Pugs Atomz's 2014 Concert History

Pugs Atomz awoke in this world a Leo in Pittsburgh PA., son of an ex Panther turned Radio host and a Painter. His love of Hip Hop developed when his family moved to Chicago; during grade school he would see the graffiti on the trains and in his neighborhood of Englewood. These trains also would have rap groups performing and singers doing their thing for spare change. The first rap he wrote was in 5th grade, so the next day when he recited his, everybody said, ”you’re rapping, he's a rapper".

Hip Hop
2015 1 concert
2014 2 concerts
2009 3 concerts
2008 1 concert
 Buz Zann
 Bryan P.
 Jen Pope
 Dan Stapleton
 Ashleigh Huber
 Leah Docktor
 Donald Carson
 Eazel Rodulfa
 Jessika Lynn22
 Dawit Abdumalik

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