Scott Ainslie Concert History

When it comes to keeping the traditional blues alive and well in the 21st Century, any discussion about contemporary American musicians has to include the venerable Scott Ainslie. Bluesman Ainslie could pass the audition to act a burly outdoor Grissly Adams in a movie remake, and he could easily pass as a lumberjack, but all of this belies that he is actually a sensitive singer, a lively bluesman in the tradition of the original country blues, including the Delta, Ragtime and Piedmont traditions.

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 03, 2016
Hot Licks Blues Festival
"Hot Licks Blues Festival" / Lil' Ed & The Blues Imperials / Sean Carney Band / Joey Gilmore / Mike Wheeler / Scott Ainslie / Ray Fuller
Downtown Granville Granville, Ohio, United States
May 30, 2014
"Western Maryland Blues Festival" / Eric Steckel Band / The Lee Boys / Carolyn Wonderland / Scott Ainslie / Shelley King

Western Maryland Blues Festival

Downtown Hagerstown Hagerstown, Maryland, United States
Jun 21, 2008
Scott Ainslie Evening Muse Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Feb 17, 2006
Scott Ainslie Evening Muse Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
May 01, 2005
"MerleFest" / Roy Book Binder / Mollie O'Brien / Alison Krauss + Union Station feat. Jerry Douglas / The Little Rascals / Sam Bush / Gospel Jubilators / Timmy Abell / Darrell Scott / Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer / Alberti Flea Circus / Pat Flynn / Donna the Buffalo / Josh Pinkham & The Pinkham Family Band / Zoe Speaks / David Holt / Brack Llewellyn / R.G. Absher & Extra Measure / Buddy Miller / The Greencards / Joe Smothers / Scott Ainslie / Br549 / The Nashville Bluegrass Band / The Hushpuppies (NC) / Joe Thompson / Tony Ellis / Bob Carlin / Pete Wernick / Happy Traum / Rodney Crowell / John Cowan / Hayes Carll / George Hege Hamilton V / George Hamilton IV / The Chieftains / The Crooked Jades / Balfa Toujours / The Avett Brothers / Richard Watson / The Tony Rice Unit / CanJoe John / Allison Moorer / Mary Flower / Jack Lawrence / Pete & Joan Wernick / Jim Lauderdale / Mel Jones / Billy Jonas / Béla Fleck & The Acoustic Trio / Peter Rowan / Shana Banana / Eustace Conway / Charles Welch / Local Boys / The Kruger Brothers / Bob Hill / Bernie Leadon / Doc Watson / Carl Jones & Beverly Smith / Laura Boosinger / Si Kahn Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Apr 30, 2005
"MerleFest" / Doc Watson / Joe Smothers / Roland White / John Jorgenson Quintet / Local Boys / Jack Lawrence / Henry Butler / Deer Clan Singers / Dixie Dawn / Eustace Conway / Laura Boosinger / Peter Rowan / Del McCoury Band / Railroad Earth / Tater Tate / The Nashville Bluegrass Band / Gigi Dover / The Little Rascals / The Chieftains / Bob Hill / Pat Flynn / Sam Bush / Corey Harris / Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer / Josh Pinkham & The Pinkham Family Band / Bobby Hicks / Pete & Joan Wernick / Zoe Speaks / Etta Baker / CanJoe John / The Wilders / The Avett Brothers / John Mooney / Balfa Toujours / Richard Watson / The Crooked Jades / Hayes Carll / Allison Moorer / Billy Jonas / George Hamilton IV / Scott Ainslie / Jerry Douglas / King Wilkie / Robin & Linda Williams / John Cowan / Robert Lockwood, Jr. / Mary Flower / Alberti Flea Circus / Si Kahn / Jim Lauderdale / Shana Banana / The Kruger Brothers / The Hushpuppies (NC) / Darrell Scott / Donna the Buffalo / Daybreak / Gospel Jubilators / Stillhouse Bottom Band / Tony Ellis / Roy Book Binder / Old School Freight Train / Ricky Skaggs / Timmy Abell / Happy Traum / David Holt / The Tony Rice Unit / Earl Scruggs / Tim O'Brien / George Hege Hamilton V / Bryn Bright / Charles Welch / Jeff Little / The Duhks / Tony Rice / The Waybacks / R.G. Absher & Extra Measure / Carl Jones & Beverly Smith / Brack Llewellyn / Béla Fleck & The Acoustic Trio / Pete Wernick / Mel Jones / The Greencards / Rodney Crowell Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Apr 29, 2005
"MerleFest" / Tony Ellis / John Jorgenson Quintet / Timmy Abell / Dixie Dawn / Happy Traum / Mollie O'Brien / Roy Book Binder / Sam Bush / Doc Watson / Darrell Scott / Local Boys / The Hushpuppies (NC) / Zoe Speaks / The Little Rascals / CanJoe John / Wayfaring Strangers / Hayes Carll / Josh Pinkham & The Pinkham Family Band / Corey Harris / John Mooney / The Waybacks / Mary Flower / Jerry Douglas / Jim Lauderdale / Allison Moorer / Caroline Herring / Joe Smothers / Jack Lawrence / Shana Banana / Scott Ainslie / The Kruger Brothers / Tracy Bonham / Tony Rice / Carl Jones & Beverly Smith / Béla Fleck & The Acoustic Trio / Peter Rowan / Si Kahn / Bryn Bright / Eustace Conway / Jay Ungar & Molly Mason / Donna the Buffalo / Old School Freight Train / Daybreak / Railroad Earth / Pat Flynn / Gigi Dover / Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer / The Crooked Jades / Jeff Little / David Holt / Tim O'Brien / The Tony Rice Unit / John Cowan / The Avett Brothers / Alberti Flea Circus / Brack Llewellyn / Balfa Toujours / Pete & Joan Wernick / The Wilders / Charles Welch / Mel Jones / Billy Jonas / Richard Watson / Tony Trischka / Robin & Linda Williams / The Greencards / R.G. Absher & Extra Measure / Pete Wernick / The Duhks / Laura Boosinger / Bob Hill Show all bands
Wilkes Community College Wilkesboro, North Carolina, United States
Atl Hip Hop
2016 1 concert
2014 1 concert
2008 1 concert
2006 1 concert
2005 3 concerts

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