Relent is a Christian hard rock band with a very unique touch of styles and a message that is guaranteed to shake the foundations of the Christian Rock scene.
Pantera / Slipknot / Godsmack / Ice Cube / Papa Roach / Falling In Reverse / In This Moment / Highly Suspect / Ice Nine Kills / Asking Alexandria / The Ghost Inside / Everclear / Wage War / Jinjer / Gwar / Soul Asylum / Dorothy / Alien Ant Farm / Orianthi / Suicide Silence / 10 Years / Mushroomhead / Cherry Bombs / Fame On Fire / Vended / Crobot / Gemini Syndrome / New Years Day / Plush / Dayseeker / Tallah / Eva Under Fire / Gideon / The Lonely Ones / Saul / No Resolve / Kingdom Collapse / Versus Me / Moon Fever / Citizen kane / Widow7 / Dark Heavens / Relent / Lovely World / KINGS COUNTY / Normundy / Weekend Picnic / MVRROW / Magg Dylan / The Almas / Drift / Silvertung / The SoapGirls / Emperors & Angels / Ghosts Of The Mississippi / Scattered Hamlet / Artifas / Bourbon House / Nuisance / Sin7 / Rebel Queens / Ratchet Dolls / 9th Planet / Old Voltage / Sons of Guns / Giznad / Thrash Of The Titans / The Hybrid Theory / Shotgun Superstars / Scarlet / Contingency / Carbellion / FM Down / Saint Tragedy / The Over Unders
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No Resolve / Moon Fever / The Lonely Ones / September Mourning / Alien Ant Farm / Gemini Syndrome / Soul Asylum / Widow7 / Sin7 / Magg Dylan / Saint Tragedy / Scattered Hamlet / Thrash Of The Titans / Fame On Fire / Ghosts Of The Mississippi / Suicide Silence / Eva Under Fire / MVRROW / Orianthi / Carbellion / Giznad / Vended / In This Moment / Mushroomhead / Weekend Picnic / Ice Cube / The Ghost Inside / Pantera / Dark Heavens / Rebel Queens / nuisance / Artifas / Lost In A Name / Shotgun Superstars / The Almas / Gideon / Emperors & Angels / Cherry Bombs / Normundy / Saul / Wage War / Contingency / Crobot / Sons of Guns / Ice Nine Kills / Jinjer / Kingdom Collapse / Falling In Reverse / Flyleaf with Lacy Strum / Versus Me / Slipknot / KINGS COUNTY / Bourbon House / Drift / The Hybrid Theory / The Over Unders / The SoapGirls / Silvertung / 10 Years / Dayseeker / Lovely World / Gwar / Old Voltage / Scarlet / Sleep Theory / Highly Suspect / Dorothy / Relent / Papa Roach / Everclear / Godsmack / Citizen kane / Ratchet Dolls / Plush
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Alien Ant Farm / Artifas / Bourbon House / Carbellion / Cherry Bombs / Citizen kane / Contingency / Crobot / Dark Heavens / Dayseeker / Dorothy / Drift / Emperors & Angels / Eva Under Fire / Everclear / Falling In Reverse / Fame On Fire / Gemini Syndrome / Ghosts Of The Mississippi / Gideon / Giznad / Godsmack / Gwar / Highly Suspect / Ice Cube / Ice Nine Kills / In This Moment / Jinjer / Kingdom Collapse / KINGS COUNTY / Lost In A Name / Lovely World / Magg Dylan / Moon Fever / Mushroomhead / MVRROW / No Resolve / Normundy / nuisance / Old Voltage / Orianthi / Pantera / Papa Roach / Plush / Ratchet Dolls / Rebel Queens / Relent / Saint Tragedy / Saul / Scarlet / Scattered Hamlet / September Mourning / Shotgun Superstars / Silvertung / Sin7 / Slipknot / Sons of Guns / Soul Asylum / Suicide Silence / The Almas / The Ghost Inside / The Hybrid Theory / The Lonely Ones / The Over Unders / The SoapGirls / Thrash Of The Titans / Vended / Versus Me / Wage War / Weekend Picnic / Widow7 / 9th Planet / Flyleaf / Sleep Theory
