Aug 18, 2024
Les Plages Electroniques
Lost Frequencies / Nico Moreno / Paul Kalkbrenner / Boris Way / Andy 4000 / Anaïs B / Bomel / Apashe / Mystique / Sch / Miel de Montagne / ØTTA / PPJ / Pawlowski / Rivo / Vanille / Alex Wann
Plage, Palais des Festivals
Cannes, France
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Aug 16, 2024
– Aug 18, 2024
Les Plages Electroniques 2024 @ Les Plages Electroniques
Kaytranada / Lost Frequencies / Paul Kalkbrenner / Timmy Trumpet / GAZO / Sch / Apashe / Feder / Miel de Montagne / Bon Entendeur / Nico Moreno / Boris Way / Mosimann / Danyl / PPJ / FISHER (OZ) / Lazuli (FR) / Angie (FR)
Les Plages Electroniques
Cannes, France
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Jun 09, 2023
– Jun 11, 2023
Yoa / PPJ / BLOND (FR) / Adé / Fishbach / Les clopes
Biches Festival 2023
Ferme de Rai
Normandy, France
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May 10, 2023
– May 13, 2023
The Great Escape 2023
Pretenders / Vacations / Arlo Parks / Billie Marten / Maisie Peters / Strawberry Guy / Yot Club / Marika Hackman / Isabel LaRosa / The Big Moon / Unknown T / Tiggs Da Author / Gengahr / Yonaka / Jazmin Bean / Ms Banks / Ethan Bortnick / Sorcha Richardson / The Murder Capital / Sorry / SEB / RAF / James Marriott / Enny / Hak Baker / JGrrey / Deb Never / Nonso Amadi / 49th & Main / Willie J Healey / Haley Blais / Caity Baser / Stone / L Devine / Sad Night Dynamite / David Kitt / Katie Gregson-MacLeod / Alice Longyu Gao / Ber / Stacey Ryan / dust / rum·gold / Nix Northwest / Beth McCarthy / Blondshell / Ruby Waters / Mia Wray / FEET / Another Sky / Cate / Hannes / King Stingray / JFDR / Eat Your Heart Out / Pool Kids / Girls of the Internet / Sophie May / L’Eclair / Lana Lubany / Dylan John Thomas / Orchards / Wombo / The Last Dinner Party / Boslen / Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers / Aime Simone / Avantdale Bowling Club / Seb Lowe / Ghost Woman / Louis Culture / RVG / Coach Party / Sophie Faith / Gyakie / PVA (UK) / Witch Fever / Civic / Artemas / Shaé Universe / Deadletter / Noisy / Yunè Pinku / Sylvie / Lime Garden / English Teacher / Killowen / Daniel Wakeford / C.O.F.F.I.N / Sammy Copley / Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard / Pier / ADMT / Luci / I. JORDAN / William The Conqueror / Grove / Spider / Steph Strings / Pozi / Hannah Grae / Calum Bowie / Holiday Ghosts / Deki Alem / Enumclaw / The Lilacs / Lexie Carroll / Nieve Ella / ANTSLIVE / Arxx / Cumgirl8 / Christof Van Der Ven / Eee Gee / Maz / VC Pines / Lilo / Aziya / Dan D'Lion / Ellevator / Antony Szmierek / Reb Fountain / Sans Soucis / Slant / Jessica Winter / Maria Chiara Argirò / Tasman Keith / Áine Deane / Penelope Trappes / Rose Gray / Vexed / VLURE / Cap Carter / Benefits / Two Year Vacation / CLT DRP / Hotwax / Heartworms / Christy / Ūla / Slow Leaves / Hinako Omori / Ethan P. Flynn / Skinner / Sandrayati / k trap / Dolores Forever / Deijuvhs / Lila Drew / Lambrini Girls / Albertine Sarges / Anna Erhard / Tramhaus / Amy Root / Luxe / Jasmine Jethwa / SIIGHTS / Brimheim / Hallan / Chalk / Izzi De-Rosa / Humour / Haunt the Woods / Fat Dog / Nell Mescal / Zakhar / Personal Trainer (NL) / SNAYX / Arny Margret / Melin Melyn / Bluem / Germein / Rianne Downey / Saiming / Georgia Harmer / Lizzie Esau / Gurriers / Pretenders / Girl and Girl / Katie Tupper / MEYY / Thala / Girl Scout / PPJ / Eliza Hull / Annie Taylor / Gen And The Degenerates / Ash Olsen / Cucamaras / Sebastian Schub / Phoebe Go / Viji / The Gluts / Jo hill / tigerstate / SHELF LIVES / Ikan Hyu / Bibi Club / Spangled / 7ebra / Bambie Thug / Lady Ice / Annahstasia / She's In Parties / Lake Malice / ĠENN / Juice Menace / Nokia Mansion / Moreish Idols / Jem Cassar-Daley / Abigail Asante / Rauchen / Alana Maria / Amy Montgomery / Sam Akpro / Ellur / Redolent / James Ellis Ford / Wild Horse / Seraphina Simone / Childe / Fernie / Catbear / Rosellas (UK) / Acid Klaus / Cathy Jain / tom ford / Frum / Farce / Wax Works / Vona Vella / Butch Kassidy / Cam Kahin / Jacoténe / The Florentinas / AlienBlaze / Good Wilson / Hanya / 86TVs / Kai Bosch / STORRY / The Heavy Heavy (UK) / Knife Bride / DEAFDEAFDEAF / Joyeria / CRASHFACE / Eugenia Post Meridiem / Komparrison / Izzie Yardley / shanghai baby / RARELYALWAYS / Braden Lam / Will Swinton / Gigi Moss / Ellen Froese / Slaney Bay / Karma Sheen / Cassidy Mann / Songo / Julie Pavon / Jessie Marcella / Grove (UK) / Alice Low / Jim E. Brown / SKAAR (NO) / SALONI / MICKEY CALLISTO / Dives (AT) / Ruth Lyon / Super Duty Tough Work / Mouraine / Terra Kin / Hex Girlfriend / Wrex / CIEL (BTN) / Lemonade Shoelace / Changing Currents / Katy Alex / teeth machine / The New Cut / The lilacs - Wigan / King LX / Pillow Fite / Ann Liu Cannon / Flossing / Uche Yara / Anna Bassy / The Native (UK) / Spielmann / Katie Phelan / Solar Eyes / MILANOSPORT / The Dream Machine (UK) / Blondes (UK) / Oscar Browne / Taylah Elaine / Tapir! (UK) / O. (UK) / Ney Liqa / Jericho Noguera / Bobbi Lu / Marysia Osu / Ceeow / The Chase (Official) / Dasia / Signature Gold / lemfreck / Freddy Merkky / Kids (UK) / PEAKS! (London) / Wild Horse UK / Too Hot for Candy
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The Great Escape 2023
Brighton, England, United Kingdom
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May 10, 2023
– May 13, 2023
The Great Escape 2023
Luci / Arlo Parks / Pretenders / Sorcha Richardson / Vacations / Billie Marten / Maisie Peters / Strawberry Guy / Gengahr / Ethan Bortnick / Yot Club / Yonaka / Jazmin Bean / Sorry / RAF / Isabel LaRosa / The Murder Capital / SEB / JGrrey / Hak Baker / Nonso Amadi / Deb Never / Willie J Healey / Stone / David Kitt / James Marriott / Sad Night Dynamite / Dust / 49th & Main / Mia Wray / rum·gold / Another Sky / JFDR / FEET / Alice Longyu Gao / Eat Your Heart Out / Ber / Nix Northwest / Ruby Waters / Girls of the Internet / Stacey Ryan / Sophie May / King Stingray / Orchards / Hannes / Pool Kids / L’Eclair / Avantdale Bowling Club / Boslen / Dylan John Thomas / PVA (UK) / Louis Culture / Sophie Faith / Lana Lubany / Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers / RVG / Shaé Universe / Daniel Wakeford / Wombo / Witch Fever / Noisy / Civic / Seb Lowe / Aime Simone / Ghost Woman / Pier / Sammy Copley / Sylvie / Lime Garden / English Teacher / I. JORDAN / Blondshell / William The Conqueror / Pozi / Christof Van Der Ven / Dan D'Lion / Spider / Artemas / The Last Dinner Party / Deadletter / Ciel / Maz / Killowen / Enumclaw / Yunè Pinku / The Lilacs / Lilo / Calum Bowie / Reb Fountain / Penelope Trappes / VC Pines / Tasman Keith / Sans Soucis / Steph Strings / Slant / Cap Carter / Arxx / Jessica Winter / Maria Chiara Argirò / Christy / Vexed / Slow Leaves / Albertine Sarges / Luxe / Hinako Omori / SIIGHTS / CLT DRP / Ethan P. Flynn / Lila Drew / ADMT / Amy Root / Sandrayati / Ūla / Áine Deane / Haunt the Woods / Cumgirl8 / Aziya / Humour / Personal Trainer (NL) / Germein / Hallan / Brimheim / Anna Erhard / The Pretenders & Chrissie Hynde / Deijuvhs / Eliza Hull / Fat Dog / Tramhaus / Zakhar / Izzi De-Rosa / Deki Alem / Georgia Harmer / Hannah Grae / Melin Melyn / Arny Margret / The Gluts / Heartworms / Sebastian Schub / Bluem / Thala / Lady Ice / MEYY / Rianne Downey / PPJ / Katie Tupper / Saiming / Jasmine Jethwa / Abigail Asante / Ikan Hyu / Bibi Club / Ash Olsen / Juice Menace / Nokia Mansion / Girl and Girl / Amy Montgomery / Spangled / Wild Horse / Nell Mescal / Cucamaras / Rauchen / Girl Scout / Hotwax / Rosellas (UK) / Fernie / Alana Maria / Redolent / Jo hill / She's In Parties / Frum / Sam Akpro / Bambie Thug / Moreish Idols / tigerstate / Seraphina Simone / Ellur / SHELF LIVES / Farce / Hanya / Jem Cassar-Daley / Good Wilson / Lambrini Girls / Cathy Jain / Eugenia Post Meridiem / DEAFDEAFDEAF / tom ford / Lake Malice / Acid Klaus / The Heavy Heavy (UK) / Annahstasia / Vona Vella / Izzie Yardley / Braden Lam / STORRY / Catbear / Cassidy Mann / Ellen Froese / Joyeria / shanghai baby / Songo / Karma Sheen / Dives (AT) / The Florentinas / C.O.F.F.I.N. (AUS) / Gigi Moss / Grove (UK) / 7ebra / Kai Bosch / RARELYALWAYS / SKAAR (NO) / Katy Alex / MICKEY CALLISTO / Alice Low / Jessie Marcella / Mouraine / Hex Girlfriend / Slaney Bay / Julie Pavon / Ruth Lyon / Super Duty Tough Work / Changing Currents / Ann Liu Cannon / The Native (UK) / King LX / Jim E. Brown / teeth machine / 86TVs / SALONI / Will Swinton / Blondes (UK) / CIEL (BTN) / Anna Bassy / Lemonade Shoelace / Jacoténe / Terra Kin / Spielmann / Taylah Elaine / Jericho Noguera / Ney Liqa / Pillow Fite / Ceeow / The New Cut / Solar Eyes / Flossing / The Dream Machine (UK) / gurriers (IE) / Katie Phelan / The Chase (Official) / Oscar Browne / The lilacs - Wigan / lemfreck / MILANOSPORT / O. (UK) / Marysia Osu / PEAKS! (London) / Uche Yara / Bobbi Lu / Dasia / Tapir! (UK) / James Ellis Ford / Too Hot for Candy / Freddy Merkky / Wild Horse UK / Pacific Avenue / Minor Conflict / Cowboyy / Benefits / Divorce / Lael Neale / Sleeper / Polite Bureaux / Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard / Flip Top Head / TRAAMS / Holiday Ghosts / Midnight Rodeo / a fungus / Trout / Rainbow Frog Biscuits / Anna B Savage / Ebi Soda / Helen Ganya / White Flowers / SPRINTS / Welly / Edie Bens / Phoebe Go / Katie Gregson-MacLeod / Coach Party / Ellie moon / Valencia Grace / Cole Bleu / Viji / The Big Moon / Cody Frost / BIG WETT / Antony Szmierek / Charlotte Plank / Spyres / Lexie Carroll / Beth McCarthy / Lizzie Esau / Nieve Ella / Michael Aldag / Caity Baser / Bellah Mae / Lozeak / AlienBlaze / Cate / L Devine / Dolores Forever / Skinner / Cam Kahin / Rose Gray / Signature Gold / Haley Blais / Izzy yardley / SOFY / Nuria Graham / Wrex / Komparrison
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The Great Escape 2023
Brighton, England, United Kingdom
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May 10, 2023
– May 13, 2023
The Great Escape 2023
Pretenders / Vacations / Arlo Parks / Billie Marten / Maisie Peters / Strawberry Guy / Yot Club / Marika Hackman / Isabel LaRosa / The Big Moon / Unknown T / Tiggs Da Author / Gengahr / Yonaka / Jazmin Bean / Ms Banks / Ethan Bortnick / Sorcha Richardson / The Murder Capital / Sorry / SEB / RAF / James Marriott / Enny / Hak Baker / JGrrey / Deb Never / Nonso Amadi / 49th & Main / Willie J Healey / Haley Blais / Caity Baser / Stone / L Devine / Sad Night Dynamite / David Kitt / Katie Gregson-MacLeod / Alice Longyu Gao / Ber / Stacey Ryan / dust / rum·gold / Nix Northwest / Beth McCarthy / Blondshell / Ruby Waters / Mia Wray / FEET / Another Sky / Cate / Hannes / King Stingray / JFDR / Eat Your Heart Out / Pool Kids / Girls of the Internet / Sophie May / L’Eclair / Lana Lubany / Dylan John Thomas / Orchards / Wombo / The Last Dinner Party / Boslen / Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers / Aime Simone / Avantdale Bowling Club / Seb Lowe / Ghost Woman / Louis Culture / RVG / Coach Party / Sophie Faith / Gyakie / PVA (UK) / Witch Fever / Civic / Artemas / Shaé Universe / Deadletter / Noisy / Yunè Pinku / Sylvie / Lime Garden / English Teacher / Killowen / Daniel Wakeford / C.O.F.F.I.N / Sammy Copley / Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard / Pier / ADMT / Luci / I. JORDAN / William The Conqueror / Grove / Spider / Steph Strings / Pozi / Hannah Grae / Calum Bowie / Holiday Ghosts / Deki Alem / Enumclaw / The Lilacs / Lexie Carroll / Nieve Ella / ANTSLIVE / Arxx / Cumgirl8 / Christof Van Der Ven / Eee Gee / Maz / VC