Quitehype Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 15, 2017 –
Jun 18, 2017
Firefly Music Festival 2017
888 / AFI / Alan Walker / Alex Wiley / Andy Frasco & the U.N. / Animal Years / Anna Lunoe / Anna Shoemaker / A R I Z O N A / Armani Lee / Astro 8000 / Ayokay / BANKS / Barns Courtney / Bencoolen / Benny Benassi / Big Wild / Bishop Briggs / Bleachers / Blossoms / Bob Dylan and The Band / Bob Moses / Busta Rhymes / Capital Cities / Carverton / Cashmere Cat / Chance the Rapper / Chill Moody / Cold Roses / Crywolf / CVBZ / Daya / Dead Man Fall / Deal Casino / Dillon Francis / DJ Jazzy Jeff / Dreamers / Dude Ranch & The Girl At the Rock Show / Eden / Elohim / Fickle Friends / Fletcher / Flume / Foreign Air / Francis & The Lights / Franz Ferdinand / Future Generations / Galantis / Glass Animals / Goody Grace / Gryffin / Hamilton Leithauser / Hamish Anderson / Handsome Ghost / Hardwork Movement / HDBEENDOPE / Ill Fated Natives / Illenium / Jacob Banks / James TW / Jared & The Mill / Joie Kathos / Jonas Blue / Judah & The Lion / K. Flay / Kaiydo / Kaleo / Kesha / Kevin Garrett / Lawrence / Lewis Del Mar / Lil Dicky / Louie Louie / Luke O’Brien / Maggie Rogers / Magic Giant / Matoma / Meg Mac / Michael Blume / Miike Snow / Miles Chancellor / Mir Fontane / MISSIO / Mondo Cozmo / Misterwives / MUNA / Muse / Nahko and Medicine for the People / NAWAS / New Madrid / NF / O.A.R. / OddKidOut / OK GO / Owel / Pardison Fontaine / Phantogram / Quinn XCII / QuiteHype / Rainbow Kitten Surprise / repeat repeat / Roadkill Ghost Choir / Rozes / Saint Wknd / Salt Cathedral / Savoir Adore / Secret Weapons / Shaed / Shizz lo / Short Sleeve Heart / Sir Sly / Sir The Baptist / Slushii / Snakeships / Sofi Tukker / Spiritual Rez / Steve James / Stick Figure / Sub-Radio / Sunflower Bean / T-Pain / Taylor Bennett / The Lawsuits / The Naked and Famous / The Orphan The Poet / The Shins / The Social Animals / The Steppin Stones / The Strumbellas / The Weeknd / Thirty Seconds to Mars / Tory Lanez / Trio / Twenty One Pilots / Vita and the Woolf / Wale / Walker Lukens / Warm Brew / Weezer / White Panda / Wilderado / Win & Woo / Young Bombs Show all bands
The Woodlands of Dover International Speedway Dover, Delaware, United States
Jun 14, 2017 –
Jun 18, 2017
Firefly Music Festival 2017
Phantogram / Sir Sly / Franz Ferdinand / Muse / AFI / Bob Dylan / DJ Jazzy Jeff / Capital Cities / The Shins / Savoir Adore / OK Go / O.A.R. / The Orphan The Poet / Dillon Francis / The Weeknd / The Naked and Famous / Wale / Miike Snow / Chance the Rapper / Hamilton Leithauser / Roadkill Ghost Choir / Crywolf / The White Panda / Misterwives / Glass Animals / K.Flay / Busta Rhymes / Cashmere Cat / Kesha / Lil Dicky / Flume / Bleachers / Big Wild / Win and Woo / Handsome Ghost / Jared & The Mill / Kaleo / Benny Benassi / New Madrid / Spiritual Rez / Snakehips / MATOMA / Kevin Garrett / T-Pain / Salt Cathedral / Sunflower Bean / Galantis / Meg Mac / Anna Lunoe / Daya / Nahko and Medicine for the People / Alex Wiley / Weezer / BANKS / Bob Moses / Steve James / Stick Figure / Sam Feldt / Barns Courtney / Lawrence / Judah & the Lion / Lewis Del Mar / Animal Years / Foreign Air / Rozes / MUNA / The Strumbellas / Bishop Briggs / Rainbow Kitten Surprise / Walker Lukens / Hamish Anderson / Tory Lanez / NAWAS / Deal Casino / SHAED / Chill Moody / The Lawsuits / Slushii / *repeat repeat / Fickle Friends / Gryffin / NF / Wilderado / Goody Grace / Fletcher / Jonas Blue / EDEN / Elohim / Future Generations / Dude Ranch and the Girl at the Rock Show / Taylor Bennett / MAGIC GIANT / Alan Walker / 888 (Denver) / A R I Z O N A / Michael Blume / Kaiydo / Bencoolen / Secret Weapons / Quinn XCII / Francis and the Lights / Carverton / Young Bombs / The Cold Roses / Maggie Rogers / Jacob Banks / James TW / Thirty Seconds to Mars / Vita and the Woolf / Twenty One Pilots / Hardwork Movement / Social Animals / Louie Louie / mondo cozmo / Sub-Radio / Short Sleeve Heart / SAINT WKND / Trio / Warm Brew / CVBZ / Dead Man Fall / Mir Fontane / The Steppin' Stones / Oddkidout / Anna Shoemaker / The Ill Fated Natives / Joie Kathos / Shizz Lo / Astro 8000 / Miles Chancellor / Pardison Fountaine / Armani Lee / Quitehype / HDBEENDOPE / Sir The Baptist / ILLENIUM / DREAMERS / ayokay / SOFI TUKKER / OWEL / Andy Frasco & The U.N. Show all bands
Dover International Speedway Dover, Delaware, United States
Show Duplicates for Jun 14, 2017
Hard Rock
Classic Rock
Album Oriented Rock (AOR)
Glam Metal
Alternative Hip Hop
Japanese Jazztronica
Show more genres
 Sam Eaton
 Brennah Soboslai
 Kate Fulmer
 Mandy Johnson
 Hannah Pena
 Jessica Long
 Lilly :)
 Amanda Kramedas
 Annaives Michener
 Nicole Halloran
 Kerri Walter

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