Pied Pumpkin Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 15, 2012
Vancouver Folk Festival 2012
The Head and the Heart / ani difranco / The Barr Brothers / The Cave Singers / The Wood Brothers / Serena Ryder / Dan Mangan / Hey Rosetta! / Ramblin' Jack Elliott / Johnny Clegg / O.N.C.E. / Mike Farris / D'ALA / Martyn Joseph / Ken Whiteley / Andy White / Sidi Toure / Murray McLauchlan / Geoff Berner / Mark Berube / Shakura S'Aida / Roy Forbes / Evalyn Parry / Kat Danser / Pied Pumpkin Show all bands
Vancouver Folk Festival Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Big Band
Acid Jazz
Vocal Harmony Group
Pittsburgh Indie
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