entertainment Centre Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Aug 21, 2007
Countdown Spectacular
"Countdown Spectacular" / Rick Springfield / Martha Davis / Doug Fieger / Katrina Leskanich / Les McKeown / The Radiators (Australian Band) / Richard Clapton / Paul Gray (Of Wa Wa Nee) / Doc Neeson's Angels / Sharon O'Neill / BSG / Robin Scott (Alias "M") / Supernaut / David Paton (Of Pilot) / Ian "Molly" Meldrum / Ignatius Jones (Of Jimmy & The Boys) / Richard Gower / John Schumann (Of Redgum) / Graham Bonnet Band / Gavin Wood / Plastic Bertrand / Dave Mason (Of The Reels) / John Paul Young / Samantha Fox / Kate Ceberano Show all bands
Brisbane Entertainment Centre Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Aug 18, 2007
Countdown Spectacular
"Countdown Spectacular" / Les McKeown / Martha Davis / Richard Clapton / The Radiators (Australian Band) / John Paul Young / Doc Neeson's Angels / Paul Gray (Of Wa Wa Nee) / Richard Gower / Robin Scott (Alias "M") / BSG / Plastic Bertrand / David Paton (Of Pilot) / Supernaut / Ignatius Jones (Of Jimmy & The Boys) / Kate Ceberano / Ian "Molly" Meldrum / Katrina Leskanich / Sharon O'Neill / John Schumann (Of Redgum) / Graham Bonnet Band / Samantha Fox / Gavin Wood / Rick Springfield / Doug Fieger / Dave Mason (Of The Reels) Show all bands
Newcastle Entertainment Centre Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Nov 03, 2006
Leo Sayer / Sharon O'Neill Canberra Theatre Centre Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Jan 01, 1998
Good Vibrations - A Concert For Marc Hunter
Peter Garrett / James Reyne / Ian Moss / Dragon / Richard Clapton / Robert Taylor / Glenn Shorrock / Jimmy Barnes / Kevin Bennett / Margaret Urlich / Sharon O'Neill / Tommy Emmanuel / Jack Jones / Doug Parkinson / Colin Hay / Jenny Morris / Ross Wilson / Brian Sutton / Mental As Anything / CDB Show all bands
Selinas at Coogee Bay Hotel Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Jan 28, 1988
Icehouse / Boom Crash Opera / Sharon O'Neill Trafalgar Park Nelson, Nelson, New Zealand
Aug 10, 1984
Dragon / Sharon O'Neill / Electric Pandas
Sydney Entertainment Centre Haymarket, New South Wales, Australia
Oct 23, 1983
Sharon O'Neill / The Runners Auburn Baseball Club Auburn, New South Wales, Australia
Aug 20, 1983
Sharon O'Neill / The Cuckoos Family Inn Rydalmere, NSW, Australia
Female Vocalists
New Zealand
Classic Nz Pop
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2019 1 concert
2016 1 concert
2007 8 concerts
2006 1 concert
1998 1 concert
1988 1 concert
1984 1 concert
1983 2 concerts
 Sean Clohesy
 0 | 0
 Stephen Peake
 Allie X

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