Pines / Lilo / Aziya / Dan D'Lion / Ellevator / Antony Szmierek / Reb Fountain / Sans Soucis / Slant / Jessica Winter / Maria Chiara Argirò / Tasman Keith / Áine Deane / Penelope Trappes / Rose Gray / Vexed / VLURE / Cap Carter / Benefits / Two Year Vacation / CLT DRP / Hotwax / Heartworms / Christy / Ūla / Slow Leaves / Hinako Omori / Ethan P. Flynn / Skinner / Sandrayati / k trap / Dolores Forever / Deijuvhs / Lila Drew / Lambrini Girls / Albertine Sarges / Anna Erhard / Tramhaus / Amy Root / Luxe / Jasmine Jethwa / SIIGHTS / Brimheim / Hallan / Chalk / Izzi De-Rosa / Humour / Haunt the Woods / Fat Dog / Nell Mescal / Zakhar / Personal Trainer (NL) / SNAYX / Arny Margret / Melin Melyn / Bluem / Germein / Rianne Downey / Saiming / Georgia Harmer / Lizzie Esau / Gurriers / Pretenders / Girl and Girl / Katie Tupper / MEYY / Thala / Girl Scout / PPJ / Eliza Hull / Annie Taylor / Gen And The Degenerates / Ash Olsen / Cucamaras / Sebastian Schub / Phoebe Go / Viji / The Gluts / Jo hill / tigerstate / SHELF LIVES / Ikan Hyu / Bibi Club / Spangled / 7ebra / Bambie Thug / Lady Ice / Annahstasia / She's In Parties / Lake Malice / ĠENN / Juice Menace / Nokia Mansion / Moreish Idols / Jem Cassar-Daley / Abigail Asante / Rauchen / Alana Maria / Amy Montgomery / Sam Akpro / Ellur / Redolent / James Ellis Ford / Wild Horse / Seraphina Simone / Childe / Fernie / Catbear / Rosellas (UK) / Acid Klaus / Cathy Jain / tom ford / Frum / Farce / Wax Works / Vona Vella / Butch Kassidy / Cam Kahin / Jacoténe / The Florentinas / AlienBlaze / Good Wilson / Hanya / 86TVs / Kai Bosch / STORRY / The Heavy Heavy (UK) / Knife Bride / DEAFDEAFDEAF / Joyeria / CRASHFACE / Eugenia Post Meridiem / Komparrison / Izzie Yardley / shanghai baby / RARELYALWAYS / Braden Lam / Will Swinton / Gigi Moss / Ellen Froese / Slaney Bay / Karma Sheen / Cassidy Mann / Songo / Julie Pavon / Jessie Marcella / Grove / Alice Low / Jim E. Brown / SKAAR (NO) / SALONI / MICKEY CALLISTO / Dives (AT) / Ruth Lyon / Super Duty Tough Work / Mouraine / Terra Kin / Hex Girlfriend / Wrex / CIEL (BTN) / Lemonade Shoelace / Changing Currents / Katy Alex / teeth machine / The New Cut / The lilacs - Wigan / King LX / Pillow Fite / Ann Liu Cannon / Flossing / Uche Yara / Anna Bassy / The Native / Spielmann / Katie Phelan / Solar Eyes / MILANOSPORT / The Dream Machine (UK) / Blondes / Oscar Browne / Taylah Elaine / Tapir! (UK) / O. (UK) / Ney Liqa / Jericho Noguera / Bobbi Lu / Marysia Osu / Ceeow / The Chase (Official) / Dasia / Signature Gold / lemfreck / Freddy Merkky / Kids (UK) / PEAKS! (London) / Wild Horse UK / Too Hot for Candy / Delivery / Mandy, Indiana / Mandy, Indiana / The Oozes / Sienna Milella / Cloth / Welly / The Oozes / Canned Pineapple / Pale Blue Eyes / Pale Blue Eyes
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The Great Escape 2023
Brighton, England, United Kingdom
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May 10, 2023
– May 13, 2023
The Great Escape 2023
Pretenders / Vacations / Arlo Parks / Billie Marten / Maisie Peters / Strawberry Guy / Yot Club / Marika Hackman / Isabel LaRosa / The Big Moon / Unknown T / Tiggs Da Author / Gengahr / Yonaka / Jazmin Bean / Ms Banks / Ethan Bortnick / Sorcha Richardson / The Murder Capital / Sorry / SEB / RAF / James Marriott / Enny / Hak Baker / JGrrey / Deb Never / Nonso Amadi / 49th & Main / Willie J Healey / Haley Blais / Caity Baser / Stone / L Devine / Sad Night Dynamite / David Kitt / Katie Gregson-MacLeod / Alice Longyu Gao / Ber / Stacey Ryan / dust / rum·gold / Nix Northwest / Beth McCarthy / Blondshell / Ruby Waters / Mia Wray / FEET / Another Sky / Cate / Hannes / King Stingray / JFDR / Eat Your Heart Out / Pool Kids / Girls of the Internet / Sophie May / L’Eclair / Lana Lubany / Dylan John Thomas / Orchards / Wombo / The Last Dinner Party / Boslen / Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers / Aime Simone / Avantdale Bowling Club / Seb Lowe / Ghost Woman / Louis Culture / RVG / Coach Party / Sophie Faith / Gyakie / PVA (UK) / Witch Fever / Civic / Artemas / Shaé Universe / Deadletter / Noisy / Yunè Pinku / Sylvie / Lime Garden / English Teacher / Killowen / Daniel Wakeford / C.O.F.F.I.N / Sammy Copley / Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard / Pier / ADMT / Luci / I. JORDAN / William The Conqueror / Grove / Spider / Steph Strings / Pozi / Hannah Grae / Calum Bowie / Holiday Ghosts / Deki Alem / Enumclaw / The Lilacs / Lexie Carroll / Nieve Ella / ANTSLIVE / Arxx / Cumgirl8 / Christof Van Der Ven / Eee Gee / Maz / VC Pines / Lilo / Aziya / Dan D'Lion / Ellevator / Antony Szmierek / Reb Fountain / Sans Soucis / Slant / Jessica Winter / Maria Chiara Argirò / Tasman Keith / Áine Deane / Penelope Trappes / Rose Gray / Vexed / VLURE / Cap Carter / Benefits / Two Year Vacation / CLT DRP / Hotwax / Heartworms / Christy / Ūla / Slow Leaves / Hinako Omori / Ethan P. Flynn / Skinner / Sandrayati / k trap / Dolores Forever / Deijuvhs / Lila Drew / Lambrini Girls / Albertine Sarges / Anna Erhard / Tramhaus / Amy Root / Luxe / Jasmine Jethwa / SIIGHTS / Brimheim / Hallan / Chalk / Izzi De-Rosa / Humour / Haunt the Woods / Fat Dog / Nell Mescal / Zakhar / Personal Trainer (NL) / SNAYX / Arny Margret / Melin Melyn / Bluem / Germein / Rianne Downey / Saiming / Georgia Harmer / Lizzie Esau / Gurriers / Pretenders / Girl and Girl / Katie Tupper / MEYY / Thala / Girl Scout / PPJ / Eliza Hull / Annie Taylor / Gen And The Degenerates / Ash Olsen / Cucamaras / Sebastian Schub / Phoebe Go / Viji / The Gluts / Jo hill / tigerstate / SHELF LIVES / Ikan Hyu / Bibi Club / Spangled / 7ebra / Bambie Thug / Lady Ice / Annahstasia / She's In Parties / Lake Malice / ĠENN / Juice Menace / Nokia Mansion / Moreish Idols / Jem Cassar-Daley / Abigail Asante / Rauchen / Alana Maria / Amy Montgomery / Sam Akpro / Ellur / Redolent / James Ellis Ford / Wild Horse / Seraphina Simone / Childe / Fernie / Catbear / Rosellas (UK) / Acid Klaus / Cathy Jain / tom ford / Frum / Farce / Wax Works / Vona Vella / Butch Kassidy / Cam Kahin / Jacoténe / The Florentinas / AlienBlaze / Good Wilson / Hanya / 86TVs / Kai Bosch / STORRY / The Heavy Heavy (UK) / Knife Bride / DEAFDEAFDEAF / Joyeria / CRASHFACE / Eugenia Post Meridiem / Komparrison / Izzie Yardley / shanghai baby / RARELYALWAYS / Braden Lam / Will Swinton / Gigi Moss / Ellen Froese / Slaney Bay / Karma Sheen / Cassidy Mann / Songo / Julie Pavon / Jessie Marcella / Grove (UK) / Alice Low / Jim E. Brown / SKAAR (NO) / SALONI / MICKEY CALLISTO / Dives (AT) / Ruth Lyon / Super Duty Tough Work / Mouraine / Terra Kin / Hex Girlfriend / Wrex / CIEL (BTN) / Lemonade Shoelace / Changing Currents / Katy Alex / teeth machine / The New Cut / The lilacs - Wigan / King LX / Pillow Fite / Ann Liu Cannon / Flossing / Uche Yara / Anna Bassy / The Native (UK) / Spielmann / Katie Phelan / Solar Eyes / MILANOSPORT / The Dream Machine (UK) / Blondes (UK) / Oscar Browne / Taylah Elaine / Tapir! (UK) / O. (UK) / Ney Liqa / Jericho Noguera / Bobbi Lu / Marysia Osu / Ceeow / The Chase (Official) / Dasia / Signature Gold / lemfreck / Freddy Merkky / Kids (UK) / PEAKS! (London) / Wild Horse UK / Too Hot for Candy
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The Great Escape 2023
Brighton, England, United Kingdom
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May 10, 2023
– May 13, 2023
The Great Escape 2023
