Piotta's 2008 Concert History

Piotta is a stage name of Tommaso Zanello (born 26 April 1974 in Rome, Italy), an Italian rapper. Piotta, which in Roman slang means "100 liras", became famous with his song "Supercafone" which describes the Coatto (suburban unpolite, politically incorrect peasant).

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 17, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
The Maine / civet / Treaty Of Paris / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / Cobra Starship / Relient K / Oreskaband / Stick To Your Guns / We The Kings / Angels & Airwaves / Alesana / Between The Trees / August Burns Red / Protest the Hero / Now On / Blameshift / The Action Design / The Bronx / Norma Jean / Forever the Sickest Kids / Fighting The Villain / T.A.T / Reel Big Fish / The Pinkertones / Family Force 5 / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / The Lordz / 1997 / Farewell / Bring It Home / From First to Last / Paige Wood / Your Highness Electric / Street Dogs / Charlotte Sometimes / Entice / The Hooks / Against Me! / Greeley Estates / Shiragirl / Pennywise / The Briggs / Say No More / Set Your Goals / Valencia / Broadway Calls / Murs / Anberlin / Beat Union / Story of the Year / The Departed / Braille / Piotta / Shwayze / A Day To Remember / Say Anything / La Circa / Brave Citizens / As I Lay Dying / Supe / Horrorpops / Jeffree Star / Pierce the Veil / Evergreen Terrace / Love Equals Death / All That Remains / The Aggrolites / Every Time I Die / Miracle Dolls / Peter Distefano / Phathom / The Bleeding Irish / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / MC Chris / Von Iva / The Remus Lupins / The Academy Is... / The Color Fred / Rise Against / Katy Perry / Mayday Parade / The Devil Wears Prada / All Time Low / Confide / Four Year Strong / Bring Me The Horizon Show all bands
Home Depot Center Carson, California, United States
Jul 27, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
3OH!3 / A Day To Remember / Acceptance / Against Me! / Alesana / All That Remains / All Time Low / Anarbor / Anberlin / Angels & Airwaves / Animo / Architects / As I Lay Dying / August Burns Red / Authority Zero / Automatic love letter / Be Your Own Pet / Beat Union / Bedouin Soundclash / Between The Trees / big drill car / black president / Blase Debris / Bring Me The Horizon / Broadway Calls / Buffalo Casket / Casket Architects / Charged GBH / Charlotte Sometimes / Chiodos / Cinder Road / Cinematic Sunrise / Cobra Starship / Cold Fusion / Confide / CrashCarBurn / Crime In Stereo / Culture Shock Camp / D.I. / Danger Radio / Dead Legend / Disco Ensemble / Dodger / Does it offend you yeah? / Dr. Manhattan / Edreys / Entice / Every Avenue / Every Time I Die / Fall From Grace / Family Force 5 / Farewell / Fear / Fear Nuttin' Band / Fight Fight Fight / Forever the Sickest Kids / Four Year Strong / From First to Last / The Gaslight Anthem / GBH / Germs / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Greeley Estates / Gym Class Heroes / Horrorpops / Hunter Revenge / Ivens / Jack's Mannequin / Jeffree Star / Jet Lag Gemini / Just Surrender / Katy Perry / Last Great Assault / Lordz of Brooklyn / Lost Point / Love Equals Death / Ludo / M.I.A. / Madina Lake / Massive Monkees / Matisyahu / Mayday Parade / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / MC Chris / Medium Troy / Middle Finger Salute / Midnight to Twelve / Mike Watt & The Missingmen / Miracle Dolls / Mo Bigsley / Moe Pope / Motion City Soundtrack / Motionless Is White / Norma Jean / Now On / Oceana / On the Surface / Oreskaband / Othello / Paige Wood / Panima / Paramore / Patent Pending / Pato / Pennywise / Peter Distefano / Phathom / Pierce the Veil / Piotta / Protest the Hero / PULL the PIN / Red Car Wire / Reel Big Fish / Relient K / Revolution Mother / Rise Against / Saint Alvia / Say No More / Set Your Goals / Settings / Shwayze / Sick City / Single File / Sky Eats Airplane / Stick To Your Guns / Story of the Year / Street Drum Corps / Street Dogs / T.S.O.L. / TAT / The Academy Is... / The Bouncing Souls / The Briggs / The Bronx / The Classic Crime / The Color Fred / The Devil Wears Prada / The Dickies / The Dillinger Escape Plan / The Flatliners / The Higher / The Human Abstract / The Johnstones / The Maine / The Pink Spiders / The Pinker Tones / The Randies / The Recovering / The Secret Handshake / The Vandals / Thrice / Treaty Of Paris / Underoath / Valencia / Vanna / We The Kings / You, Me, And Everyone We Know Show all bands
The Pavilion at Montage Mountain Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States
