May 28, 2017
Maryland Deathfest 2017 Baltimore Soundstage
Terrorizer / Iron Lung / War Master / UxDxSx / SUPPRESSION / Junior Bruce / die choking / Genocide Pact / Night Raids / P.L.F.
Baltimore Soundstage
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
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Show Duplicate for May 28, 2017
May 25, 2017
– May 28, 2017
Maryland Deathfest 2017
Morbid Angel / Vader / Candlemass / Acid King / Cryptopsy / Tiamat / Fiend / Exhumed / Conan / Autopsy / grave / Gost / Terrorizer / Decrepit Birth / Siege / SubRosa / Oranssi Pazuzu / Agoraphobic Nosebleed / Akercocke / Behexen / Exumer / Macabre / Insect Warfare / Uada / Sargeist / Dopethrone / October Tide / In the Woods... / Morbid Saint / Iron Lung / Noothgrush / Nightbringer / Gorgasm / Malignancy / SKELETAL REMAINS / Samothrace / Nordjevel / Crud / Root / Acheron / Birdflesh / Genocide Pact / Usurper / Brodequin / Cognitive / P.L.F. / Fucking Invincible / die choking / War Master / The Occultist / Father Befouled / Captain Cleanoff / Embalmer / Fissure / Goolagoon / Goratory / Encoffination / Junior Bruce / Necropsy / Torture Rack / Meth Leppard / SUPPRESSION / Organ Dealer / Chepang / Mother Brain / Kerasphorus / Ex Dementia / UxDxS / Disparo / Night Raids / Flash Out / Myxoma / Stormtroopers Of Beer
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Baltimore, Maryland, United States
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May 25, 2017
– May 28, 2017
Maryland Deathfest 2017
Morbid Angel / Vader / Candlemass / Cryptopsy / Acid King / Tiamat / Terrorizer / Conan / Gost / Exhumed / Autopsy / Fiend / grave / Oranssi Pazuzu / Decrepit Birth / Agoraphobic Nosebleed / Insect Warfare / Siege / Uada / SubRosa / Behexen / Macabre / Exumer / Sargeist / Akercocke / Morbid Saint / Gorgasm / In the Woods... / October Tide / SKELETAL REMAINS / Iron Lung / Nordjevel / Malignancy / Noothgrush / Dopethrone / Brodequin / Nightbringer / Torture Rack / Root / Birdflesh / Cognitive / Genocide Pact / Acheron / Samothrace / Crud / P.L.F. / Goolagoon / Usurper / Chepang / Meth Leppard / Embalmer / Father Befouled / Fucking Invincible / Goratory / War Master / Organ Dealer / SUPPRESSION / die choking / The Occultist / Fissure / Captain Cleanoff / Encoffination / Necropsy / Junior Bruce / Kerasphorus / Mother Brain / Ex Dementia / UxDxS / Disparo / Myxoma / Flash Out / Night Raids / Stormtroopers Of Beer
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Maryland Deathfest 2017
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
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Show Duplicate for May 25, 2017
May 18, 2017
Insect Warfare / Captain Cleanoff / P.L.F. / Holy Money / Vulva Essers
Walter's Downtown
Houston, Texas, United States
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Mar 17, 2017
Austin Terror Fest
Illustrations / Recluse / Cleric / Koza / Call of the Void / Genocide Pact / Sex Prisoner / P.L.F.
The Lost Well
Austin, Texas, United States
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Nov 22, 2015
Midnight / Excruciating Terror / P.L.F. / Oath of Cruelty
The Korova
San Antonio, Texas, United States
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Aug 21, 2015
Obscene Extreme America
"Obscene Extreme America" / Abdicate / Schirenc / Gruesome / Agathocles / Jig-Ai / Morpheus Descends / Putrid Pile / Fuck The Facts / P.L.F. / Aggression / Archagathus / Hard Charger / Powercup / Soil Of Ignorance / Corrupt Leaders / The Drip / Homolka / Talk Sick
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Theatre Berri
Montréal, Québec, Canada
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Aug 20, 2015
Obscene Extreme America
"Obscene Extreme America" / Noisem / Putrid Pile / P.L.F. / Homewrecker / Obsolete Mankind / Who Cares / Purgatoire
Montréal, Québec, Canada
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Jul 31, 2015
Devourment / Magrudergrind / P.L.F. / Warbeast / Mobile Deathcamp / Gruesome Fate / Creator Destroyer / Modern Pain / Carnivora / Amygdala / Human Bodies / Terminal Nation / Cleric / Holy Money / Warhead / Calafia Puta / Classhole / Tolar / Concus...
Devourment / Magrudergrind / P.L.F. / Warbeast / Mobile Deathcamp / Gruesome Fate / Creator Destroyer / Modern Pain / Carnivora / Amygdala / Human Bodies / Terminal Nation / Cleric / Holy Money / Warhead / Calafia Puta / Classhole / Tolar / Concussive / Ballgag / Pissed Grave / Steel Bearing Hand / Vbt / Smear / Clear Acid / Baring Teeth / Fat Stupid Ugly People / Pulled Under / Enchant / The Orcanaut / Thundertank / Maldevera / Stress33 / Criminal Slang / Pavel Chekov / rapid face / Espada / Mouth Breather / Wildspeaker
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Deep Ellum
Dallas, Texas, United States
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Jul 31, 2015
– Aug 01, 2015
One Fest 2015
Devourment / Magrudergrind / Amygdala / Peasant / Cleric / Mouthbreather / Warbeast / Terminal Nation / Warhead / P.L.F. / Mobile Deathcamp / Baring Teeth / Rezet / Excruciating Terror / Steel Bearing Hand / Wildspeaker / Carnivora / Modern Pain / Kaliya / Warmaster / Cryptic Void / Smear / Dead Rising / Stapled Shut / Human Bodies / Maldevera / Ballgag / images of violence / disencumbrance / rapid face / Criminal Slang / Creator Destroyer / Holy Money / Schools Out Presents / Pavel Checkov / hood rat
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One Fest 2015
Dallas, Texas, United States
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May 21, 2015
– May 24, 2015
Maryland Deathfest 2015
Napalm Death / Neurosis / Amorphis / D.R.I. / Suffocation / Obituary / Bloodbath / Melt-Banana / Origin / The Wake / Yob / Cephalic Carnage / Ufomammut / Anaal Nathrakh / