Prosperina's 2014 Concert History

Latest in a proud lineage of power-trios, South Wales’ Prosperina capably fuse musical complexity with an instinctive hooky lyrical melody; referencing both the classic rock of the past (Pink Floyd, Kyuss, Soundgarden) and the present (Tool, Isis, Mastodon). Delivered in a widescreen cinematic scope, there is a highly accomplished maturity and refreshing lack of artifice to these restrained, yet crushingly powerful anthems and virtual soundtracks.

Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 01, 2014
Nightmare Festival 2014
Blood Red Shoes / King Charles / Dash / Howling Bells / Elliot Minor / The Algorithm / InMe / Tigercub / Falls / Man Like Me / Twin Wild / Calling All Cars / Indoor Pets / Danny Wright / Cortes / Anavae / I Am Giant / Shrine / Feed the Rhino / Hunter & the Bear / The Tuts / Fizzy Blood / The Red Paintings / Hounds / Max Raptor / Allusinlove / Crazy Arm / Sykes / Hype Theory / Never Not Nothing / Amaryllis / Freeze the Atlantic / The Brawlers / Hawk Eyes / Hero Fisher / Duchess (Amy Cervini, Hilary Gardner, Melissa Stylianou) / Vex / Storms / Knifeworld / St Pierre Snake Invasion / Ghxst / Agent / I Am in Love / The Kut / Vales / Shoshin / Colt 45 / Attention Thieves / Beasts / Dirty Thrills / Acoda / Brutai / Army of One / The Petals / Night Engine / Electric River / The Tricks / The Scenes / Subversion / Them&Us / the valves / The Mercy House / Longy / Death and the Penguin / Suzerain / To the Bones / This Be the Verse / Rival State / Prosperina / Jesus Fucking Christ / Crystal Seagulls / Lyger / Du Bellows / Making Monsters / Mr Shiraz / Dead Sea Skulls / Intraverse / We Are Carnivores / Generation Graveyard / Release the Bats / The Connectors / Avosetta / Eat The Evidence / The Dirty Truth / Magnus Major / Star Scream / Monkish / Wondersmiths / Reverted / Death Koolaid / Feral Sun / You (banduk) / Plastic Barricades / Dedwardians / The Monday Project / BROCKER / The Au Revoirs / Glassmaps / You The Living / Matt Grocott & The Shrives / The Hell (UK) / Alexa De Strange / Nash Albert / Rewild / La Horse / Fur Cough / Panic the Vulture / Levyathan / SOS (UK) / Mitsubishis / The Undivided (UK) / The Rojos / Broken Diamond / Ashes (UK) / The Vex (UK) / Ultimate Grand Supreme / TheParade / Aeroplanes Fly High / Shea (UK) / Guy McKnight (DJ Set) / Empire (UK) Show all bands
Nightmare Festival 2014 London, England, United Kingdom
Show Duplicate for Nov 01, 2014
Feb 13, 2014
Monster Magnet / Prosperina / Church of Misery
KOKO London, England, United Kingdom
Alternative Rock
Hard Rock
Psychedelic Rock
Progressive Rock
Stoner Rock
Sludge Metal
Progressive Metal
Space Rock
Heavy Rock
Swansea Indie
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2017 1 concert
2015 1 concert
2014 2 concerts
2013 3 concerts
2012 1 concert
 Mike Potter
 Alex Mann

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