Born of the sandman and an Amazonian warrior princess in a dream sometime around 1990, Shannen Moser is a sleepy, self-taught, guitar-plucking angel from southeast Pennsylvania. Bringing influence from the east and west coasts, their dreamy melodies and muffled lyrical genius will likely coax you into a placid reverie of introspection and contentment from which you may never return. Download for free at
These are photos from concerts where Shannen Moser played, so they may be of other bands that played the concert as well.
Cavetown / Field Medic / Shannen Moser / Great Grandpa Oct 19, 2019 Santa Ana, California, United States Uploaded by Annsam
Cavetown / Field Medic / Shannen Moser / Great Grandpa Oct 18, 2019 San Francisco, California, United States Uploaded by Awnka