Plague Organ Concert History

Dutch Avantgarde black/death project from Rene Aquarius (Cryptae, Imperial Cult, Horrid Apparition, Imperial Cult, Sneezing Pus, Celestial Bodies, Dead Neanderthals, etc) and recording engineer Marlon W.. Embracing complete and near-lawless experimentalism, Plague Organ have even abandoned guitars in favor of using bass, drums, and synth to construct an abhorrent aural maze made of hallucinogenic fractals, surreal ambience, and repetitive mantras to enslave and dismantle the listener's psyche.

Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 11, 2021 –
Nov 14, 2021
Le Guess Who? 2021
San Leo / OvO / Neptunian Maximalism / Plague Organ / Brigid Dawson / Sunwatchers / Automatic / Bent Arcana / Tara Clerkin Trio
De Helling Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Death Metal
Black Metal
Dark Ambient
Drone Metal
Avant-Garde Metal
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