Scarred's 2009 Concert History

There are 2 artists named Scarred:

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 18, 2009
Y&T / Psychic Mafia / Scarred
Galaxy Theatre Santa Ana, California, United States
Jul 31, 2009
Wacken Open Air Festival
"Wacken Open Air Festival" / Bullet for My Valentine / Napalm Death / In Flames / Motorhead / Eths / Dragonforce / Coheed and Cambria / Bring Me The Horizon / Doro / Amon Amarth / Airbourne / Walls of Jericho / Endstille / Vreid / Hammerfall / Nevermore / Gamma Ray / UFO / ASP / Epica / Tristania / Retrospect / Pentagram / Sarke / Nervecell / Whiplash (NJ) / Callejon / Beneath / Scarred / Mambo Kurt / Swashbuckle Show all bands
RheinRiot Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Jul 30, 2009 –
Aug 01, 2009
Wacken Open Air 2009
Bring Me The Horizon / Bullet for My Valentine / Feid / Volbeat / Coheed and Cambria / Thin Lizzy / In Flames / Anthrax / Machine Head / Tank / Dragonforce / Amon Amarth / Testament / Motörhead / Lacuna Coil / Airbourne / Mägo de Oz / UFO / Epica / Trouble / Saxon / Hammerfall / Napalm Death / Korpiklaani / Gwar / D-A-D / Enslaved / Pentagram / Heaven Shall Burn / Pain / Turisas / Adé / The BossHoss / UK Subs / Nevermore / Rage / Gamma Ray / Heaven & Hell / Doro / In Extremo / Walls of Jericho / Axel Rudi Pell / Borknagar / Tristania / Cathedral / Running Wild / Warlock / Grand Magus / Frei.Wild / Feuerschwanz / Callejon / J.B.O. / Schandmaul / ASP / Drone / Whiplash / Eths / SuidakrA / Kampfar / Engel / Vreid / Einherjer / Svbway To Sally / Retrospect / Swashbuckle / Skyline / Der W / Fejd / Torment / Beneath / Endstille / Waltons / Arkaea / Hansi Kürsch / Sarke / Adorned Brood / Bai Bang / Eric Fish / Mambo Kurt / Nervecell / Onkel Tom Angelripper / Onkel Tom / Tracedawn / The Fading / Scarred / Sui / Ingrimm / Insidious Disease / Ragnaröek / Rabenschrey / 5th Avenue / Bloodwork / Split Heaven / Cumulo Nimbus / Ferium / Reincarnatus / Leave Scars / Jörg Michael / Insidead / Silence Means Death / Marcel Schmier Schirmer / Irr / Crysys / Kielwater / The Smack Ballz / Victims of Madness / Reason To Kill / A FINE DAY TO EXIT / Oa Firefighters / Callejn Show all bands
Wacken Open Air 2009 Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Show Duplicates for Jul 30, 2009
Jul 03, 2009
Nightwish / Blind Guardian / Dragonforce / Lamb of God / Dimmu Borgir / Amon Amarth / Testament / Hatebreed / Kreator / Edguy / Sirenia / My Dying Bride / Satyricon / Napalm Death / Vader / Deathstars / Die Apokalyptischen Reiter / Sonic Syndicate...
Nightwish / Blind Guardian / Dragonforce / Lamb of God / Dimmu Borgir / Amon Amarth / Testament / Hatebreed / Kreator / Edguy / Sirenia / My Dying Bride / Satyricon / Napalm Death / Vader / Deathstars / Die Apokalyptischen Reiter / Sonic Syndicate / Graveworm / Sodom / Visions of Atlantis / Kataklysm / Destruction / Aborted / Death Angel / Belphegor / Alestorm / SuidakrA / Legion Of The Damned / Mystic Prophecy / Hollenthon / Keep of Kalessin / EVILE / Warbringer / Illnath / Negur Bunget / Evolve / Hellsaw / Hackneyed / Carach Angren / Stormcrow / Attica Rage / Extrema / CENTAURUS-A / Sons of Seasons / Contaminant / A New Dawn / Abstinenz / Dreamshade / Keller / Scarred / Thorns Of Ivy / Nightward / Inmate / Embryonic / Nihilo / M.O.R.A. / MoSfEt / SUFOSIA / Heretic Soul / Incubus / Always Fallen / Disease Illusion / JUST SWALLOW / D-swoon / Black Curtains / Dark Sensation / Locracy / Rude Forefathers / Amphitrium / Gonoba / Memories of Murder / Siege of Cirrha / Mordenom / Union Sundown / All Remains Insane / Radwaste / ILLUNE Show all bands
Sotočje Tolmin, Tolmin, Slovenia
Jul 02, 2009 –
Jul 07, 2009
Metalcamp Festival
4xistenz / A New Dawn / Aborted / Abstinenz / Alestorm / All Frail Rejects / Always Fallen / Amon Amarth / Arsames / Attica Rage / Beneath Dying Skies / Black Curtains / Blind Guardian / CENTAURUS-A / Dark Realm / Death Angel / Deathstars / Destruction / Die Apokalyptischen Reiter / Dimmu Borgir / Disease Illusion / Down / Dragonforce / Dreamshade / Edguy / Embrio / Embrionis / Equilibrium / Extrema / Graveworm / Hackneyed / Hastur / Hatebreed / Hatred / Hollenthon / JUST SWALLOW / Kataklysm / Keep of Kalessin / Kreator / Lamb Of God / Legion Of The Damned / Locracy / Memories of Murder / Mora / Morphyn / MoSfEt / My Dying Bride / Mystic Prophecy / Napalm Death / Nightward / Nightwish / Radwaste / Rude Forefathers / Sacraea Saturna / Satyricon / Scarred / Scars Of Disparagment / Sodom / Sonic Syndicate / Soziedad Alkoholika / Stormcrow / SuidakrA / Testament / Thorns Of Ivy / Union Sundown / Vader / Visions of Atlantis / Vulvathrone / Wintersun Show all bands
Metalcamp Festival Grounds Tolmin, Tolmin, Slovenia
Death Metal
Thrash Metal
Progressive Metal
Groove Metal
Dark Trap
Slowed And Reverb
Luxembourgian Metal
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 J1 Sy
 Adam O.O
 Jeroen Post
 Blake A Miller

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