Pelkotila Concert History

Pelkotila was founded in in autumn 2013 when Aleksi Roitto (drums) and Otto Trygg (vocals, guitar) sat down in Pub Aleksis K. in Helsinki, Finland. Aleksi approached Otto saying that he would want to start a crust punk band musically close to Tragedy and From Ashes Rise - to play dark, rocking crust punk filled with small but powerful guitar leads. Otto had exactly the same idea, and a couple of songs written to begin with. At a very early stage it became clear that the lyrics for this band would be in the members' native language, Finnish.

Date Concert Venue Location
Feb 07, 2020 –
Feb 08, 2020
In'Feast Vol. 4
Cold Embrace / Pelkotila / Horsebastard / Galvanizer / Korpse / Erdve / Lapkričio 20-osios Orkestras / Tureto Sindromas / Carry The Weight / Feastem / Cadaveric Incubator / Kraanium / Spasm
Legendos klubas Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
Sludge Metal
Crust Punk

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