Blackened post-punk-gaze for Nine Inch Nails fans? Indie metal, perhaps? Who's to say. It's Ronker from Belgium and their first singles ('Goliath' and 'Shame') came out in April and October 2022, respectively, with an EP (Self Loathing Self Help) set for release in early 2023.
Rory / Tarmac / Ronker / Out of love / Lowlives / Love Rarely / Last Hounds / Hunny Buzz / Hidden Mothers / Freddie Halkon / GIRLBAND! / Cyan Kicks / Chastity / Catbite / Bruise Control / Employed To Serve / Gel / La Dispute / Imminence / Alexisonfire
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Alexisonfire / letlive. / RØRY / Vukovi / SPRINTS / Imminence / La Dispute / As December Falls / Gel / Future of the Left / Anxious / Employed To Serve / The Hara / Vower / Birds In Row / Black Foxxes / Lowlives / GIRLBAND! / Catbite / Chastity / Humour / Out of love / Pest Control / Eyes / Daytime TV / Last Hounds / Ronker / Bad Sign (UK) / Tarmac / Cyan Kicks / Freddie Halkon / Ben Brown
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Alexisonfire / letlive. / RØRY / Vukovi / SPRINTS / Imminence / La Dispute / As December Falls / Gel / Furture Of The Left / Anxious / Employed To Serve / The Hara / Vower / Birds In Row / Black Foxxes / Lowlives / Catbite / GIRLBAND! / Chastity / Humour / Out of love / Pest Control / Eyes / Daytime TV / Last Hounds / Hidden Mothers / Ronker / Bruise Control / Bad Sign / Tarmac / Love Rarely / Hunny Buzz / Cyan Kicks / Freddie Halkon / Ben Brown
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Strand of Oaks / Whispering Sons / King Hannah / Mclusky / Suuns / Loverman / Pedro The Lion / Snapped Ankles / Rendez-Vous / Duyster. / This Is The Kit / Dylan LeBlanc / SNõõPER / Ibibio Sound Machine / Dijf Sanders / Dame Area / DJ St. Paul / Deeper / Prison Affair / Omni / Mohammad Syfkhan / The Grogans / Beige Banquet / ILA / University / Wombo / O. / Tapir! / Ronker / Aunty Rayzor / Bob Uit Zuid / Victor De Roo / COLLIGNON / Dorpsstraat 3 / Movulango / Axis: Sova / Few Bits / Ayco & Eppo / Cat Clyde / Bad Bangs / Koala Disco / Tje / cool sorcery / Plexi Stad / Great Gable / Nick Du Soleil / Kill Test / Aardpeer / Ciggy Sunday / Cookies & Tyler / Kleinpunk / push baby / Lil Alia / Rosie Stuart / Saving Nico / A Boy Called French Town / Maquillage / Blue Genes / Cesars Palace / Thiron / Marcelle
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Architects / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / While She Sleeps / Thy Art Is Murder / Biohazard / Fit for a King / For I Am King / ERRA / Another Now / Bury Tomorrow / Bane / Crosses (†††) / The Black Dahlia Murder / Dead By April / Bob Vylan / Escape the Fate / Brand of Sacrifice / Comeback Kid / Alpha Wolf / Thursday / Incendiary / Spanish Love Songs / Harm's Way / Guilt Trip / Mindwar / Changing Tides / Snuff / NeuFX / George Baker / King Prawn / The Chisel / P.O. Box / Burnout Boys / Ronker / Campus / Andy and the Antichrist
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Jera On Air / Architects / Dropkick Murphys / Electric Callboy / The Prodigy / Bad Religion / Bane / Biohazard / Bodycount / Bury Tomorrow / Enter Shikari / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Ice Nine Kills / Lionheart / Me First And The Gimme Gimmes / Of Mice & Men / Simple Plan / Suicidal Tendencies / Sum 41 / TesseracT / Thy Art Is Murder / While She Sleeps / Alpha Wolf / Amenra / Andy and the Antichrist / Annisokay / Another Now / As Everything Unfolds / Atreyu / Authority Zero / Better Lovers / Bleed From Within / Bob Vylan / Bongloard / Boston Manor / Brand of Sacrifice / Brutus / Burnout Boys / Campus / Caskets / City Morgue / Comeback Kid / Conservative Military Image / Counterparts / Crosses (†††) / Dead By April / Death Before Dishonor / Death Lens / Deez Nuts / Delinquent Habits / Distant / Dropout Kings / Dune Rats / Dying Wish / Elvana / End It / ERRA / Escape the Fate / Fit for a King / For I Am King / Gel / George Baker / Get the Shot / Grade 2 / Guilt Trip / HANABIE. / Hang Youth / Harm's Way / Heriot / Ho99o9 / Holding Absence / Hot Mulligan / Imminence / Incendiary / Jaya The Cat / Jivebomb / King Prawn / Knosis / Madball / Magic Tom & Yuri / Make Them Suffer / MakeWar / Mindforce / Mindwar / Movements / Neck Deep / Nephylim / NeuFX / NO WAY / Orgel Joke / Ploegendienst / P.O. Box / Pressure Pact / Psychonaut / Ronker / Secondhand Saints / Sha La Lees / Scowl / Shadow of Intent / Show Me The Body / Silverstein / Sing Along Riot / Snuff / Spanish Love Songs / Talco / Temptations for the weak / The Acacia Strain / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Bloody Beetroots (DJ Set) / The Broken Horizon / The Chisel / The Locos / The Rumjacks / The Young Ones / Thrown / Thursday / Tusky / Wargasm / Wortelstemp / Zulu / Changing Tides / Adamant Scream / Cavaussi / Cluster / De Cultuurbarbaren / Deformer / Delver / French II / Gimli / gladde paling / Hellfish / HUV
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Architects / Dropkick Murphys / Electric Callboy / The Prodigy / Bad Religion / Bane / Biohazard / Body Count / Bury Tomorrow / Enter Shikari / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Suicidal Tendencies / Sum 41 / TesseracT / Thy Art Is Murder / While She Sleeps / Alpha Wolf / Amenra / Andy & the Antichrist / Annisokay / Another Now / As Everything Unfolds / Atreyu / Authority Zero / Better Lovers / Bleed From Within / Bob Vylan / Bongloard / Boston Manor / Brand of Sacrifice / Brutus / Conservative Military Image / Counterparts / Crosses (†††) / Dead By April / The Burnout Boys / Campus / Caskets / City Morgue / Comeback Kid / Death Before Dishonour / Death Lens / Deez Nuts / Delinquent Habits / Distant / Dropout Kings / Dune Rats / Dying Wish / Elvana / End It / ERRA / Escape the Fate / Fit for a King / For I Am King / George Baker / Get the Shot / Grade 2 / Guilt Trip / HANABIE. / Hang Youth / Imminence / Incendiary / Jaya The Cat / Jivebomb / Harm’s Way / Heriot / Ho99o9 / Holding Absence / Hot Mulligan / King Prawn / Knosis / Madball / Magic Tom & Yuri / Make Them Suffer / MakeWar / Mindforce / Mindwar / Movements / Neck Deep / Nephylim / NeuFX / NO WAY / Orgel Joke / Ploegendienst / P.O. Box / Scowl / Shadow of Intent / Pressure Pact / Psychonaut / Ronker / Secondhand Saints / The Sha La Lees / Show Me The Body / Silverstein / Sing Along Riot / Snuff / Spanish Love Songs / Talco / Temptations for the weak / The Acacia Strain / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Bloody Beetroots / The Broken Horizon / The Chisel / The Locos / The Rumjacks / The Young Ones / Thrown / Thursday / Tusky / Wargasm / Wortelstemp / Zulu / Ice Nine Kills / Of Mice & Men / Simple Plan / Lionheart
