Ray Rampage Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 01, 2014 –
Aug 02, 2014
Paul SG

Let It Roll 2014

Let It Roll 2014 Benešov, Central Bohemia, Czechia
Feb 14, 2014
Ram Records / Andy C / Loadstar / Delta Heavy / DC Breaks / Culture Shock / Spectrasoul / Audio / TC / Cutline / Dismantle / June Miller / Hamilton / Ben Dillon / Ray Rampage / Justyce / Lynx (UK) / Stealth / Teddy Killerz / Basher / Unknown Error...
Ram Records / Andy C / Loadstar / Delta Heavy / DC Breaks / Culture Shock / Spectrasoul / Audio / TC / Cutline / Dismantle / June Miller / Hamilton / Ben Dillon / Ray Rampage / Justyce / Lynx (UK) / Stealth / Teddy Killerz / Basher / Unknown Error / Bassline / K Eye Show all bands
Fabric London, England, United Kingdom
Dec 13, 2013
Ram Records / Andy C / Wilkinson / Calyx & Teebee / Loadstar / Goldie / Delta Heavy / Frankee / GQ / MC Ic3 / 2Shy / Visionobi / Cutline / North Base / June Miller / DC Breaks / Hamilton / Mind Vortex / Culture Shock / Unknown Error / Justyce / AD...
Ram Records / Andy C / Wilkinson / Calyx & Teebee / Loadstar / Goldie / Delta Heavy / Frankee / GQ / MC Ic3 / 2Shy / Visionobi / Cutline / North Base / June Miller / DC Breaks / Hamilton / Mind Vortex / Culture Shock / Unknown Error / Justyce / AD / Lenzman / Stealth / Xtrah / Basher / CRHOMA / Ray Rampage / Bassline / K Eye Show all bands
Fabric London, England, United Kingdom
May 17, 2013
Andy C / Chords Music / Killsonik / Loadstar / Culture Shock / DC Breaks / Hamilton / Mind Vortex / Cutline / B.Traits / Rockwell / June Miller / Frankee / Ray Rampage / Total Science / Bladerunner / Loko / Basher / Meth Fabric London, England, United Kingdom
Feb 01, 2013
Sub Focus Dj Set / Delta Heavy / Wilkinson / Culture Shock / Mind Vortex / Fabio / DC Breaks / Unknown Error / MC I.D / MC Ic3 / Fats (UK) / 2Shy / Ray Rampage / Doorly / Culprate / René LaVice / Hamilton / June Miller / Woz / Justyce / AD / Ulter...
Sub Focus Dj Set / Delta Heavy / Wilkinson / Culture Shock / Mind Vortex / Fabio / DC Breaks / Unknown Error / MC I.D / MC Ic3 / Fats (UK) / 2Shy / Ray Rampage / Doorly / Culprate / René LaVice / Hamilton / June Miller / Woz / Justyce / AD / Ulterior Motive / Kove / Frankee / CRHOMA / The System / Bassline Show all bands
Fabric London, England, United Kingdom
Dec 14, 2012
Andy C / Calyx & Teebee / Mind Vortex / Hamilton / Culture Shock / Shimon / Cyantific / DC Breaks / Wilkinson / Randall / Nymfo / Moving Fusion / Wickaman / Bryan Gee / René LaVice / The Red One / Break / Lowqui / AD / Bassline / Basher / Ray Ramp...
Andy C / Calyx & Teebee / Mind Vortex / Hamilton / Culture Shock / Shimon / Cyantific / DC Breaks / Wilkinson / Randall / Nymfo / Moving Fusion / Wickaman / Bryan Gee / René LaVice / The Red One / Break / Lowqui / AD / Bassline / Basher / Ray Rampage / Bladerunner / Meth / Frankee / Loko / CRHOMA / RV / Unknown Error / Visionobi / Fokus Show all bands
Fabric London, England, United Kingdom
Aug 10, 2012
EZ / Calyx & Teebee / Zed Bias / Total Science / Wilkinson / Hamilton / DC Breaks / Mind Vortex / Lowqui / Fats (UK) / MC Ic3 / Lenzman / Basher / Bladerunner / Krakota / Ray Rampage / 2Shy / Cyantific Fabric London, England, United Kingdom
Jun 08, 2012
