Rapalje's 2018 Concert History

The musicians of Rapalje with their wild hair and medieval kilts create flaming energy with their enthusiasm and motivation. With sensitive ballads, fiery songs and vivacious Celtic melodies Rapalje electrifies their audience. A concert of Rapalje is like a journey through time with recognizable licentiousness and a rough way of life.

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 01, 2018 –
Sep 02, 2018
Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum
Cesair / Cobblestones / Comes Vagantes / Cuélebre / Cultus Ferox / dArtagnan / Duivelspack / Faey / Faun / Forgotten North / Harmony Glen / Irdorath / Knasterbart / Krayenzeit / MacCabe & Kanaka / Mr. Hurley & Die Pulveraffen / Rapalje / Saltatio Mortis / Saor Patrol / The Dolmen / Tolstafanz / Versengold / Waldkauz / Weltenkrieger / Ye Banished Privateers / Fiddler's Green Show all bands
Öjendorfer Volkspark Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Aug 02, 2018 –
Aug 05, 2018
Rapalje / Coppelius / Eivor / Sowulo / Prima Nocta / The SIDH


Kasteel Keukenhof Lisse, South Holland, Netherlands
Jul 06, 2018 –
Jul 08, 2018
Na Fir Bolg 2018
De Joenges / MAF / Isolde / Ine + Michael Asnot / Radio Guga / Wör / Maaike Ouboter / Narrengold / Rik Verheyden / Douglas Firs / Verdwaald / Rapalje / Yellow City / pIE P. KLeiN / Fixkes / Arkona / Among the saints / Rick de Leeuw / Lost Highwayknight / Harmonie Vorselaar / Bram Desimpelaere / Ketnetband / Reginald en de bosbeesten / Frank Vander Linden / The Royal Hounds / Paddyhats / Skratt / De Kreuners / Mumfords calling Show all bands
Sassenhout Vorselaar, Flanders, Belgium
May 18, 2018 –
May 21, 2018
Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2018
The Jesus and Mary Chain / Wardruna / rome / Boy Harsher / The New Division / Front Line Assembly / The KVB / Tiamat / Mr.Kitty / Eivør / Heidevolk / Dive / Zeromancer / God Module / Greyhound / Les Discrets / Schandmaul / Paddy & the Rats / Skeletal Family / The Other / Solitary Experiments / SITD / Trisomie 21 / Author & Punisher / Seigmen / Diorama / Cellar Darling / First Hate / Arcana / Feuerschwanz / Drifter / Wolfchant / Ye Banished Privateers / Detachments / Centhron / Ash Code / Crisis / Grave Pleasures / Chameleons Vox / Second Still / Monolith / Heimataerde / Einar Selvik / Ost+Front / Rapalje / Zanias / Dool / Elegant Machinery / The Beauty of Gemina / Ataraxia / Illuminate / Samsas Traum / The Eden House / Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld / Raison d'Etre / Torul / Boytronic / Imperium Dekadenz / Dead Leaf Echo / Then Comes Silence / Vomito Negro / Nytt Land / The Crimson Ghosts / Autobahn / Phosgore / Grimner / Nothgard / Heldmaschine / Sturm Cafe / Traitrs / Bootblacks / A PROJECTION / Schonwald / E-Craft / Pyogenesis / Jo Quail / Principe Valiente / Trepaneringsritualen / Merciful Nuns / kiEw / Extize / Sarin / Monica Richards / Klutae / Kaunan / Hapax / Formalin / Synapscape / Fairytale / Undertheskin / Sulpher / CONFRONTATIONAL / Svartsinn / Hekate / Silent Runners / All Gone Dead / Black Line / Actors (CA) / Cesair / Seelennacht / ÆON RINGS / Kaizer / Ingrimm / Vogon Poetry / Imminent / Xenturion Prime / Haul / Eden Weint Im Grab / The Last Cry / Die Kammer / scheuber / crying vessel / Vocame / Oberer Totpunkt / SUIR / Mystigma / Traumtaenzer / Dageist / Molllust / Scarlet and the spooky spiders / Palast / Unterschicht / Black Light Ascension / Mercury's Antennae / Phil Shöenfelt & Southern Cross / Hexheart / Readership Hostile / Feline and Strange / Monica Jeffries / suld / Eminenz / Model Kaos / Fabrik C / Beinhaus / Surturs Lohe / Rosa Crvx / Stahlr / Nachtsucher / Totus Gaudeo / Buzz kill / Spark! (SWE) / Sardh / JOY/DISASTER (Fr) / midgards boten / Japan Selbstmord / kalter Krieg Show all bands
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Apr 06, 2018
Rapalje Calypso Wijk bij Duurstede, Netherlands
Feb 10, 2018
Rapalje Poppodium de Peppel Zeist, Utrecht, Netherlands
Celtic Rock
Irish Folk
Medieval Metal
Medieval Folk
Medieval Rock
Celtic Folk
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 Char Lotte99
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 Lotte Heres
 Lenny West
 Raydio Radio
 Erik Hannink
 Floele B
 Andrea Boekhout
 Miss Catpaw
 Lisa Nocturne
 Yor Smit
 Myn Ame

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