Rocket Sauce Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 03, 2015 –
Jul 05, 2015
Na Fir Bolg 2015
Broes XL / Four Fingered Fre and Friends / Barefoot and The Shoes / Arbeid Adelt! / The Scabs / Firkin / Angela Campbell / Emzjs & 't Koadazer / Rocket Sauce / Farce Fatale / Bottle of Moonshine / Selfish Murphy / Het Zesde Metaal / Fixkes / De Mens / Guido Belcanto / De Post met Koen de Graeve / sens unique / D & the MP's / Walrus / Captain's Beard / Bunch of Bastards / Harmonie Vorselaar / De Planken / Lais / Kleinkunstrockband / Yevgueni Show all bands
Sassenhout Vorselaar, Flanders, Belgium
Pop Punk
Neon Pop Punk
Piano Rock
Pop Emo
Fort Worth Indie
 Raydio Radio

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