Samuli Kemppi's 2017 Concert History

Samuli Kemppi is one of the key figures in the Finnish techno scene. Hard-working producer and DJ, who's always breaking boundaries and delivering fresh mixture of times past and days yet to come. His sound is described as icy cold techno style, a controlled exercise in minimal techno devastation, bass-heavy jacker grooves with shivering hi-hats and floating atmospheres.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 11, 2017 –
Aug 13, 2017
Flow Festival 2017
The xx / Sparks / Goldfrapp / Death Grips / Lana Del Rey / London Grammar / Aphex Twin / ALMA / Young Thug / Aleksi Perälä / Angel Olsen / Antti Salonen / Astrid Swan / BadBadNotGood / Bicep / BLACK MOTOR / Car Seat Headrest / Ceebrolistics / Clara 3000 / DJ Ender / DJ Jonna / Danny Brown / Dmitry Sinkovsky & Aapo Häkkinen / Elias Gould / Emma Valtonen B2B Kristiina Männikkö / Esko Routamaa / FAKA / Family Sunday / Fatima Yamaha / Fatoumata Diawara / Hindi Zahra / Femme En Fourrure / Flume / Frank Ocean / Front 242 / Gasellit / H_TDJ / Ibibio Sound Machine / Inga Mauer / Irene Kostas / Isabel / J.Lindroos / Janka Nabay & the Bubu Gang / Jenny Hval / Jon Hopkins (DJ set) / Jonna Tervomaa / Joshua Redman: Still Dreaming / Julie Byrne / Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith / Katerina presents Émotsiya / Kauriinmetsästäjät / Kube / LSDXOXO / Laura Cannell / Lena Willikens / Lil' Tony / Linda Lazarov / Linnea Olsson / Litku Klemetti / Lorenzo Senni / MC Taakibörsta / Maceo Plex / Marie Davidson / Matti Nives / Max Jury / Mesak / Midori Takada / Mikko Joensuu / Milo & Moses / Mirage Man / Model 500 / Moderat / Monsp Records 20th Anniversary Show / Moor Mother / Larry Heard aka MR. Fingers / NYKY Ensemble / Neutral / Nina Kraviz / Ona Kamu / Oranssi Pazuzu / Pekko Käppi / K:H:H:L / Phase Fatale / Planetary Assault Systems / Pilé / Powder / Pikäri & Ahjo Ensemble / Princess Nokia / Jokki / Tero Männikkö & Apach Lifeforms / PEU / Joshi / Susanna Nuutinen / Densel & Sansibar / Wes Baggaley / Laura Mrls / Paula Koski / Ya Tosiba / Anna Myllyluoma / Loiriplukari / Marc Fred / Jenny Om / Olli Koponen / Mori Ra / THRDEYEVSN / Ällistysnainen / Noah Kin / Tuuttimörkö / Onni Boi / Strictly Ysäri R&B / D.R.E.A.M. / MOBILEGIRL / Reino Nordin / Roy Ayers / Ryan Adams / Sadar Bahar / Sampha / Samuli Kemppi / Satellite Stories / Selvhenter / Shed / Silvana Imam / Skidit MEGA Disko / Skott / Soichi Terada / SØS Guvner Ryberg / Tatsuru Arai / The Afghan Whigs / The Hacker / The Holy / Timo Kaukolampi / Timo Lassy Band / Töölön Ketterä / VIRTA / Veli-Matti O Äijälä & The Kolmas / Verneri Pohjola / Vesta / Vince Staples / DJ Tommi P / DJ Markus-setä / DJ Arwi Lind / DJ Martin Joela / DJ Fredrik Lavik / DJ Jussi B / DJ Antti Eerikäinen / DJ Liam Large / DJ Tupla-Jukka / DJ Eero Löyttijärvi / Vladimir Ivkovic / Lauri Soini / Willow Show all bands
Suvilahti Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland
Minimal Techno
Minimal Dub
Deep Techno
Finnish Electronic
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2017 1 concert
2016 1 concert
2010 1 concert
 Polina Selkova

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