Riddenpaa's 2008 Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 24, 2008
CMJ Music Marathon
"CMJ Music Marathon" / Tara Jane O'Neil / Al James The Unfazed / Tenlons Fort / Dragging An Ox Through Water / Strangers Die Everyday / STRFKR / The Helio Sequence / Monotonix / People Under the Stairs / Mike G. / Stetsasonic / Jungle Brothers / Mae Shi / DJ Babu / YZ / Zimbabwe Legit / Cadence (NY) / An Albatross / Akimbo / Best Fwends / White Rainbow / Rob Walmart / Blind Pilot / Nudge / Riddenpaa / Au Show all bands
Knitting Factory Brooklyn New York, New York, United States
Classical Performance
Ambient Lo-Fi
Portland Oregon USA
Swedish Psychedelic Rock
2008 1 concert
2007 1 concert
2006 1 concert

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