Rubberfresh Concert History

They move far off from diverse mainstream radio stations and away from the so called americloned "bubblegum-pop" and have even less in common with the modern child slaves of Superstar and Starmania shootingstars. Whoever is trying to find the 4 boys of Rubberfresh in one of the existing drawers in the music scene is looking without success. Rubberfresh doesn't fit in those slots. The progressive Punkrockers with their psyched-up influence, if you like...

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 31, 2008 –
Aug 01, 2008
Heidenspass Festival #5 / 2008
Redlightsflash / 100% Meskalin / HSD / Law Found Guilt / Loony Brain / Reduce Speed Now / Rubberfresh / Soey / Surfaholics / The Bandgeek Mafia / The Cassidy Scenario / The Skaddicts
Culture X Club Tulln, Austria

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