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Godsmack / Papa Roach / Highly Suspect / Everclear / Slipknot / Falling In Reverse / Ice Nine Kills / Pantera / Ice Cube / In This Moment / The Ghost Inside / Soul Asylum / Alien Ant Farm / Gemini Syndrome / The Lonely Ones / Gwar / Dorothy / 10 Years / Plush / Dayseeker / Wage War / Mushroomhead / Cherry Bombs / Crobot / Gideon / Saul / Jinjer / Orianthi / Suicide Silence / Vended / Fame On Fire / Eva Under Fire / Silvertung / Bourbon House / The SoapGirls / Ratchet Dolls / Relent / Citizen kane / Emperors & Angels / nuisance / Artifas / 9th Planet / Kingdom Collapse / Versus Me / Ghosts Of The Mississippi / Sin7 / Scattered Hamlet / Rebel Queens / Weekend Picnic / MVRROW / Magg Dylan / Dark Heavens / Giznad / Thrash Of The Titans / Carbellion / Saint Tragedy / Normundy / The Almas / Kings Country / Sons of Guns / Shotgun Superstars / Contingency / FM Down / Lovely World / Drift / Old Voltage / The Hybrid Theory / Scarlet / The Over Unders / No Resolve / Moon Fever / Widow7 / FLYLEAF with Lacey Sturm / Sleep Theory
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Saint Tragedy / Carabellion / Thrash Of The Titans / Giznad / Dark Heavens / Magg Dylan / MVRROW / Weekend Picnic / Rebel Queens / Scattered Hamlet / Sin7 / Ghosts Of The Mississippi / Eva Under Fire / Fame On Fire / Vended / Suicide Silence / Orianthi / Jinjer / The Ghost Inside / In This Moment / Ice Cube / Pantera / FM Down / Contingency / Shotgun Superstars / Sons of Guns / KINGS COUNTY / The Almas / Normundy / Versus Me / Kingdom Collapse / 9th Planet / Artifas / Emperors and Angels / Saul / Gideon / Crobot / Cherry Bombs / Wage War / Sleep Theory / Ice Nine Kills / Falling In Reverse / Slipknot / The Over Unders / Scarlet / The Hybrid Theory / Old Voltage / Drift / Lovely World / Citizen kane / Relent / Ratchet Dolls / The SoapGirls / Bourbon House / Silvertung / Dayseeker / Plush / 10 Years / Dorothy / Gwar / Everclear / Highly Suspect / Papa Roach / Godsmack / Soul Asylum / Alien Ant Farm / Gemini Syndrome / The Lonely Ones / No Resolve / Moon Fever / Window7 / September Mourning / nuisance / Flyleaf / Mushroomhead
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Disturbed / Lamb Of God / Saliva / Wage War / Hoobastank / Lacey Sturm / Solence / 3 Doors Down / Seether / New Found Glory / grandson / Nonpoint / Otherwise / Icon for Hire / Killswitch Engage / Hollywood Undead / Story of the Year / Baroness / Demon Hunter / Enter Shikari / Tetrarch / Burden of the Sky / Velvet Chains / Knocked Loose / The Amity Affliction / Silverstein / The Devil Wears Prada / ERRA / Stray From The Path / Jeris Johnson / Silent Planet / Holding Absence / Texas In July / Suicide Silence / Attack Attack! / Project 86 / Dying Wish / The Other LA / GFM / No Resolve / Relent / (hed)PE
