Matt Batey is a familiar face in the Seattle music scene. As a professional touring musician, he’s taken turns providing lead guitar & vocal harmonies for acts like Cataldo and Rocky Votolato (often with healthy doses of humorous stage banter).
Miguel / The Flaming Lips / Little Dragon / Cut Copy / BJ the Chicago Kid / Smino / Zola Jesus / Kamaiyah / Charlotte Day Wilson / Valerie June / Helio Sequence / Mirah / Maps & Atlases / Lusine / Jean Deaux / Jawbreaker / Switch / Protomartyr / Pomo / Overdo-z / Kari Faux / Yukon Blonde / Monsieur Perine / Wild Ones / Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real / Hot Snakes / Colleen Green / Murder City Devils / Y La Bamba / SOL! / Moving Pictures / Tacocat / Lo Moon / Hibou / Reva DeVito / Walker & Royce / Yasha / Dear Rouge / Otieno Terry / Elise Trouw / Tiny Vipers / DJ Nu-Mark / Bill Laurance / The Seshen / Mood / Tek.lun / Kyle Craft / Visible Cloaks / Lakim / Great Grandpa / Hat / The Funky Knuckles / Ben Zaidi / Nadus / NAVVI / SO LOKI / Pezzner / Party Nails / Steady Holiday / Black Belt Eagle Scout / Five Alarm Funk / Lifeformed / Pierre Kwenders / MikeQ / FORQ / Seiho / Parisalexa / Lena Raine / Special Explosion / Samini / Monroe / Ruler / Equiknoxx / MistaDC / Strange Ranger / Calico / Genders / alcordo / Jameson / Living Hour / So Pitted / Nuela Charles / Anna Elizabeth Laube / Silver Torches / Red Ribbon / Mr. Reed / Giants in the Trees / Orphan / Schwey / Ural Thomas and The Pain / Jango / Sassyblack / Mother Marygold / D. Tiffany / Selector Dub Narcotic / Cool Water / Kyo-Ken / Mehdi Nassouli / Cynthia Alexander / Snotty Nose Rez Kids / Brackets / Dirty Revival / Little Star / Spesh / Aramis / Moorea Masa / Grace Love / Slow Corpse / Whitney Ballen / High Step Society / Aaron J / Strawberry Mountain / Chanti Darling / SuperDuperKyle / Kung Foo Grip / Tobias the Owl / Cold Comfort / DJ Firmeza / Debit / Drexler / Ron Artis II / Ramonda Hammer / Sun Blood Stories / Daysormay / Little Destroyer / Gold Casio / Lori Goldston / dj100proof / Mother Of Pearl / FKL / Lushloss / Tres Leches / Lavoy / Blakk Soul / All Star Opera / Aramide / The cell phones / Whitney Lyman / dreamcatchr / Champagne Sunday / New Track City / RILLA / Debbie Miller / Thione Diop / Maiah Wynne / Ftb / Alec Shaw / Bakelite 78 / Mirrorgloss / Blood Drugs / Royce the Choice / Dryland / Gypsy Temple / Tekla Waterfield / Perry Porter / True Lovers / Blueyedsoul / Global Heat / Nsb / wristboi / Bujemane / Klein Zage / Khris P / Terror/Cactus / MADlines / American Nudism / Ben Townsend / Aaron J. Shay / Nazizi / Caela Bailey / Ralphy Davis / T.S The Solution / pat mchenry / Billy Brandt / Daniel Pak / Heather Thomas / Amen Viana / Wesley Holmes / Kristen Marlo / Momo Pixel / Misundvrstood / Khu.éex' / Champagne Honeybee / Mr. Nicenice / High Pulp / DGS Samurai Champs / MKB Ultra / star meets sea / Allison Preisinger / Sealth / Dig-dug / Christa Says Yay / Sue Quigley / Noel Brass Jr. / The Brodcast / Micaiah Sawyer / David Guilbault / Katrina Charles / Allison Shirk / Sean Majors / PHNK / Nile Waters / Nairobi Horns Project / Marina and the Dreamboats / Found Sound Nation / Chase Henny / Swatkins Positive Agenda / The Sorority (Oakland) / TreRoss / Brian Lyons / Supreme La Rock / Michael Trew / Judd Wasserman / norman baker / Yung Futon / DJ Savvy Smith / Toya B / Torrey Pines / TA7J / Swoon(ish) / Storme Webber / DJ Zumba / No One Important / John Strayer / Jimmy the Pickpocket / Jim Marcotte / JENNGREEN / Javier Anderson / ItsTR3NT / Dune Butler / The Green (Reunion) / emecks / DJ BTBeats / DJ Equis / Caleb Cunningham / Butterfly Launches From Spar Pole / Bradford King / Ben Mish / Asahi (Reunion) / Allie LaRoe / Warren Dunes featuring Julia Massey / DJ Kween Kay$h / J Nasty (NY) / Fausto Bahia / DJ NHKGUY / Jon Yoon / Tony Snark / Karl Kamakahi / Abraham Neuwelt (ABRO)
