Quest Crew Concert History

"Quest Crew" was named America's Best Dance Crew for Season 3 of the show and consists of Hokuto "Hok" Konishi, Ryan "Ryanimay" Conferido, Dominic "D-Trix" Sandoval, Steve Terada, Ryan "Feng" Feng,Victor Kim, Aris "Sfffeee" Paracuelles, Andy "Rocket Man" Luo, Brian Hirano and Lydia Paek. A number of the team members originally performed with the SickStep dance troupe, but later joined other dancers to form Quest. D-Trix and Victor Kim are also part...

Black Metal
Dark Ambient
Dungeon Synth
Rap Cristiano
Kansas City Hip Hop
2012 4 concerts
2009 2 concerts
 Chad Caruso
 Justin C Tan
 Alexis Ballantyne
 Leah B

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