Paralytic Concert History

The band Paralytic was formed in 2009 march 14th. That was the day, when guitarist Simonas M. and bassist Simonas K. found they're drummer Džiugas. After long searches for the right musical style and vocalist, in 2010 november Lukas joined the band. After playing few gigs. While still looking for the final style, band found they're reselves in the Brutal technical death metal scene. After some time, they were invited to support death metal veterans "Cannibal Corpse" after that gig, guitarist Jokūbas was invited to the group.

Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 09, 2012
Mandragora / Paralytic / Sacramental
Metro Club Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
Jul 12, 2012 –
Jul 15, 2012
Velnio Akmuo/Devilstone 2012
Anathema / Aura Noir / Scarab / Warbringer / Alcest / Demonical / Enforcer / Kampfar / Lake of Tears / Paralytic / Wulture / Ossastorium / Lucifer / Inquisitor / Sanctimony / Dead Shape Figure / Horricane / Thornafire / Truckfighters / Haken / Soundarcade / Honcho / Lucky Funeral / The Grand Astoria / New Keepers Of The Water Towers / Totorro / Blowback / Hexvessel / Freaks on Floor / Spiral Show all bands
Dainuvos slėnis Anykščiai, Utena, Lithuania
Aug 04, 2011 –
Aug 06, 2011
Wacken Open Air 2011
Accu§er / Achren / Aeon Throne / Airbourne / Aphyxion / Apocalyptica / As I Lay Dying / Atrum / Avantasia / Battle Beast / Betontod / Blaas of Glory / Die Blechblos’n / Blind Guardian / Blowsight / Bucovina / Bullet / Bülent Ceylan (Comedy Act) / Children of Bodom / Coldwar / Crashdïet / Danko Jones / Deadlock / Deathclocks / Dir En Grey / Dust Bolt / Edelweiss / Eläkeläiset / Ensiferum / Excrementory Grindfuckers / Exquisite Pus / Frei.Wild / Ghost / Girlschool / Golem / Hämatom / Hail of Bullets / Hammercult / Hayseed Dixie / Heaven Shall Burn / Helloween / Hellsaw / Horch / Iced Earth / Ignis Fatuu / In Solitude / Jim Breuer / Judas Priest / Kataklysm / Khold / Knorkator / Kreator / Kvelertak / Kyuss Lives! / Lacrimas Profundere / Leash Eye / Maiden UniteD / Mambo Kurt / Mayhem / Moonsorrow / Morbid Angel / Morgoth / Mortal Strike / Mother of God / Motörhead / Negator / Noein / Omnicide / Onkel Tom feat. Roberto Blanco (Special Guest) / Onslaught / Ozzy Osbourne / Paralytic / Pharao / Pneuma / Powerstroke / Primal Fear / Pussy Sisster / Rabenschrey / Reliquiae / Rhapsody of Fire / Rude Revelation / Russkaja / Sacramental / Saltatio Mortis / Sepultura / Severenth / Shining / Shraphead / Sirenia / Skálmöld / Skeletonwitch / Ski King / Ski's Country Trash / Skindred / Skyline / Slime / Sodom / Stier / Stormzone / Subway to Sally / Suicidal Tendencies / Suidakra / Tanker / Tauthr / The Aberlours / The Haunted / The Murder of My Sweet / The Prophecy 23 / The Smackballz / Tokyo Blade / Torture Squad / Triosphere / Triptykon / Trivium / Tsjuder / Van Canto / Venomin James / Victims of Madness / Virginia Clemm / Visions of Atlantis / Volcano / Voltax / Vreid / Warrant / Wacken Firefighters / X-Tinxion Show all bands
Wacken Open Air Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Show Duplicates for Aug 04, 2011
Jul 15, 2011 –
Jul 17, 2011
Velnio Akmuo/Devilstone 2011
Inquisition / Benediction / Susperia / Forgotten Tomb / October Tide / In Mourning / Ondskapt / Hellish Outcast / Deville / Obtest / Paralytic / Gama Bomb / Mutant / Pergalė / Anomaly / Decadence / Savage Messiah / Soul Stealer / Mandragora / Pekla / Life's Edge / Stiffer / Nahum / Muscat / Kim Carlsson Show all bands
Dainuvos slėnis Anykščiai, Utena, Lithuania
Apr 29, 2011
Mandragora / Paralytic / Posterity

Mandragora CD pristatymas

Propaganda Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
Death Metal
Technical Death Metal
Lithuanian Metal
2012 2 concerts
2011 3 concerts
 Peter Rasmussen
 Iker Gibello González

As Seen On: