pink hawks Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 29, 2022 –
Jul 31, 2022
Denver Underground Music Showcase 2022
Audrey Nuna / The Knocks / Faye Webster / Sudan Archives / JAWNY / Bully / The Beths / Brasstracks / Bryce Menchaca / Companion / Con Brio / Dafna / Daisy the Great / Death Valley Girls / Foxing / Geese (US) / Green Druid / HoldFast. (US) / Kooze / L.A. Witch / Liz Cooper / Mild Minds / Mothe / Myron Elkins / N3ptune / Nick Monaco / PawPaw Rod / Raffaella / Seratones / Shungudzo / Snotty Nose Rez Kids / Sun Room / Tom The Mail Man / A-Mac & The Height / Alysia Kraft / Amy Martin / The Andersons / Anthony Ruptak / Astral Tomb / Austen Carroll & The Better Neighbors / Bailey Elora / Bear and the Beasts / Bellhoss / Big Dopes / Bison Bone / Bluebook / Blvck Hippie / Body / Boot Gun / Bud Bronson & The Good Timers / Bunny Blake / Bury Mia / Cat Evans / Cheap Perfume (CO) / Christian Wallowing Bull / Cities in the Sky / CITRA / Co-Stanza (USA) / Cobranoid / Colfax Speed Queen / Colony Collapse / The Copper Children / Corsicana / Creekbed / Dead Boyfriend / Despair Jordan / Destino / DJ Polyphoni / Don Chicharrón / Down Time / Doze / Elektric Animals / Erin Stereo / Extra Gold / Fast Eddy / Felix Fast4ward / Fire Motel / Flaural / Fred Fancy / The Gaines Brothers / Gazes / Gestalt (CO) / Glass Helix / Gold Tides / Goldmyth / Graham Good & The Painters / The Grand Alliance / The Great Salmon Famine / Heated Bones / Hellgrammites / Hex Kitten / Immigrant's Child / In The Variant / Ipecac / Isadora Eden / IZCALLI / Jelie / Jen Korte & The Loss / Jennifer Hall / Joseph Lamar / Kaitlyn Williams / Kayla Marque / Kid Astronaut / King Cardinal / Lady Denim / Lane-O / Lillian / Lily Fangz / Lnlygrl / Lonely Choir / Los Mocohetes / Love Stallion / LVDY / The Mañanas / Manycolors / Lily Fangz / Lnlygrl / Lonely Choir / Los Mocohetes / Love Stallion / LVDY / The Mañanas / Manycolors / Marty O'Reilly & The Old Soul Orchestra / Midnight Petroleum / Mile High Soul Club / The Milk Blossoms / Morning Bear / Mowth / Mux Mool / Neon the Bishop / Nina de Freitas / No Special Occasion / Octopus Tree / Peach Street Revival / Peer Review / Pink Fuzz / pink hawks / Plasma Canvas / +Ultra / Polly Urethane / Pretty.Loud / Rachaels Children / Rad Dudes / Ramakhandra / Rarebryd$ / Ray Reed / Retrofette / Ritmo Cascabel / Roger Green / Rootbeer Richie and the Reveille / Ry Ecko / saints of never after / Sarah Slaton and the Great Perhaps / Schama Noel / SFI / Shady Oaks / Simone Says / Slow Caves / The Smokestack Relics / Sophie Gray / Soy Celesté / Joey Burton / Garretson Streit / Sunnnner / Taking Back Monday / Takipink / Theycallhimap / Timbers / Trash Cat / Tres Leches / The Trujillo Company / Venus Cruz and Tilda / Waiting Room / Warring Parties / Wave Decay / Weir / Wes Watkins / The White Moms / Xadie James / Yugs / Katiria / Zoe Berman & The Loveseats Show all bands
South Broadway Denver, Colorado, United States
May 04, 2019
pink hawks

Pink Hawks

Ophelia's Electric Soapbox Denver, Colorado, United States
Mar 12, 2019
pink hawks

Carlos Medina

Hi-Dive Denver, Colorado, United States
Jan 12, 2019
Atomga / pink hawks

Atomga / Pink Hawks at Bluebird Theater

Bluebird Theater Denver, Colorado, United States
Sep 21, 2018
pink hawks / Vic N' The Narwhals / Los Mocochetes

Viva: Una Celebración del Día de Independencia!