Andy C / Phace & Misanthrop / Culture Shock / Hamilton / GQ / MC Ic3 / Justyce / MJ Cole / Artwork / Brookes Brothers / North Base / Basher / DC Breaks / Dynamite / 2Shy / Bassline / Chris.su / Fracture / D.o.s.e / Xtrah / Ray Rampage / Stealth / ...
Andy C / Phace & Misanthrop / Culture Shock / Hamilton / GQ / MC Ic3 / Justyce / MJ Cole / Artwork / Brookes Brothers / North Base / Basher / DC Breaks / Dynamite / 2Shy / Bassline / Chris.su / Fracture / D.o.s.e / Xtrah / Ray Rampage / Stealth / The System / Fokus / K Eye / Mensah / Kove / Ulterior Motive Show all bands
Fabric London, England, United Kingdom
Apr 13, 2012
Andy C / Goldie / Wilkinson / Hamilton / DC Breaks / Mind Vortex / GQ / Fats (UK) / MC Ic3 / Doorly / Delta Heavy / The Others / Spectrasoul / Xilent / June Miller / Basher / Ray Rampage / Justyce / 2Shy / Bassline / Octane & DLR / Spinline / Foku...
Andy C / Goldie / Wilkinson / Hamilton / DC Breaks / Mind Vortex / GQ / Fats (UK) / MC Ic3 / Doorly / Delta Heavy / The Others / Spectrasoul / Xilent / June Miller / Basher / Ray Rampage / Justyce / 2Shy / Bassline / Octane & DLR / Spinline / Fokus / Jc / Gusto Show all bands
Fabric London, England, United Kingdom
Dec 16, 2011
MC Gq / Chase & Status / MC Rage / Sub Focus / MC I.D / Loadstar / Texas MC / DC Breaks / Delta Heavy / Hamilton / The Red One / MC Ic3 / Justyce / Shy FX / Doctor P / Culture Shock / Toddla T / Wickaman / Basher / Ray Rampage / Mind Vortex / 2Shy...
MC Gq / Chase & Status / MC Rage / Sub Focus / MC I.D / Loadstar / Texas MC / DC Breaks / Delta Heavy / Hamilton / The Red One / MC Ic3 / Justyce / Shy FX / Doctor P / Culture Shock / Toddla T / Wickaman / Basher / Ray Rampage / Mind Vortex / 2Shy / AD / Stamina / Kasra / Spectrasoul / Sabre / Ant TC1 / Dub Phizix / Lx One / Drs Show all bands
Fabric London, England, United Kingdom
Oct 14, 2011
Andy C / DC Breaks / MJ Cole / DBridge / MC Ic3 / Sub Focus / MC I.D / Culture Shock / Loadstar / Texas MC / Delta Heavy / Fabio / Hamilton / The Red One / GQ / Fats (UK) / Wilkinson / High Rankin / 16Bit / Octane / DLR / Mind Vortex / 2 Shy / Jus...
Andy C / DC Breaks / MJ Cole / DBridge / MC Ic3 / Sub Focus / MC I.D / Culture Shock / Loadstar / Texas MC / Delta Heavy / Fabio / Hamilton / The Red One / GQ / Fats (UK) / Wilkinson / High Rankin / 16Bit / Octane / DLR / Mind Vortex / 2 Shy / Justyce / Bassline / Fierce / Nocturnal / Survival / Ray Rampage / Basher / MC Fokus Show all bands
Fabric London, England, United Kingdom
Oct 01, 2010
Xample & Lomax / NERO / Distance / Andy C / Break / Artificial Intelligence / Culture Shock / Hamilton / The Red One / GQ / Dynamite MC / Fats (UK) / Justyce / Sub Focus / Redlight / Jakwob / Delta Heavy / Wilkinson / MC Ic3 / SP:MC / Bassline / F...
Xample & Lomax / NERO / Distance / Andy C / Break / Artificial Intelligence / Culture Shock / Hamilton / The Red One / GQ / Dynamite MC / Fats (UK) / Justyce / Sub Focus / Redlight / Jakwob / Delta Heavy / Wilkinson / MC Ic3 / SP:MC / Bassline / Fierce / Vicious Circle / Survival / Ray Rampage / 2 Shy / AD Show all bands
Fabric London, England, United Kingdom
Hip Hop
Deep East Coast Hip Hop
Chinese Electropop
Taiwan Electronic
2014 2 concerts
2013 3 concerts
2012 4 concerts
2011 2 concerts
2010 1 concert

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