Jul 16, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Four Year Stong / The Maine / Longway / Fight! Fight! Fight! / Breva / Cyanide City / We Shot The Moon / Oreskaband / Jack's Mannequin / Cobra Starship / Against Me! / You, Me, & Everyone We Know / Horrorpops / Gym Class Heroes / The Color Fred / The Aggrolites / Every Time I Die / Jet Lag Gemini / From First to Last / August Burns Red / Farewell / Anberlin / Novella / The Lordz / The Pink Spiders / 1997 / Say Goodbye / Family Force 5 / A Day to Remember / Piotta / Set Your Goals / T.A.T / Norma Jean / Beat Union / Braille / Entice / Relient K / Architects / Paramore / Pierce the Veil / NINE LIFE FIRE / Evergreen Terrace / Shwayze / The Pinkertones / Stick To Your Guns / We The Kings / Midnight to Twelve / Say Anything / Angels and Airwaves / The Briggs / Mayday Parade / Valencia / Alesana / As I Lay Dying / MC Chris / 3OH!3 / Forever the Sickest Kids / Reel Big Fish / Murs / Broadway Calls / Street Dogs / Story of the Year / The Academy Is... / Protest the Hero / Katy Perry / Greeley Estates / Charlotte Sometimes / Between The Trees / Dr. Madd Vibe / The Bronx / 12 Summers Old / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster Show all bands
Merriweather Post Pavilion Columbia, Maryland, United States
Jul 09, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
The Devil Wears Prada / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Angels and Airwaves / Mayday Parade / Street Dogs / Norma Jean / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / MC Chris / Family Force 5 / The Pink Spiders / Cinder Road / Gym Class Heroes / The Bronx / 3OH!3 / Reel Big Fish / Madina Lake / Red Car Wire / The Dillinger Escape Plan / The Aggrolites / Drive A / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Academy Is... / As I Lay Dying / Every Time I Die / idea of beauty / Madison Fadeout / Bedouin Soundclash / Anberlin / Motionless In White / A Day to Remember / Say Anything / Vonnegutt / The Recovering / Oreskaband / Evergreen Terrace / Kevin Elliot and The Broken / Piotta / From First to Last / Darlings / Matisyahu / Beat Union / Shwayze / Relient K / Charlotte Sometimes / Set Your Goals / Every Avenue / The Briggs / Cobra Starship / Braille / Four Year Strong / T.A.T / Against Me! / Katy Perry / Murs / Just Surrender / The Gaslight Anthem / Quanstar / Valencia / Jack's Mannequin / Protest the Hero / The Pinkertones / AMEND / CrashCarBurn / The Lordz / Disco Ensemble / Farewell / Nothing More / The Color Fred / Dr. Madd Vibe / Story of the Year / The Saint Alvia Cartel / Jet Lag Gemini / Alesana / Dead Legend / Longway / Broadway Calls / Greeley Estates / Alamance / Horrorpops Show all bands
Cellairis Amphitheatre at Lakewood Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Jul 06, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Paramore / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Cobra Starship / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / Pierce the Veil / Relient K / Angels and Airwaves / Anberlin / Jack's Mannequin / The Devil Wears Prada / August Burns Red / Shwayze / Say Anything / Reel Big Fish / Forever the Sickest Kids / Story of the Year / Against Me! / The Academy Is... / As I Lay Dying / Alesana / Family Force 5 / Murs / Every Time I Die / Bedouin Soundclash / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Nothing More / Norma Jean / Stick To Your Guns / The Audition / The Bronx / The Secret Handshake / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Valencia / The Aggrolites / Horrorpops / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / Greeley Estates / The Higher / The Pink Spiders / The Briggs / Allison / Braille / Farewell / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / T.A.T / Piotta / Oreskaband / Jet Lag Gemini / The Lordz / Beat Union / The Fabulous Rudies / Breva / Fight! Fight! Fight! / Dr. Madd Vibe / Entice / The Pinkertones / Supe / The Western Civilization / NOVISTA / The Word Association / VORTEXAS / The Arma Mirage / Emery Drive / Oreska Show all bands
Houston, Texas, United States
Jul 05, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Paramore / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Relient K / Angels & Airwaves / Anberlin / August Burns Red / Jack's Mannequin / The Devil Wears Prada / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Shwayze / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Alesana / Murs / Every Time I Die / Family Force 5 / Nothing More / Bedouin Soundclash / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / Stick To Your Guns / The Bronx / The Audition / The Secret Handshake / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Valencia / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / Allison / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / The Pinker Tones / The Higher / The Pink Spiders / Braille / Farewell / Broadway Calls / Flash / The Color Fred / Piotta / T.A.T / Chaser / Oreskaband / Good Guys In Black / Jet Lag Gemini / The Lordz / Longway / Othello / Beat Union / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Allura / Breva / Fight! Fight! Fight! / Entice / Dr. Madd Vibe / The Pinkertones / Gina Cutillo / The Black Doves / Paige Wood / Dante Lasalle / Lone Star Drive By / Furthest From The Star / Kevin Goes 2 College / The Word Association / Lotus Tribe / Culture Shock Camp / Your Greatest Mistake / Massive Monkees / Last Great Assault / Steve Steadham Show all bands
Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Selma, Texas, United States
Show Duplicate for Jul 05, 2008
Jul 02, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Paramore / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Cobra Starship / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / Pierce the Veil / Relient K / The Maine / Angels and Airwaves / Anberlin / Jack's Mannequin / August Burns Red / Reel Big Fish / Shwayze / Say Anything / Forever the Sickest Kids / Story of the Year / Against Me! / The Academy Is... / As I Lay Dying / Alesana / Architects / Murs / Every Time I Die / From First to Last / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / Stick To Your Guns / The Bronx / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Valencia / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / Greeley Estates / The Briggs / The Pink Spiders / Seasons After / Braille / Farewell / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / We Shot The Moon / T.A.T / Piotta / 1997 / Oreskaband / Reach / Jet Lag Gemini / The Lordz / Longway / Pomeroy / Breva / Fight! Fight! Fight! / Milkdrop / Dr. Madd Vibe / Entice / The Pinkertones / Barbaric Merits / Snake Eater / Audio Spaghetti Show all bands
Overland Park, Kansas, United States
Jul 01, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Reel Big Fish / Against Me! / Say Anything / Street Dogs / As I Lay Dying / Norma Jean / From First to Last / Alesana / Jack's Mannequin / Cobra Starship / Anberlin / 3OH!3 / Set Your Goals / Architects / Family Force 5 / Relient K / Longway / August Burns Red / Protest the Hero / The Color Fred / Evergreen Terrace / Every Time I Die / Broadway Calls / Gym Class Heroes / Valencia / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Aggrolites / Braille / The Bronx / The Academy Is... / Shwayze / Angels and Airwaves / Greeley Estates / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Farewell / Between The Trees / Murs / T.A.T / Jet Lag Gemini / We Shot The Moon / The Briggs / The Pink Spiders / 1997 / Charlotte Sometimes / Fight! Fight! Fight! / Paramore / Horrorpops / The Lordz / Beat Union / Oreskaband / Dr. Madd Vibe / 12 Summers Old / Piotta / Entice / The Pinkertones / Story of the Year / MC Chris / You, Me, & Everyone We Know / Novella / Midnight to Twelve / Breva / Say Goodbye / Cyanide City / NINE LIFE FIRE / Stick To Your Guns / A Day to Remember / Mayday Parade / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / The Maine Show all bands
Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Maryland Heights, Missouri, United States
Jun 29, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Mayday Parade / Cobra Starship / Pierce the Veil / We The Kings / Relient K / The Maine / Angels & Airwaves / Anberlin / August Burns Red / The Devil Wears Prada / Reel Big Fish / Say Anything / Shwayze / Pennywise / Story of the Year / Forever the Sickest Kids / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / The Academy Is... / Alesana / Every Time I Die / Family Force 5 / From First to Last / Jeffree Star / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / Stick To Your Guns / The Bronx / The Audition / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Valencia / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / The Briggs / Greeley Estates / The Pinker Tones / The Higher / Tickle Me Pink / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / Piotta / 1997 / Oreskaband / Midnight to Twelve / The Epilogues / The Lordz / The Photo Atlas / Treaty Of Paris / Longway / 3am / Othello / Beat Union / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Animo / Breva / Panima / DJ Vajra / Vices I Admire / The Lasting Hope / Lost Point / Bidwell / The Big Spank / Gina Cutillo / Thanks to You / Paige Wood / Dezmatic / Massive Monkees / Defy Tomorrow / Ancient Myth Show all bands
Empower Field at Mile High Denver, Colorado, United States
Show Duplicate for Jun 29, 2008
Jun 28, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Angels and Airwaves / Between The Trees / Oreskaband / Stick To Your Guns / Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / Cobra Starship / Relient K / The Maine / Anberlin / August Burns Red / Shwayze / Say Anything / Reel Big Fish / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Academy Is... / Story of the Year / Pennywise / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / Alesana / Family Force 5 / Every Time I Die / Murs / Chelsea Grin / Set Your Goals / From First to Last / Jeffree Star / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / The Bronx / MC Chris / Valencia / Street Dogs / The Aggrolites / Horrorpops / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / Greeley Estates / The Briggs / Braille / Farewell / Broadway Calls / Tickle Me Pink / The Color Fred / T.A.T / 1997 / Piotta / The Lordz / Longway / Love Equals Death / Treaty Of Paris / Shiragirl / Beat Union / Larusso / The Action Design / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Now On / Victim Effect / Breva / Phathom / Entice / The Pinkertones / Melodramus / Lost Point / Poética / Paige Wood / HonorTheFallen / Aurora Falls / Self Expression Music / Riots of Eighty / Defy Everything / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / A Day to Remember / Pierce the Veil Show all bands
