Pass The Gat Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Mar 20, 2016
W.O.M.A.D. New Zealand
"W.O.M.A.D. New Zealand" / Ladysmith Black Mambazo / John Grant / Asha Bhosle / Ester Rada / DakhaBrakha / 47soul / Orange Blossom / Diego 'El Cigala' / Spiro / Julia Deans / Hazmat Modine / The Jerry Cans / Pass The Gat / Savina Yannatou / Tami Neilson / Edmar Castaneda Show all bands
TSB Bowl of Brooklands New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand
Sep 18, 2015
Pass The Gat Tuning Fork At Spark Arena Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Death Metal
Thrash Metal
Melodic Death Metal
Hard Techno
Swedish Metal
Swedish Death Metal
Swedish Melodeath
Gothenburg Metal
North Dakota Indie
Show more genres
2016 1 concert
2015 1 concert

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