ROZES's 2016 Concert History

Elizabeth Mencel (born April 14, 1993), known professionally as Rozes, was born into a jazz-loving family, she grew up in the affluent Philadelphia suburb of Montgomeryville. Taking to music early, she began piano lessons at age six and eventually became a multi-instrumental prodigy also proficient on clarinet, saxophone, guitar, violin, flute, and trumpet, as well as an accomplished singer. The Pennsylvania pop singer/songwriter got her first big hit working with massive EDM stars the Chainsmokers before releasing her own debut EP.

United States
Female Vocalists
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UK Pop
Indie Poptimism
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2018 6 concerts
2017 47 concerts
2016 11 concerts
 Chris Balint
 Patricia M
 Sacramento Shows
 Sam Eaton
 Brennah Soboslai

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