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Ghost / Ice Cube / Anthrax / In This Moment / Daughtry / Jelly Roll / Nothing More / Pop Evil / Sleeping With Sirens / Cannibal Corpse / Spiritbox / We Came As Romans / Bad Wolves / Kittie / Shadows Fall / Hinder / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Attila / Hawthorne Heights / The Union Underground / RED / Counterparts / A Skylit Drive / Comeback Kid / Fire From the Gods / Unearth / Norma Jean / Smile Empty Soul / Palisades / Brand of Sacrifice / Alpha Wolf / Islander / Afterlife / Sleep Token / The Lonely Ones / Vampires Everywhere / Get the Shot / Lansdowne / Braincell / Preacher / Plainview / Mudvayne / A Day To Remember / Halestorm / Alice Cooper / Gojira / Underoath / Down / Theory of a Deadman / Sevendust / Badflower / Candlebox / Insane Clown Posse / In Flames / Hatebreed / All That Remains / Buckcherry / Bad Omens / Memphis May Fire / Whitechapel / Zero 9:36 / Slaughter To Prevail / Saving Abel / Dayseeker / Bleeding Through / Fit For An Autopsy / Darkest Hour / Point North / Siamese / Orbit Culture / Vended / Close Your Eyes / Blacktop Mojo / Small Town Titans / Zao / He Is Legend / SeeYouSpaceCowboy / Silvertung / Vangogo / Dying Oath / Dragged Under / Hollow Intent / Dead Fervor / Frame 42 / Slipknot / Tenacious D / I Prevail / Pennywise / Skillet / Pierce the Veil / Motionless In White / Ice Nine Kills / Starset / Black Veil Brides / Thrice / GWAR / God Forbid / Apocalyptica / Queensrÿche / Fit for a King / Adelitas Way / Chelsea Grin / Mushroomhead / Powerman 5000 / The Plot In You / Stick To Your Guns / The Acacia Strain / Municipal Waste / Butcher Babies / Terror / Kublai Khan TX / The Word Alive / Crowbar / Upon A Burning Body / Redlight King / Hollow Front / The Dead Daisies / Traitors / Varials / Left To Suffer / Awake at Last / Any Given Sin / Next Attempt / Two Sides of Me / We Demand Parachutes / Disturbed / 3 Doors Down / Lamb Of God / Seether / New Found Glory / Killswitch Engage / Hollywood Undead / Saliva / Wage War / Knocked Loose / grandson / The Amity Affliction / Silverstein / Story of the Year / Baroness / Hoobastank / The Devil Wears Prada / Enter Shikari / Suicide Silence / Demon Hunter / Nonpoint / Lacey Sturm / Texas In July / ERRA / Stray From The Path / Tetrarch / Attack Attack! / Silent Planet / Otherwise / Twiztid / Jeris Johnson / Project 86 / Icon for Hire / Holding Absence / (hed) p.e. / Solence / Dying Wish / No Resolve / Relent / Velvet Chains / The Other LA / Stone Temple Pilots / Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh
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Plainview / Preacher / Braincell / Frame 42 / Lansdowne / Get the Shot / Vampires Everywhere / Sleep Token / Afterlife / Islander / Alpha Wolf / Brand of Sacrifice / Vended / Siamese / Palisades / Smile Empty Soul / Norma Jean / Unearth / Fire From the Gods / Comeback Kid / A Skylit Drive / Counterparts / RED / The Union Underground / Hawthorne Heights / Attila / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Hinder / Shadows Fall / Kittie / Bad Wolves / We Came As Romans / Spiritbox / Sleeping With Sirens / Pop Evil / Nothing More / Jelly Roll / Daughtry / In This Moment / Anthrax / Stone Temple Pilots / Ice Cube / Ghost / Dead Fervor / Hollow Intent / Awake at Last / Dragged Under / Dying Oath / Vangogo / Silvertung / SeeYouSpaceCowboy / He Is Legend / Zao / Small Town Titans / Blacktop Mojo / Close Your Eyes / Orbit Culture / Point North / Darkest Hour / Fit For An Autopsy / Bleeding Through / Dayseeker / Slaughter To Prevail / Zero 9:36 / Whitechapel / Memphis May Fire / Bad Omens / Buckcherry / All That Remains / Hatebreed / In Flames / Insane Clown Posse / Candlebox / Badflower / Sevendust / Theory of a Deadman / Down / Underoath / Gojira / Alice Cooper / Halestorm / A Day To Remember / Mudvayne / We Demand Parachutes / Two Sides of Me / Next Attempt / Any Given Sin / Left To Suffer / Varials / Traitors / The Dead Daisies / Hollow Front / Redlight King / Upon A Burning Body / Crowbar / The Word Alive / Kublai Khan TX / Terror / Butcher Babies / Municipal Waste / The Acacia Strain / Stick To Your Guns / The Plot In You / Mushroomhead / Chelsea Grin / From Ashes to New / Adelitas Way / Fit for a King / Queensrÿche / Apocalyptica / God Forbid / GWAR / Thrice / Black Veil Brides / Starset / Ice Nine Kills / Motionless In White / Pierce the Veil / Skillet / Pennywise / I Prevail / Tenacious D / Slipknot / The Other LA / Velvet Chains / Relent / GFM / The Lonely Ones / No Resolve / Dying Wish / Solence / (hed) p.e. / Holding Absence / Icon for Hire / Project 86 / Jeris Johnson / Twiztid / Otherwise / Silent Planet / Attack! / Tetrarch / Stray From The Path / ERRA / Texas In July / Lacey Sturm / Powerman 5000 / Nonpoint / Demon Hunter / Suicide Silence / Enter Shikari / The Devil Wears Prada / Hoobastank / Baroness / Story of the Year / Silverstein / The Amity Affliction / grandson / Knocked Loose / Wage War / Saliva / Hollywood Undead / Killswitch Engage / New Found Glory / Seether / Lamb Of God / 3 Doors Down / Disturbed / Bone Thugs-N-Harmony / Waka Flocka Flame / 3OH!3 / Emo Night Brooklyn / Nelly / Tech 9 / Noble Poets / Saving Abel / Attack Attack! / Cannibal Corpse / Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh
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3 Doors Down / Disturbed / Lamb Of God / Seether / Hollywood Undead / Saliva / New Found Glory / Wage War / Knocked Loose / grandson / The Amity Affliction / Silverstein / FEVER 333 / Baroness / Hoobastank / Story of the Year / The Devil Wears Prada / Enter Shikari / Demon Hunter / Suicide Silence / Nonpoint / ERRA / Texas In July / Lacey Sturm / Tetrarch / Jeris Johnson / Stray From The Path / Silent Planet / Attack! / Otherwise / Solence / Twiztid / Icon for Hire / Project 86 / (hed) p.e. / No Resolve / Holding Absence / Dying Wish / GFM / Relent / Velvet Chains / The Other LA / Killswitch Engage / Slipknot / (hed) p.e. / Tenacious D / Pennywise / GWAR / Thrice / God Forbid / Motionless In White / Terror / Ice Nine Kills / Mushroomhead / Powerman 5000 / Chelsea Grin / Municipal Waste / Mudvayne / Insane Clown Posse / Alice Cooper / Gojira / Hatebreed / In Flames / Whitechapel / Vended / Ghost / In This Moment / Anthrax / Ice Cube / Cannibal Corpse / Comeback Kid / Norma Jean / Shadows Fall / Kittie / Fire From the Gods / Burden of the Sky / Crazy Town / Alien Ant Farm / Pierce the Veil
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Last Nights Villain / Fate Destroyed / KINGS COUNTY / Crazy Town / Alien Ant Farm / A Skylit Drive / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Bad Wolves / Ghost / Smile Empty Soul / Fire From the Gods / Shadows Fall / Spiritbox / Nothing More / Daughtry / The Lonely Ones / RED / The Union Underground / Kittie / Ice Cube / Sleep Token / Afterlife / Palisades / Brand of Sacrifice / We Came As Romans / Plainview / Kingdom Collapse / Norma Jean / Bone Thugs-N-Harmony / Saving Abel / Candlebox / Sevendust / Theory of a Deadman / Mudvayne / Bleeding Through / Zao / Van Go Go / Hollow Intent / Dying Oath / Dead Fervor / Insane Clown Posse / Dayseeker / Dragged Under / Alice Cooper / Down / All That Remains / Whitechapel / Frame 42 / Halestorm / Buckcherry / Zero 9:36 / Blacktop Mojo / Stick To Your Guns / Starset / Upon A Burning Body / Left To Suffer / The Word Alive / Awake at Last / Tenacious D / GWAR / Powerman 5000 / Chelsea Grin / Butcher Babies / Crowbar / Redlight King / I Prevail / Ice Nine Kills / Slipknot / Skillet / Motionless In White / Tech N9ne / Nelly / Solence / Lacey Sturm / Wage War / Saliva / Lamb Of God / Disturbed / Texas In July / Project 86 / (hed) p.e. / Dying Wish / The Other LA / GFM / No Resolve / Relent / The Amity Affliction / The Devil Wears Prada / Holding Absence / Killswitch Engage / Demon Hunter / Tetrarch / Velvet Chains / Otherwise / New Found Glory / Seether / 3 Doors Down / Waka Flocka Flame
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Puddle of Mudd / Alien Ant Farm / Crazy Town / Burden of the Sky / KINGS COUNTY / Last Nights Villain / Fate Destroyed / Ice Cube / Stone Temple Pilots / Anthrax / In This Moment / Daughtry / Jelly Roll / Nothing More / Cannibal Corpse / Spiritbox / We Came As Romans / Bad Wolves / Pop Evil / Sleeping With Sirens / Kittie / Shadows Fall / Bone Thugs-N-Harmony / Waka Flocka Flame / Hinder / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Attila / Hawthorne Heights / RED / Counterparts / A Skylit Drive / Comeback Kid / Norma Jean / Fire From the Gods / Unearth / Smile Empty Soul / Palisades / Siamese / Vended / Brand of Sacrifice / Alpha Wolf / Islander / Afterlife / Sleep Token / The Lonely Ones / Vampires Everywhere! / Get the Shot / Lansdowne / Braincell / Preacher / Plainview / Kingdom Collapse / Mudvayne / A Day To Remember / Halestorm / Alice Cooper / Gojira / Underoath / Theory of a Deadman / Sevendust / Badflower / Candlebox / Insane Clown Posse / In Flames / Hatebreed / All That Remains / 3OH!3 / Buckcherry / Bad Omens / Whitechapel / Slaughter To Prevail / Saving Abel / Dayseeker / Bleeding Through / Fit For An Autopsy / Darkest Hour / Point North / Orbit Culture / Blacktop Mojo / Small Town Titans / Zao / He Is Legend / SeeYouSpaceCowboy / Silvertung / Dying Oath / Dragged Under / Awake at Last / Hollow Intent / Dead Fervor / Frame 42 / Close Your Eyes / Zero 9:36 / Slipknot / Tenacious D / I Prevail / Pennywise / Skillet / Pierce the Veil / Motionless In White / Ice Nine Kills / Nelly / Starset / Black Veil Brides / Thrice / GWAR / God Forbid / Apocalyptica / Queensrÿche / Tech N9ne / Fit for a King / Adelitas Way / From Ashes to New / Chelsea Grin / Powerman 5000 / The Plot In You / Stick To Your Guns / Sion / Municipal Waste / Butcher Babies / Terror / Kublai Khan TX / The Word Alive / Crowbar / Upon A Burning Body / Redlight King / Hollow Front / The Dead Daisies / Traitors / Varials / Left To Suffer / Any Given Sin / Next Attempt / Two