Pretenders / Vacations / Arlo Parks / Billie Marten / Maisie Peters / Strawberry Guy / Yot Club / Marika Hackman / Isabel LaRosa / The Big Moon / Unknown T / Tiggs Da Author / Gengahr / Yonaka / Jazmin Bean / Ms Banks / Ethan Bortnick / Sorcha Richardson / The Murder Capital / Sorry / SEB / RAF / James Marriott / Enny / Hak Baker / JGrrey / Deb Never / Nonso Amadi / 49th & Main / Willie J Healey / Haley Blais / Caity Baser / Stone / L Devine / Sad Night Dynamite / David Kitt / Katie Gregson-MacLeod / Alice Longyu Gao / Ber / Stacey Ryan / dust / rum·gold / Nix Northwest / Beth McCarthy / Blondshell / Ruby Waters / Mia Wray / FEET / Another Sky / Cate / Hannes / King Stingray / JFDR / Eat Your Heart Out / Pool Kids / Girls of the Internet / Sophie May / L’Eclair / Lana Lubany / Dylan John Thomas / Orchards / Wombo / The Last Dinner Party / Boslen / Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers / Aime Simone / Avantdale Bowling Club / Seb Lowe / Ghost Woman / Louis Culture / RVG / Coach Party / Sophie Faith / Gyakie / PVA (UK) / Witch Fever / Civic / Artemas / Shaé Universe / Deadletter / Noisy / Yunè Pinku / Sylvie / Lime Garden / English Teacher / Killowen / Daniel Wakeford / C.O.F.F.I.N / Sammy Copley / Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard / Pier / ADMT / Luci / I. JORDAN / William The Conqueror / Grove / Spider / Steph Strings / Pozi / Hannah Grae / Calum Bowie / Holiday Ghosts / Deki Alem / Enumclaw / The Lilacs / Lexie Carroll / Nieve Ella / ANTSLIVE / Arxx / Cumgirl8 / Christof Van Der Ven / Eee Gee / Maz / VC Pines / Lilo / Aziya / Dan D'Lion / Ellevator / Antony Szmierek / Reb Fountain / Sans Soucis / Slant / Jessica Winter / Maria Chiara Argirò / Tasman Keith / Áine Deane / Penelope Trappes / Rose Gray / Vexed / VLURE / Cap Carter / Benefits / Two Year Vacation / CLT DRP / Hotwax / Heartworms / Christy / Ūla / Slow Leaves / Hinako Omori / Ethan P. Flynn / Skinner / Sandrayati / k trap / Dolores Forever / Deijuvhs / Lila Drew / Lambrini Girls / Albertine Sarges / Anna Erhard / Tramhaus / Amy Root / Luxe / Jasmine Jethwa / SIIGHTS / Brimheim / Hallan / Chalk / Izzi De-Rosa / Humour / Haunt the Woods / Fat Dog / Nell Mescal / Zakhar / Personal Trainer (NL) / SNAYX / Arny Margret / Melin Melyn / Bluem / Germein / Rianne Downey / Saiming / Georgia Harmer / Lizzie Esau / Gurriers / Pretenders / Girl and Girl / Katie Tupper / MEYY / Thala / Girl Scout / PPJ / Eliza Hull / Annie Taylor / Gen And The Degenerates / Ash Olsen / Cucamaras / Sebastian Schub / Phoebe Go / Viji / The Gluts / Jo hill / tigerstate / SHELF LIVES / Ikan Hyu / Bibi Club / Spangled / 7ebra / Bambie Thug / Lady Ice / Annahstasia / She's In Parties / Lake Malice / ĠENN / Juice Menace / Nokia Mansion / Moreish Idols / Jem Cassar-Daley / Abigail Asante / Rauchen / Alana Maria / Amy Montgomery / Sam Akpro / Ellur / Redolent / James Ellis Ford / Wild Horse / Seraphina Simone / Childe / Fernie / Catbear / Rosellas (UK) / Acid Klaus / Cathy Jain / tom ford / Frum / Farce / Wax Works / Vona Vella / Butch Kassidy / Cam Kahin / Jacoténe / The Florentinas / AlienBlaze / Good Wilson / Hanya / 86TVs / Kai Bosch / STORRY / The Heavy Heavy (UK) / Knife Bride / DEAFDEAFDEAF / Joyeria / CRASHFACE / Eugenia Post Meridiem / Komparrison / Izzie Yardley / shanghai baby / RARELYALWAYS / Braden Lam / Will Swinton / Gigi Moss / Ellen Froese / Slaney Bay / Karma Sheen / Cassidy Mann / Songo / Julie Pavon / Jessie Marcella / Grove (UK) / Alice Low / Jim E. Brown / SKAAR (NO) / SALONI / MICKEY CALLISTO / Dives (AT) / Ruth Lyon / Super Duty Tough Work / Mouraine / Terra Kin / Hex Girlfriend / Wrex / CIEL (BTN) / Lemonade Shoelace / Changing Currents / Katy Alex / teeth machine / The New Cut / The lilacs - Wigan / King LX / Pillow Fite / Ann Liu Cannon / Flossing / Uche Yara / Anna Bassy / The Native (UK) / Spielmann / Katie Phelan / Solar Eyes / MILANOSPORT / The Dream Machine (UK) / Blondes (UK) / Oscar Browne / Taylah Elaine / Tapir! (UK) / O. (UK) / Ney Liqa / Jericho Noguera / Bobbi Lu / Marysia Osu / Ceeow / The Chase (Official) / Dasia / Signature Gold / lemfreck / Freddy Merkky / Kids (UK) / PEAKS! (London) / Wild Horse UK / Too Hot for Candy