Hi-Dive Denver, Colorado, United States
Jul 29, 2018
Dos Santos / Los Mocochetes / pink hawks

Dos Santos

Lost Lake Lounge Denver, Colorado, United States
Jul 22, 2018
Jenny and the Mexicats / pink hawks
Levitt Pavilion Denver Denver, Colorado, United States
Mar 30, 2018
Antibalas / pink hawks
Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom Denver, Colorado, United States
Aug 18, 2017
pink hawks / Los Mocochetes / Kitty Crimes Lost Lake Lounge Denver, Colorado, United States
Oct 20, 2016
Hard Proof Afrobeat / pink hawks Hi-Dive Denver, Colorado, United States
Mar 14, 2015
pink hawks Marquis Theater Denver, Colorado, United States
Dec 07, 2013
Dendrites / pink hawks / 12 Cents for Marvin Marquis Theater Denver, Colorado, United States
Jul 19, 2013
Mudhoney / Bleached / El Toro de la Muerte / School Knights / The Belle Jar / The Seven Hats / Genetic Engines / The Gristle Gals / Ivory Circle / Dudebabes / Water Babys / Ruckus / 4H Royalty / Common Anomaly / Sweet Tooth Meat Tooth / Maudlin Ma...
Mudhoney / Bleached / El Toro de la Muerte / School Knights / The Belle Jar / The Seven Hats / Genetic Engines / The Gristle Gals / Ivory Circle / Dudebabes / Water Babys / Ruckus / 4H Royalty / Common Anomaly / Sweet Tooth Meat Tooth / Maudlin Magpie / Treehouse Sanctum / Atomga / Ryan Chrys / Deaf Kid / The Raven and the Writing Desk / Better Than Bacon / The Octaves / The Blood Lines / The Reverend Red / Sawmill Joe / Tomahawk Fox / Kristi Stice / Broken Spirits / Ned Garthe / Science Partner / The Maykit / Thee Dang Dangs / Paradise Ducks / Joshua Trinidad / Shenandoah Davis / Accordion Crimes / Weather Maps / Paa Kow's By All Means Band / Oliver Bravado / Mega Gem / Jillian Grutta / Chimney Choir / Dirty Few / Jeffrey Dallet / pink hawks / Knew / The Yawpers / Ark Life / Bop Skizzum / Idlewhile / Land Lines / Stephanie Dorman / The Photo Atlas / Musketeer Gripweed / Zebroids / Hollow Talk / Faceman / Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels Show all bands
Gary Lee's Motor Club & Grub Denver, Colorado, United States
Jun 15, 2013
pink hawks Herman's Hideaway Denver, Colorado, United States
Feb 01, 2013
pink hawks / Paa Kow's By All Means Band The Walnut Room Denver, Colorado, United States
Jul 21, 2012
pink hawks / Sauna / Sole / Gauntlet Hair / A Place To Bury Strangers / Snake Rattle Rattle Snake / Shabazz Palaces Main Stage at Goodwill Denver, Colorado, United States
Dec 31, 2011
paper bird / The Devil Whale / pink hawks The Oriental Theater Denver, Colorado, United States
Jul 21, 2011 –
Jul 24, 2011
UMS - The Underground Music Showcase 2011