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Miguel / The Flaming Lips / Little Dragon / Cut Copy / Smino / BJ the Chicago Kid / Charlotte Day Wilson / Kamaiyah / Zola Jesus / Valerie June / Jean Deaux / Monsieur Perine / Mirah / Protomartyr / The Helio Sequence / Kari Faux / Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real / Lusine / Maps & Atlases / Jawbreaker / Switch / Lena Raine / Walker & Royce / Pomo / Y La Bamba / Mood / Wild Ones / Overdo-z / Hot Snakes / Hibou / Yukon Blonde / Sol / Tacocat / Lo Moon / Colleen Green / Elise Trouw / Great Grandpa / Moving Pictures / Black Belt Eagle Scout / DJ Nu-Mark / Bill Laurance / Reva DeVito / The Funky Knuckles / Dear Rouge / Lifeformed / Otieno Terry / Yasha / Lakim / SO LOKI / Visible Cloaks / Strange Ranger / Tek.lun / The Seshen / Kyle Craft / Tiny Vipers / Ben Zaidi / NAVVI / Nsb / Steady Holiday / Pierre Kwenders / Parisalexa / Schwey / Hat / Snotty Nose Rez Kids / Five Alarm Funk / Party Nails / FORQ / MikeQ / Ural Thomas and The Pain / Nadus / Pezzner / Orphan / D. Tiffany / Equiknoxx / High Step Society / Samini / Seiho / MistaDC / Monroe / Special Explosion / Daysormay / Living Hour / High Pulp / Maiah Wynne / Ruler / Giants in the Trees / Calico / Nuela Charles / Jameson / alcordo / Genders / Ron Artis II / Jango / Anna Elizabeth Laube / So Pitted / Strawberry Mountain / Debit / Red Ribbon / Klein Zage / Aramis / Silver Torches / Slow Corpse / Terror/Cactus / Mr. Reed / Mother Marygold / Aaron J / Sassyblack / Brackets / Mehdi Nassouli / King Youngblood / Kyo-Ken / Little Star / Cynthia Alexander / Selector Dub Narcotic / Spesh / SuperDuperKyle / Dirty Revival / Whitney Ballen / Little Destroyer / DJ Firmeza / Cool Water / Grace Love / Tres Leches / Blakk Soul / Cold Comfort / Tobias the Owl / Drexler / Chanti Darling / Sun Blood Stories / RILLA / Ramonda Hammer / Moorea Masa / Lori Goldston / Kung Foo Grip / Aramide / Gold Casio / Alec Shaw / All Star Opera / Ftb / FKL / Mother Of Pearl / Lushloss / New Track City / The cell phones / Champagne Sunday / Royce the Choice / Nile Waters / Lavoy / dj100proof / Tekla Waterfield / Whitney Lyman / dreamcatchr / Mirrorgloss / Thione Diop / Dryland / Perry Porter / Debbie Miller / Amen Viana / Khris P / MADlines / Blood Drugs / Bakelite 78 / Khu.éex' / wristboi / Nazizi / Chase Henny / Bujemane / T.S The Solution / True Lovers / Global Heat / Daniel Pak / Heather Thomas / American Nudism / Aaron J. Shay / Kristen Marlo / Ralphy Davis / Micaiah Sawyer / Ben Townsend / Nairobi Horns Project / Champagne Honeybee / pat mchenry / Blueyedsoul / Noel Brass Jr. / Momo Pixel / Marina and the Dreamboats / Caela Bailey / Mr. Nicenice / Billy Brandt / Swatkins Positive Agenda / The Brodcast / MKB Ultra / star meets sea / Allison Preisinger / Christa Says Yay / Wesley Holmes / Sue Quigley / Sealth / Dig-dug / Misundvrstood / DGS Samurai Champs / David Guilbault / Katrina Charles / Judd Wasserman / Yung Futon / PHNK / Warren Dunes