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The Great Escape 2023
Brighton, England, United Kingdom
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May 10, 2023
– May 13, 2023
The Great Escape 2023
Pretenders / Vacations / Arlo Parks / Billie Marten / Maisie Peters / Strawberry Guy / Yot Club / Marika Hackman / Isabel LaRosa / The Big Moon / Unknown T / Tiggs Da Author / Gengahr / Yonaka / Jazmin Bean / Ms Banks / Ethan Bortnick / Sorcha Richardson / The Murder Capital / Sorry / SEB / RAF / James Marriott / Enny / Hak Baker / JGrrey / Deb Never / Nonso Amadi / 49th & Main / Willie J Healey / Haley Blais / Caity Baser / Stone / L Devine / Sad Night Dynamite / David Kitt / Katie Gregson-MacLeod / Alice Longyu Gao / Ber / Stacey Ryan / dust / rum·gold / Nix Northwest / Beth McCarthy / Blondshell / Ruby Waters / Mia Wray / FEET / Another Sky / Cate / Hannes / King Stingray / JFDR / Eat Your Heart Out / Pool Kids / Girls of the Internet / Sophie May / L’Eclair / Lana Lubany / Dylan John Thomas / Orchards / Wombo / The Last Dinner Party / Boslen / Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers / Aime Simone / Avantdale Bowling Club / Seb Lowe / Ghost Woman / Louis Culture / RVG / Coach Party / Sophie Faith / Gyakie / PVA (UK) / Witch Fever / Civic / Artemas / Shaé Universe / Deadletter / Noisy / Yunè Pinku / Sylvie / Lime Garden / English Teacher / Killowen / Daniel Wakeford / C.O.F.F.I.N / Sammy Copley / Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard / Pier / ADMT / Luci / I. JORDAN / William The Conqueror / Grove / Spider / Steph Strings / Pozi / Hannah Grae / Calum Bowie / Holiday Ghosts / Deki Alem / Enumclaw / The Lilacs / Lexie Carroll / Nieve Ella / ANTSLIVE / Arxx / Cumgirl8 / Christof Van Der Ven / Eee Gee / Maz / VC Pines / Lilo / Aziya / Dan D'Lion / Ellevator / Antony Szmierek / Reb Fountain / Sans Soucis / Slant / Jessica Winter / Maria Chiara Argirò / Tasman Keith / Áine Deane / Penelope Trappes / Rose Gray / Vexed / VLURE / Cap Carter / Benefits / Two Year Vacation / CLT DRP / Hotwax / Heartworms / Christy / Ūla / Slow Leaves / Hinako Omori / Ethan P. Flynn / Skinner / Sandrayati / k trap / Dolores Forever / Deijuvhs / Lila Drew / Lambrini Girls / Albertine Sarges / Anna Erhard / Tramhaus / Amy Root / Luxe / Jasmine Jethwa / SIIGHTS / Brimheim / Hallan / Chalk / Izzi De-Rosa / Humour / Haunt the Woods / Fat Dog / Nell Mescal / Zakhar / Personal Trainer (NL) / SNAYX / Arny Margret / Melin Melyn / Bluem / Germein / Rianne Downey / Saiming / Georgia Harmer / Lizzie Esau / Gurriers / Pretenders / Girl and Girl / Katie Tupper / MEYY / Thala / Girl Scout / PPJ / Eliza Hull / Annie Taylor / Gen And The Degenerates / Ash Olsen / Cucamaras / Sebastian Schub / Phoebe Go / Viji / The Gluts / Jo hill / tigerstate / SHELF LIVES / Ikan Hyu / Bibi Club / Spangled / 7ebra / Bambie Thug / Lady Ice / Annahstasia / She's In Parties / Lake Malice / ĠENN / Juice Menace / Nokia Mansion / Moreish Idols / Jem Cassar-Daley / Abigail Asante / Rauchen / Alana Maria / Amy Montgomery / Sam Akpro / Ellur / Redolent / James Ellis Ford / Wild Horse / Seraphina Simone / Childe / Fernie / Catbear / Rosellas (UK) / Acid Klaus / Cathy Jain / tom ford / Frum / Farce / Wax Works / Vona Vella / Butch Kassidy / Cam Kahin / Jacoténe / The Florentinas / AlienBlaze / Good Wilson / Hanya / 86TVs / Kai Bosch / STORRY / The Heavy Heavy (UK) / Knife Bride / DEAFDEAFDEAF / Joyeria / CRASHFACE / Eugenia Post Meridiem / Komparrison / Izzie Yardley / shanghai baby / RARELYALWAYS / Braden Lam / Will Swinton / Gigi Moss / Ellen Froese / Slaney Bay / Karma Sheen / Cassidy Mann / Songo / Julie Pavon / Jessie Marcella / Grove (UK) / Alice Low / Jim E. Brown / SKAAR (NO) / SALONI / MICKEY CALLISTO / Dives (AT) / Ruth Lyon / Super