Unknown venue Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Jun 26, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Katy Perry / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / A Day to Remember / Cobra Starship / Mayday Parade / We The Kings / Pierce the Veil / Relient K / The Maine / Angels and Airwaves / Anberlin / August Burns Red / Shwayze / Say Anything / Reel Big Fish / Pennywise / Forever the Sickest Kids / Story of the Year / Against Me! / The Academy Is... / As I Lay Dying / Alesana / Murs / Every Time I Die / From First to Last / Jeffree Star / Sirah / Set Your Goals / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / Stick To Your Guns / The Bronx / MC Chris / Street Dogs / Horrorpops / The Aggrolites / Valencia / Between The Trees / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / Greeley Estates / The Briggs / You, Me, & Everyone We Know / Braille / Tickle Me Pink / Farewell / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / T.A.T / Zoology / Piotta / 1997 / Oreskaband / The Lordz / Love Equals Death / Treaty Of Paris / The Action Design / Beat Union / Shiragirl / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Loren Battle / Entice / Phathom / The Pinkertones / Supe / Demi the Daredevil / Paige Wood / Shapes of Racecars / Defy Everything Show all bands
El Paso, Texas, United States
Jun 25, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Sirah / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Forever the Sickest Kids / You, Me, & Everyone We Know / Between The Trees / Against Me! / Street Dogs / The Pinkertones / Midnight to Twelve / Paige Wood / Story of the Year / Stick To Your Guns / Mayday Parade / A Day to Remember / The Action Design / Evergreen Terrace / Brave Citizens / The Maine / Set Your Goals / Farewell / We The Kings / Her Fatal Flaw / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Valencia / Protest the Hero / The Bronx / Shiragirl / Pennywise / Family Force 5 / The Aggrolites / Relient K / Jeffree Star / Shapes of Racecars / As I Lay Dying / Murs / 3OH!3 / Cobra Starship / Broadway Calls / T.A.T / Oreskaband / Pierce the Veil / What About Pluto? / Piotta / Alesana / Horrorpops / From First to Last / Norma Jean / Jet Lag Gemini / August Burns Red / Some Never Sleep / Anberlin / Beyond The Citadel Of Coup de Grace / Say Anything / Entice / 1997 / Shwayze / Dust & Blood / Tickle Me Pink / Grime / Katy Perry / Every Time I Die / The Academy Is... / Charlotte Sometimes / MC Chris / Greeley Estates / Supe / The Briggs / Phathom / Reel Big Fish / Defy Everything / The Lordz / Love Equals Death / The Color Fred / Treaty Of Paris / Braille / Beat Union / Gym Class Heroes / Angels & Airwaves Show all bands
Quail Run Park Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Show Duplicate for Jun 25, 2008
Jun 22, 2008
Vans Warped Tour 2008
Treaty Of Paris / Angels and Airwaves / Katy Perry / The All-American Rejects / Gym Class Heroes / 3OH!3 / Cobra Starship / Relient K / The Maine / Anberlin / August Burns Red / Shwayze / Say Anything / Reel Big Fish / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Academy Is... / Story of the Year / Pennywise / Against Me! / As I Lay Dying / Alesana / Family Force 5 / Every Time I Die / Murs / Set Your Goals / From First to Last / Jeffree Star / Protest the Hero / Norma Jean / The Audition / The Bronx / MC Chris / Valencia / Street Dogs / The Aggrolites / Horrorpops / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Evergreen Terrace / Charlotte Sometimes / Greeley Estates / The Higher / The Pink Spiders / The Briggs / Braille / Farewell / Broadway Calls / The Color Fred / T.A.T / 1997 / Piotta / The Lordz / Love Equals Death / Shiragirl / Beat Union / The Action Design / Gil Mantera's Party Dream / Blameshift / The Remus Lupins / The Fabulous Rudies / Now On / Brave Citizens / Phathom / Entice / The Pinkertones / Paige Wood / Miracle Dolls / Oreska / Defy Everything / Between The Trees / Oreskaband / civet / Mayday Parade / Stick To Your Guns / We The Kings / A Day to Remember / Pierce the Veil Show all bands
Unknown venue Los Angeles, California, United States
Show Duplicate for Jun 22, 2008
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