Ramazuri's 2006 Concert History

Ramazuri are a Austrian band, influenced by ska-punk bands such as Less than Jake. The band have developed a small following on Myspace and were formed in October last year (2005).

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 04, 2006 –
Aug 05, 2006
Heidenspass Festival #3 / 2006
Russkaja / Estate / Hindoslem / The Eccos / Ramazuri / Endiryah / The Staggers / Side Effect / Skeptic Eleptic / Lifestyle Heroes / The Cretins / Outsmarted
Culture X Club Tulln, Austria
Punk Rock
Ska Punk
2010 1 concert
2006 1 concert
 Fish Guts
 Ohngil Unkenbein

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