Duty Tough Work / Mouraine / Terra Kin / Hex Girlfriend / Wrex / CIEL (BTN) / Lemonade Shoelace / Changing Currents / Katy Alex / teeth machine / The New Cut / The lilacs - Wigan / King LX / Pillow Fite / Ann Liu Cannon / Flossing / Uche Yara / Anna Bassy / The Native (UK) / Spielmann / Katie Phelan / Solar Eyes / MILANOSPORT / The Dream Machine (UK) / Blondes (UK) / Oscar Browne / Taylah Elaine / Tapir! (UK) / O. (UK) / Ney Liqa / Jericho Noguera / Bobbi Lu / Marysia Osu / Ceeow / The Chase (Official) / Dasia / Signature Gold / lemfreck / Freddy Merkky / Kids (UK) / PEAKS! (London) / Wild Horse UK / Too Hot for Candy
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The Great Escape 2023
Brighton, England, United Kingdom
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Show Duplicates for May 10, 2023
Apr 26, 2023
Qui Va Piano Va Sano
Safia Nolin / Yoa / Dick Annegarn / Crayon / PPJ / Blick Bassy / AnNie.Adaa
Eglise St. Eustache
Paris, Île-de-France, France
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Jun 10, 2022
– Jun 12, 2022
Marsatac Festival 2022
M.I.A. / Damso / CENTRAL CEE / Laurent Garnier / OBOY / Laylow / Mall Grab / Amelie Lens / French 79 / The Blessed Madonna / Ziak / I Hate Models / La Fève / Charlotte Adigery / Joanna / Ichon / Mara / Zamdane / Logic1000 / partiboi69 / LSDXOXO / Alignment / I. JORDAN / Eclair Fifi / Bolis Pupul / BabySolo33 / Mila Dietrich / Calling Marian / Sally C / PPJ / Dub Striker / DJ Mell G / Marina Trench / Dirlo / Dylan Dylan / 99Kayla / Tobhi™
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Parc Borely
Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
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Jun 02, 2022
– Jun 05, 2022
We Love Green 2022
Gorillaz / Disclosure / Phoenix / Massive Attack / Grimes / Jorja Smith / girl in red / Chet Faker / Moderat / C. Tangana / Selah Sue / Angèle / Bicep / CENTRAL CEE / Pnl / slowthai / Floating Points / Ibeyi / Arlo Parks / Maceo Plex / KOFFEE / Sch / REMA / Tale of Us / Laylow / Dinos / Nathy Peluso / Greentea Peng / Charlotte De Witte / Shygirl / Juliette Armanet / Myd / Amaarae / Ziak / Eartheater / 1PLIKE140 / Lous and the Yakuza / TSHA / La Fève / Oklou / partiboi69 / Ascendant Vierge / Joysad / DJ Nigga Fox / Elia / Mad Rey / Bianca Costa / CHANCEKO / Sama' Abdulhadi / DJ Lycox / Zinée / Banga / PPJ / QuinzeQuinze / Mandarine / Premier Métro / Mehdi Maïzi / La Famille Maraboutage / La Marche Bleue / Mouse Party / Konbini Party / Half Pipe (FR)
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Plaine de la Belle Etoile
Paris, Île-de-France, France
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Jun 02, 2022
– Jun 05, 2022
We Love Green 2022
Gorillaz / Phoenix / Grimes / Jorja Smith / Chet Faker / girl in red / Moderat / C. Tangana / Bicep / Angèle / slowthai / Floating Points / Ibeyi / Maceo Plex / Pnl / KOFFEE / Arlo Parks / Tale of Us / Sch / CENTRAL CEE / Nathy Peluso / Laylow / Dinos / Greentea Peng / Myd / Juliette Armanet / Charlotte De Witte / REMA / Shygirl / Amaarae / Eartheater / Lous and the Yakuza / TSHA / Ziak / Oklou / 1PLIKE140 / La Fève / partiboi69 / DJ Nigga Fox / Elia / Ascendant Vierge / Mad Rey / DJ Lycox / CHANCEKO / Banga / Joysad / Bianca Costa / Sama’ Abdullhadi / Zinée / QuinzeQuinze / Mandarine / PPJ / Half Pipe / Salomé Le Chat / Medhi Maïzi / La Marche Bleue / La Famille Maraboutage / Mouse Party / Premier Métro / Konbini Party / Disclosure / Clara Luciani / Caribou / Selah Sue / Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul / Greentea Peng / Wet Leg / Wet Leg / Greentea Peng
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Bois De Vincennes
Vincennes, Île-de-France, France
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Show Duplicate for Jun 02, 2022
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