Sides of Me / We Demand Parachutes / Noble Poets / Disturbed / Lamb Of God / Saliva / Wage War / Hoobastank / Lacey Sturm / Solence / 3 Doors Down / Seether / New Found Glory / grandson / Nonpoint / Otherwise / Icon for Hire / Killswitch Engage / Hollywood Undead / Story of the Year / Baroness / Demon Hunter / Enter Shikari / Tetrarch / Twiztid / Knocked Loose / The Amity Affliction / Silverstein / The Devil Wears Prada / ERRA / Jeris Johnson / Silent Planet / Holding Absence / Texas In July / Suicide Silence / Attack Attack! / Project 86 / Dying Wish / The Other LA / GFM / No Resolve / Relent / Mushroomhead / (hed) p.e. / Memphis May Fire / The Union Underground / Ghost / Stray From The Path / Van Go Go / Velvet Chains
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Disturbed / Knocked Loose / Killswitch Engage / 3 Doors Down / The Amity Affliction / Hollywood Undead / Lamb of God / Texas In July / Seether / Story of the Year / Silverstein / Suicide Silence / Saliva / Baroness / The Devil Wears Prada / New Found Glory / Attack Attack! / Demon Hunter / Project 86 / Wage War / ERRA / grandson / Enter Shikari / Hed P.E. / Stray From The Path / Hoobastank / Dying Wish / Tetrarch / Jeris Johnson / Nonpoint / The Other LA / Silent Planet / Twiztid / Lacey Sturm / GFM / Otherwise / Holding Absence / No Resolve / Solence / Icon for Hire / Velvet Chains / Relent / Tech N9ne / Nelly / Slipknot / Starset / I Prevail / Tenacious D / Pennywise / Skillet / Gwar / Stick To Your Guns / Pierce the Veil / Thrice / God Forbid / The Acaia Strain / Motionless In White / From Ashes to New / Terror / Queensryche / Ice Nine Kills / Fit for a King / Kublai Khan TX / Black Veil Brides / Mushroomhead / Apocalyptica / Hollow Front / The Plot in You / Powerman 5000 / Adelitas Way / Traitors / The Word Alive / Chelsea Grin / Municipal Waste / Varials / Upon A Burning Body / Butcher Babies / Lacuna Coil / Next Attempt / Left To Suffer / Crowbar / Two Sides of Me / Any Given Sin / We Demand Parachutes / Awake at Last / The Dead Daisies / Redlight King / 3OH!3 / Emo Night Brooklyn / Mudvayne / Insane Clown Posse / Alice Cooper / A Day To Remeber / Gojira / DOWN / Halestorm / Bleeding Through / Hatebreed / Bad Omens / Theory of a Deadman / Darkest Hour / Memphis May Fire / Underoath / In Flames / Close Your Eyes / Sevendust / Zao / Dayseeker / All That Remains / Badflower / He Is Legend / Dragged Under / Whitechapel / Candlebox / Vangogo / SeeYouSpaceCowboy / Slaughter To Prevail / Buckcherry / Silvertung / Siamese / Fit For An Autopsy / Saving Abel / Dead Fervor / Zero 9:36 / Vended / Orbit Culture / Hollow Intent / Point North / Dying Oath / Small Town Titans / Blacktop Mojo / Frame 42 / Waka Flocka Flame / Bone Thugs-N-Harmony / Ghost / Stone Temple Pilots / Jelly Roll / In This Moment / Anthrax / Ice Cube / Sleeping With Sirens / Daughtry / Counterparts / Cannibal Corpse / We Came As Romans / Comeback Kid / Kittie / Nothing More / Attila / Norma Jean / Hinder / Bad Wolves / Get The Shot / Hawthorne Heights / Spiritbox / Preacher / The Union Underground / Brand Of Sacrifice / Pop Evil / Vampires Everywhere / RED / Palisades / Shadows Fall / Lansdowne / Afterlife / Unearth / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Kingdom Collapse / Fire From the Gods / Alpha Wolf / Islander / Braincell / A Skylit Drive / Smile Empty Soul / Plainview / Sleep Token / The Lonely Ones / Puddle of Mudd / Alien Ant Farm / Crazytown / Burden of the Sky / KINGS COUNTY / Fate Destroyed / Last Nights Villain / Burden of the Sky
