Seth Kauffman Concert History

Musician, songwriter, and producer Seth Kauffman currently resides in the small town of Black Mountain, NC. After Hightone Records released both his debut 'Powder' EP and his full-length 'Ting' in 2006, his eclectic style left critics drawing comparisons as diverse as Motown to the Carribean.

Oct 19, 2007
CMJ Music Marathon
"CMJ Music Marathon" / Tulsa / The Carter Administration / The Nobility / Save Macaulay The Band / The Peekers / Seth Kauffman / Capitol Years / Frank Jordan / The Teeth
Pianos New York, New York, United States
Sep 22, 2006
Johnny A. / Seth Kauffman Aladdin Theater Portland, Oregon, United States
Jul 01, 2006
Menage / Seth Kauffman The Grey Eagle Asheville, North Carolina, United States
Jun 04, 2006
Roman Candle / Seth Kauffman The Grey Eagle Asheville, North Carolina, United States
Album Oriented Rock (AOR)
Jewish Pop
North Carolina
2008 10 concerts
2007 1 concert
2006 3 concerts

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