Seb Torgus Concert History

Seb Torgus is an artist flirting between the lines of Alternative and Pop/Rock music. Born and raised in Chicago, Seb quickly discovered his love and passion for music at a young age. After moving to Los Angeles, Seb began to fully develop his artistry, collaborating with major label artists, and going on his first US Tour.

Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 09, 2022
Bazzi / Seb Torgus Summit Denver, Colorado, United States
Oct 22, 2022
Bazzi / Seb Torgus

Infinite Dream Tour

House of Blues Orlando Orlando, Florida, United States
 Halo Eleven
 Amanda Spindola
 Hannah Wynne
 Lindsey Bowman
 Maria Aviles
 Baily Shaffer
 Nicola Vr 2112
 Marlenna Tran
 Alyse Hendrix
 Dante Newberg
 Isabella G
 Luz Guzman

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