Sardonis Concert History

SardoniS are a two man aural demolition crew from Belgium whose musical output encompass the pure, unadulterated brutality of High On Fire, the atmosphere of 5ive and the vintage swing n' groove of early Black Sabbath. A throwback to stoney, blown-speaker Doom of that golden Man's Ruin Records era but with a magic all their own.

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Stoner Rock
Doom Metal
Sludge Metal
Stoner Metal
Belgian Stoner Rock
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2016 2 concerts
2014 3 concerts
2013 1 concert
2012 1 concert
2011 1 concert
2009 1 concert
 Jolly Joker
 Josh King
 Rhinoce Ross
 Tasos Pantelidis
 Bloated Pope
 Juliane Zajac

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