featuring Julia Massey / TreRoss / Supreme La Rock / Michael Trew / Allison Shirk / norman baker / Sean Majors / DJ Savvy Smith / Toya B / Torrey Pines / TA7J / Swoon(ish) / Storme Webber / DJ Zumba / No One Important / John Strayer / Jimmy the Pickpocket / Jim Marcotte / JENNGREEN / Javier Anderson / ItsTR3NT / Dune Butler / The Green (Reunion) / Found Sound Nation / emecks / DJ BTBeats / DJ Equis / Caleb Cunningham / Butterfly Launches From Spar Pole / Bradford King / Ben Mish / Asahi (Reunion) / Allie LaRoe / DJ Kween Kay$h / J Nasty (NY) / Fausto Bahia / DJ NHKGUY / The Sorority (Oakland) / Jon Yoon / Tony Snark / Karl Kamakahi / Abraham Neuwelt (ABRO) / Brian Lyons / The Murder City Devils
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"Upstream" / Dinosaur Jr. / Shabazz Palaces / Jay Park / Snarky Puppy / Jeremy Enigk / Metz / Ayron Jones and the Way / Chris Staples / Hibou / kuinka / Laura Gibson / Polyrhythmics / The Flavr Blue / Jlin / Kristin Kontrol / Lemolo / Said the Whale / The Velvet Teen / Larry June / Quasi / Kinski / Bad Luck / Chimurenga Renaissance / NAVVI / Cuff Lynx / Eldridge Gravy And The Court Supreme / En Canto / Freeway Park / Gail Pettis / Key Nyata / Nacho Picasso / Naomi Moon Siegel / Natasha Kmeto / Constant Lovers / Pink Parts / Ruler / Saint Claire / Sisters (WA) / Shelby Earl / Steal Shit Do Drugs / The Last Artful, Dodgr / Travis Thompson / Warm Gun / Wayne Horvitz / Year of Death / Youryoungbody / Animal Eyes / Boy Harsher / Chris King & The Gutterballs / Cotillion / Danny Newcomb & The Sugarmakers / DJ Sosa / Haunted Horses / Ig88 / Jamie Blake / Jenn Champion / Karl Blau / Lydia Ramsey / Mascaras / Mike Edel / Naomi Wachira / Not Waving / Otieno Terry / Pye Corner Audio / Silent Servant / Sloucher / Summer Cannibals / Sundries / The Drip / The Morning After / The Mountain Flowers / Van Eps / Bryan John Appleby / Yak Attack / Yeah Great Fine / Black Stax / Planes on Paper / Temple Canyon / Sean Cee / The Loveless Building / Suitcase / Electric Nono / Eliot Lipp / Mu / X Suns / Emma Lee Toyoda
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A$AP Rocky / Major Lazer / The Cure / Disclosure / M83 / Florence + the Machine / Sufjan Stevens / Rudimental / Alabama Shakes / Mac DeMarco / X Ambassadors / Grimes / Vince Staples / Oh Wonder / Lord Huron / Leon Bridges / BØRNS / Caribou / Jamie xx / Purity Ring / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Chet Faker / The Internet / Alina Baraz / Kaleo / Four Tet / Vic Mensa / Kurt Vile / Yeasayer / LANY / Yo La Tengo / Tycho / Baauer / Marian Hill / Saint Motel / Wolf Alice / Matt Corby / Raury / M. Ward / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats / Blind Pilot / Casey Veggies / Ty Segall / Frightened Rabbit / Wet / Andra Day / Houndmouth / Todd Terje / Digable Planets / Lion Babe / Ibeyi / Savages / Oddisee / Allen Stone / Telekinesis / Baroness / Julia Holter / Thao & The Get Down Stay Down / Chelsea Wolfe / Kevin Garrett / Noah Gundersen / Son Little / Titus Andronicus / SOAK / Nathaniel Rateliff / Marcus Marr / Hop Along / Shamir / Dave B. / Shannon and The Clams / The Twilight Sad / Joseph / Protomartyr / Beat Connection / Speedy Ortiz / Autolux / Gordi / The Dip / Tamaryn / BAIO / La Luz / Bully / Conner Youngblood / Bayonne / Tacocat / Briana Marela / Hibou / Deep Sea Diver / Oscar / Sir The Baptist / Brothers From Another / John Mark Nelson / Tangerine / Summer Cannibals / Thunderpussy / Ladybug Mecca / Wimps / Iska Dhaaf / Grace Love and the True Loves / Ruler / Ty Segall and The Muggers / Fauna Shade / Mindie Lind