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Slipknot / Disturbed / Ghost / Mudvayne / Ice Cube / 3 Doors Down / A Day To Remember / Lamb Of God / Halestorm / Alice Cooper / Tenacious D / Stone Temple Pilots / Gojira / 3OH!3 / A Skylit Drive / Adelitas Way / Afterlife / Alien Ant Farm / All That Remains / Alpha Wolf / Anthrax / Any Given Sin / Apocalyptica / Attack Attack! / Attila / Awake at Last / Badflower / Bad Omens / Bad Wolves / Baroness / Black Veil Brides / Blacktop Mojo / Bleeding Through / Bone Thugs-N-Harmony / Braincell / Brand of Sacrifice / Buckcherry / Burden of the Sky / Butcher Babies / Candlebox / Cannibal Corpse / Chelsea Grin / Close Your Eyes / Comeback Kid / Counterparts / Crazy Town / Crowbar / Darkest Hour / Daughtry / Dayseeker / Dead Fervor / Demon Hunter / Down / Dragged Under / Dying Oath / Dying Wish / Emo Night Brooklyn / Enter Shikari / ERRA / Fate Destroyed / Fire From the Gods / Fit for a King / Fit For An Autopsy / Frame 42 / From Ashes to New / Get the Shot / God Forbid / GFM / grandson / GWAR / Hatebreed / Hawthorne Heights / He Is Legend / (hed) p.e. / Hinder / Holding Absence / Hollow Front / Hollow Intent / Hollywood Undead / Hoobastank / I Prevail / Ice Nine Kills / Icon for Hire / In Flames / In This Moment / Insane Clown Posse / Islander / Jelly Roll / Jeris Johnson / Killswitch Engage / Kingdom Collapse / KINGS COUNTY / Kittie / Knocked Loose / Kublai Khan TX / Lacey Sturm / Lansdowne / Last Nights Villain / Left To Suffer / Memphis May Fire / Motionless In White / Municipal Waste / Mushroomhead / Nelly / New Found Glory / Next Attempt / No Resolve / Noble Poets / Nonpoint / Norma Jean / Nothing More / Orbit Culture / Otherwise / Palisades / Pennywise / Pierce the Veil / Plainview / Point North / Pop Evil / Powerman 5000 / Preacher / Project 86 / Puddle of Mudd / Queensrÿche / RED / Redlight King / Relent / Saliva / Saving Abel / Seether / SeeYouSpaceCowboy / Sevendust / Shadows Fall / Siamese / Silent Planet / Silverstein / Silvertung / Skillet / Slaughter To Prevail / Sleep Token / Sleeping With Sirens / Small Town Titans / Smile Empty Soul / Solence / Spiritbox / Starset / Stick To Your Guns / Story of the Year / Stray From The Path / Suicide Silence / Tech N9ne / Terror / Tetrarch / Texas In July / The Acacia Strain / The Amity Affliction / The Dead Daises / The Devil Wears Prada / The Lonely Ones / The Plot In You / The Other LA / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / The Union Underground / The Word Alive / Theory of a Deadman / Thrice / Traitors / Twiztid / Two Sides of Me / Underoath / Unearth / Upon A Burning Body / Vampires Everywhere / Van Go Go / Varials / Velvet Chains / Vended / Wage War / Waka Flocka Flame / We Came As Romans / We Demand Parachutes / Whitechapel / Zao / Zero 9:36 / Point North / Siamese / Nothing More / Vampires Everywhere! / The Dead Daisies
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