rodney franklin Concert Photos

Born 1958, Berkeley, California.All round keyboard player and composer playing piano from the age of six. Only commercial success "The Groove" but well respected amongst other musicians touring with the likes of Kenny G. and Stevie Wonder.

Earl Klugh / Noel Pointer / Rodney Franklin on Mar 5, 1982 [083-small]

Earl Klugh / Noel Pointer / Rodney Franklin
Mar 5, 1982
 St. Louis, Missouri, United States
  Uploaded by Louise Halsey

Earl Klugh / Noel Pointer / Rodney Franklin on Mar 5, 1982 [894-small]

Earl Klugh / Noel Pointer / Rodney Franklin
Mar 5, 1982
 St. Louis, Missouri, United States
  Uploaded by Louise Halsey

1982 2 photos

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