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A$AP Rocky / Major Lazer / The Cure / Disclosure / M83 / Florence + the Machine / Sufjan Stevens / Mac DeMarco / Rudimental / Alabama Shakes / X Ambassadors / Grimes / Vince Staples / Lord Huron / Leon Bridges / Oh Wonder / BØRNS / Caribou / Jamie xx / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Purity Ring / Chet Faker / The Internet / Kaleo / Alina Baraz / Four Tet / Kurt Vile / LANY / Vic Mensa / Yeasayer / Yo La Tengo / Tycho / Baauer / Saint Motel / Marian Hill / Wolf Alice / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Matt Corby / Raury / M. Ward / Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats / Blind Pilot / Casey Veggies / Ty Segall / Wet / Andra Day / Frightened Rabbit / Houndmouth / Digable Planets / Todd Terje / Lion Babe / Ibeyi / Allen Stone / Savages / Oddisee / Telekinesis / Baroness / Julia Holter / Thao & The Get Down Stay Down / Chelsea Wolfe / Kevin Garrett / Son Little / Noah Gundersen / Nathaniel Rateliff / Titus Andronicus / SOAK / Hop Along / Marcus Marr / Shamir / Shannon and The Clams / Dave B. / The Twilight Sad / Joseph / Protomartyr / The Dip / Beat Connection / Speedy Ortiz / Autolux / Gordi / La Luz / Tamaryn / BAIO / Bully / Conner Youngblood / Bayonne / Tacocat / Briana Marela / Hibou / Deep Sea Diver / Oscar / Sir The Baptist / Brothers From Another / John Mark Nelson / Summer Cannibals / Thunderpussy / Tangerine / Ladybug Mecca / Wimps / Iska Dhaaf / Grace Love and the True Loves / Ruler / Ty Segall and The Muggers / Fauna Shade / Mindie Lind
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A$AP Rocky / Major Lazer / The Cure / M83 / Disclosure / Florence and the Machine / Sufjan Stevens / Alabama Shakes / Rudimental / X Ambassadors / Grimes / Mac DeMarco / Vince Staples / Caribou / Nick Murphy fka Chet Faker / Purity Ring / Oh Wonder / Jamie xx / Lord Huron / BØRNS / Yeasayer / Kurt Vile / Leon Bridges / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Yo La Tengo / Four Tet / Tycho / Vic Mensa / The Internet / Baauer / Kaleo / Alina Baraz / Marian Hill / LANY / M. Ward / Saint Motel / Frightened Rabbit / Blind Pilot / Matt Corby / Raury / Wolf Alice / Casey Veggies / Ty Segall / Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats / Wet / Houndmouth / Todd Terje / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Digable Planets / Andra Day / Savages / Telekinesis / Lion Babe / Oddisee / Ibeyi / Allen Stone / Baroness / Julia Holter / Titus Andronicus / Thao & The Get Down Stay Down / Chelsea Wolfe / Noah Gundersen / Kevin Garrett / Son Little / Marcus Marr / SOAK / Shamir / Nathaniel Rateliff / The Twilight Sad / Hop Along / Beat Connection / Shannon and The Clams / Speedy Ortiz / Autolux / Dave B. / Joseph / Tamaryn / Protomartyr / BAIO / La Luz / Bully / Conner Youngblood / Gordi / Briana Marela / The Dip / Tacocat / Bayonne / Hibou / Oscar / Deep Sea Diver / Brothers From Another / Sir The Baptist / John Mark Nelson / Tangerine / Summer Cannibals / Thunderpussy / Ladybug Mecca / Wimps / Iska Dhaaf / Ruler / Grace Love and the True Loves / Ty Segall and The Muggers / Fauna Shade / Mindie Lind / Natasha Leggero / Moshe Kasher
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