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Electric Callboy / Authority Zero / Bad Religion / Get the Shot / Body Count / The Sha La Lees / Imminence / Hot Mulligan / Madball / Death Lens / Movements / Ploegendienst / Shadow of Intent / Pressure Pact / Knosis / Gel / Dropkick Murphys / Psychonaut / Simple Plan / The Rumjacks / Sum 41 / Conservative Military Image / Of Mice & Men / Mindforce / Ice Nine Kills / Talco / Hang Youth / Show Me The Body / Suicidal Tendencies / Temptations for the weak / Counterparts / Jaya The Cat / Neck Deep / The Broken Horizon / Silverstein / Brutus / MakeWar / Better Lovers / Scowl / Bleed From Within / The Young Ones / Grade 2 / Dying Wish / HANABIE. / Nephylim / Thrown / Tusky / Holding Absence / Second Hand Saints / Heriot / NO WAY / Architects / Snuff / Bury Tomorrow / Comeback Kid / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / NeuFX / Bane / Alpha Wolf / George Baker / While She Sleeps / King Prawn / Crosses (†††) / Thursday / Thy Art Is Murder / The Chisel / The Black Dahlia Murder / Incendiary / Biohazard / P.O. Box / Dead By April / Spanish Love Songs / Fit for a King / The Burnout Boys / Bob Vylan / Harm's Way / For I Am King / Ronker / Escape the Fate / Guilt Trip / ERRA / Campus / Brand of Sacrifice / Annisokay / Mindwar / Andy & the Antichrist / Another Now / Changing Tides / The Prodigy / Enter Shikari / Amenra / TesseracT / Orgel Joke / Lionheart / Wargasm / Me First And The Gimme Gimmes / Delinquent Habits / Atreyu / Zulu / Caskets / Elvana / Boston Manor / Distant / The Locos / Dune Rats / The Bloody Beetroots / Death Before Dishonor / Make Them Suffer / Wortelstemp / The Acacia Strain / Dropout Kings / As Everything Unfolds / Bongloard / Deez Nuts / Jivebomb
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The Prodigy / Enter Shikari / TesseracT / Me First And The Gimme Gimmes / Lionheart / Amenra / As Everything Unfolds / Atreyu / Bongloard / Boston Manor / Caskets / Death Before Dishonor / Deez Nuts / Dropout Kings / Dune Rats / Elvana / HO9909 / Jivebomb / Make Them Suffer / NeuFX / Orgel Joke / Sing Along Riot / Slapshot / The Acacia Strain / The Locos / Wargasm / Wortelstemp / Zulu / De Rooie Jager / Architects / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / While She Sleeps / Thy Art Is Murder / Biohazard / Bane / Bury Tomorrow / Alpha Wolf / Andy & the Antichrist / Annisokay / Another Now / Bob Vylan / Brand of Sacrifice / The Burnout Boys / Campus / City Morgue / Comeback Kid / Dead By April / Delinquent Habits / ERRA / Escape the Fate / For I Am King / Fit for a King / George Baker / Guilt Trip / Harm’s Way / Incendiary / King Prawn / Mindwar / P.O. Box / Ronker / Snuff / Spanish Love Songs / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Chisel / Thursday / Changing Tides / Dropkick Murphys / Sum 41 / Simple Plan / Ice Nine Kills / Suicidal Tendencies / Of Mice & Men / Better Lovers / Bleed From Within / Brutus / Conservative Military Image / Counterparts / Dying Wish / End It / Grade 2 / HANABIE. / Hang Youth / Heriot / Holding Absence / Jaya The Cat / MakeWar / Mindforce / Neck Deep / Nephylim / NO WAY / Psychonaut / Scowl / Secondhand Saints / Show Me The Body / Silverstein / Talco / Temptations for the weak / The Broken Horizon / The Rumjacks / The Young Ones / Thrown / Tusky / Electric Callboy / Body Count & Ice-T / Bad Religion / Authority Zero / Death Lens / Gel / Get the Shot / Hot Mulligan / Imminence / Knosis / Madball / Movements / Ploegendienst / Pressure Pact / Shadow of Intent / The Sha La Lees
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While She Sleeps / Thy Art Is Murder / Bane / Alpha Wolf / Bob Vylan / Bury Tomorrow / Comeback Kid / ERRA / Simple Plan / Fit for a King / Incendiary / Dropkick Murphys / Sum 41 / Ice Nine Kills / Biohazard / Better Lovers / Bleed From Within / Counterparts / Hang Youth / Silverstein / Electric Callboy / Bad Religion / Authority Zero / Gel / Get the Shot / Hot Mulligan / Knosis / Madball / Ploegendienst / Shadow of Intent / Neck Deep / Boston Manor / Enter Shikari / The Prodigy / Make Them Suffer / Architects / Body Count & Ice-T / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Lionheart / Me First And The Gimme Gimmes / Of Mice & Men / Suicidal Tendencies / TesseracT / Amenra / Andy and the Antichrist / Annisokay / Another Now / As Everything Unfolds / Atreyu / Bongloard / Brand of Sacrifice / Brutus / The Burnout Boys / Campus / Caskets / City Morgue / Conservative Military Image / Dead By April / Death Before Dishonour / Death Lens / Deez Nuts / Delinquent Habits / Dropout Kings / Dune Rats / Dying Wish / Elvana / End It / Escape the Fate / For I Am King / George Baker / Grade 2 / Guilt Trip / HANABIE. / Harms Way / Heriot / Ho99o9 / Holding Absence / Imminence / Jaya The Cat / Jivebomb / King Prawn / Magic Tom & Yuri / MakeWar / Mindforce / Mindwar / Movements / Nephylim / NeuFX / NO WAY / Orgel Joke / P.O.Box / Pressure Pact / Psychonaut / Ronker / Secondhand Saints / Show Me The Body / Sing Along Riot / Slapshot / Snuff / Spanish Love Songs / Talco / Temptations for the weak / The Acacia Strain / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Broken Horizon / The Chisel / The Locos / The Rumjacks / The Young Ones / Thrown / Thursday / Tusky / Wargasm / Wortelstemp / Zulu / Changing Tides
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While She Sleeps / Thy Art Is Murder / Bane / Alpha Wolf / Bob Vylan / Bury Tomorrow / Comeback Kid / ERRA / Fit for a King / Incendiary / Dropkick Murphys / Sum 41 / Simple Plan / Ice Nine Kills / Biohazard / Better Lovers / Bleed From Within / Counterparts / Hang Youth / Silverstein / Electric Callboy / Bad Religion / Authority Zero / Get the Shot / Gel / Hot Mulligan / Knosis / Madball / Ploegendienst / Shadow of Intent / Architects / Ice-T & Body Count / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Of Mice & Men / Suicidal Tendencies / Annisokay / Another Now / Brutus / Conservative Military Image / Dying Wish / End It / For I Am King / Grade 2 / Guilt Trip / HANABIE. / Harm's Way / Heriot / Holding Absence / Imminence / Jaya The Cat / King Prawn / MakeWar / Mindforce / Mindwar / Movements / Neck Deep / Scowl / Show Me The Body / Snuff / Spanish Love Songs / The Black Dahlia Murder / The Rumjacks / Thrown / Thursday / The Prodigy / Enter Shikari / HO9909 / Me First And The Gimme Gimmes / Boston Manor / The Acacia Strain / Make Them Suffer / Dropout Kings / As Everything Unfolds / Slapshot / NeuFX / Andy and the Antichrist / Atreyu / Amenra / Bongloard / Brand of Sacrifice / The Burnout Boys / Campus / City Morgue / Death Before Dishonour / Dead By April / Deez Nuts / Delinquent Habits / Dune Rats / Escape the Fate / George Baker / Jivebomb / Lionheart / Nephylim / NO WAY / Orgel Joke / PO Box / Pressure Pact / Psychonaut / Ronker / Secondhand Saints / The Sha La Lees / Talco / Temptations for the weak / TesseracT / The Broken Horizon / The Chisel / The Locos / The Young Ones / Tusky / Wargasm / Wortelstemp / Zulu / Caskets / Changing Tides / Elvana / Death Lens / Magic Tom & Yuri / Sing Along Riot / Posij / Pythius / Nymfo / Yorobi / King of Snake / Delver / Cluster / De Cultuurbarbaren / gladde paling / Outerspass / Korsakoff / Nosferatu / Vegan Music / Cavaussi / Gimli / RPG / No Barrier / HUV / Unexist / Hellfish / Thrasher / Deformer / Adamant Scream / Sonico / !!¡¡ / Okitap / French II / Rups / Crosses (†††) / Distant
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