Birdy / Hellogoodbye / Generationals / Lake Street Dive / Timber Timbre / Bear Hands / El Ten Eleven / Sage Francis / Gardens & Villa / Kitten / The Black Heart Procession / Oh No Oh My / Gauntlet Hair / The Boys / A Great Big Pile of Leaves / Dominique Young Unique / Royal Bangs / Ha Ha Tonka / Outfit / Achille Lauro / Royal / Cannons / Sam Lee / Denison Witmer / Scattered Trees / Fort Frances / Colourmusic / B. Dolan / Old Canes / The Fling (CA) / Olin & the Moon / Danielle Ate The Sandwich / Spires / Flashlights / The Caves / LexiconDon / Fierce Bad Rabbit / A Shoreline Dream / The Epilogues / The Fox and the Bird / The Photo Atlas / The Heyday / Dynamic / Mark Mallman / In The Whale / Deerpeople / The Orbans / Bad Weather California / Patrick Lee / Finn Riggins / Dan Craig / Rob Drabkin / Eldren / Trees / When I Was 12 / The Tangle / Metermaids / Alameda / The Melismatics / Hideous Men / Moon Tides / Josh Dillard / Kissing Party / Bare Bones / Bobby C Sound Tv / Micah Schnabel / Wheelchair Sports Camp / The Galaxies / Snake Rattle Rattle Snake / Fingers of the Sun / American Tomahawk / Boulder Acoustic Society / Tin Horn Prayer / Dirty Mittens / Sauna / Coles Whalen / Jessica Sonner / Bop Skizzum / Foot / Knew / Blkhrts / Strange Americans / ManCub / Colfax Speed Queen / IZCALLI / Savannah Smith / A Tom Collins / Rubedo / Pina Chulada / Chimney Choir / Lizzie Huffman / Mr. Anonymous / The Dendrites / Porlolo / Force Publique / Jaden Carlson / Maudlin / The Raven and the Writing Desk / Vices I Admire / Fresh Breath Committee / Flashbulb Fires / King Mob / The Overcasters / Twin Guns / Pictures of Then / Git Some / School Knights / Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels / Pirate Signal / The Beaten Sea / Jesse Daniel / Bonnie and the Beard / Petals of Spain / Instant Empire / Musketeer Gripweed / Hindershot / Drail / Caleb Slade / Wire Faces / Varlet / The Say So / Science Partner / Married in Berdichev / Take to the Oars / Hearts in Space / pink hawks / Shane Sweeney / Mombi / John Common & Blinding Flashes of Light / The Oak Creek Band / Monroe Monroe / andrea ball / Night Sweats / Joe Sampson / Weather Maps / Il Cattivo / The Bonnie Situation / Boyhollow / Joshua Novak / The Don'ts and Be Carefuls / M. Pyres / Port Au Prince / Accordion Crimes / The Sunshine House / Rachel James / Kevin Costner Suicide Pact / Liz Clark / Fairchildren / Jesse Manley / Fellow Citizens / Magic Cyclops / Holly Lovell / Peace Officer / The Reverend Red / Safe Boating Is No Accident / Ukulele Loki's Gadabout Orchestra / Blnx / Khaira Arby and Her Band / Lil' Thunder / A Mouthful of Thunder / Pacific Pride / 2dubaii / Zebroids / The Maykit / Mr. Pacman / The Polkanauts / Eolian / The Mile Markers / Serious Moonlight / Mane Rok / Amazing Twin / Nathan & Stephen / The Kentucky Street Parlor Pickers / Be The Ant / Young Cities / El Toro de la Muerte / Bad Luck City / Lords of Fuzz / J Shogren / dustin edge / Reviving Cecilia / 4H Royalty / 3two / PANAL S.A. DE C.V. / Glass Hits / The Legendary River Drifters / i sank molly brown / Double Shadow / Kal Cahoone & the Dirty Pretty / Sarah Slaton / Thee Goochi Boiz / 200 Million Years / Broken Spirits / e-s guthrie / End Hits / Tim Pourbaix / Cotton Keys / Jim Mcturnan and the Kids That Killed the Man / Oliver Vanity / Hot White / Radical Knitting Circle / Brothers O'hair / Kingdom Of Magic / Water Babys / Lexigram / All Liver No Onions / Lee Penn Sky / Lightlooms / Girls Walk By / Holophrase / Sun Red / False Colours / Block Scholars / Chella Negro / Land Line / Windslo / Lion Sized / The Mighty 18 Wheeler / Ideal Fathers / All Capitals / Wanderdusk / Doubters / Saturn Cowboys / Cardinal Grey / The Yes We Cans / abi robins / DRY CREEK / Hunter Dragon / Tulip Wars / Genetic Engines / Tim Bruns / Bury My Bones / Vicious Women / The Reckless Nights / Jen Korte / Sam Well Hell / Jon Boland / Mike Disco / Aenka / Bottesini Project / Carl Carrell / Blue Million Miles / Rainbowhead / Sin Desires Marie / Apparition of Michael Glader / Mike Marchant's Outerspace Party Unit / Death Rides West / The Constallations / Van Louvin / Ian Cooke Band / Sweet Tooth Meat Tooth / Marcus Church / littles paia / The Hollyfields / Alone At / Jay J Matott / Ross Etherton / Sid Pink / Corey Teruya / Rev Deadeye Show all bands
Denver, Colorado, United States
Jun 18, 2011
Westword Music Showcase 2011
Young the Giant / Chromeo / Yo La Tengo / Del the Funky Homosapien / The Sword / Murder By Death / Air Dubai / Ume / Flashlights / Fierce Bad Rabbit / The Epilogues / Horse / The Photo Atlas / Bad Weather California / Kinetix / Faceman / Hideous Men / Kissing Party / Reno Divorce / Fingers of the Sun / Snake Rattle Rattle Snake / Boulder Acoustic Society / Tin Horn Prayer / Bop Skizzum / Blkhrts / Knew / Adai / Wheelchair Sports Camp / DJ Vajra / Achille Lauro / Sauna / Peter Black / ManCub / Glowing House / The Overcasters / Dj Dragon / A Tom Collins / King Mob / Vices I Admire / Pirate Signal / Della / Fresh Breath Committee / Git Some / Whiskey Tango / Force Publique / Caleb Slade / The Vitamins / Katey Laurel / John Common & Blinding Flashes of Light / Take to the Oars / The Raven and the Writing Desk / The Widows Bane / Greg Harris Vibe Quintet / Something Underground / Lost Point / Monroe Monroe / Le Divorce / The Big Motif / Frogs Gone Fishin' / The Prime Element / Kal Cahoone / The Sunshine House / Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels / Potcheen / Boyhollow / Novus Folium / Mr. Midas / John Common / SP Double / Boldtype / Whygee / Yerkish / Young Cities / Safe Boating Is No Accident / PANAL S.A. DE C.V. / Port Au Prince / Mane Rok / Innerstate Ike / pink hawks / The Gromet / Spools of Dark Thread / Ninth and Lincoln / Kingdom Of Magic / Choke the Word / The Food Chain / Eolian / Ploy for Extinction / DJ Ktone / Radical Knitting Circle / Gangcharger / King F.o.e. / Lil' Slugger / Spoke In Wordz / Diamond Boiz / Boa and The Constrictors / Aakash Mittal / Traitors to the Queen / Cysko Rokwel / Lionsized / Mike Merchant / Cacheflow / Danielle Ate The Sandwich Show all bands
Unknown venue Denver, Colorado, United States
Aug 02, 2007
Weird Turn Prose / pink hawks / Action Figure 8 The Walnut Room Denver, Colorado, United States
2022 1 concert
2019 3 concerts
2018 4 concerts
2017 1 concert
2016 1 concert
2015 1 concert
2013 4 concerts
2012 1 concert
2011 3 concerts
2007 1 concert
 Halo Eleven
 Tye Battistella
 Therese Denver
 Whitney Testa

As Seen On: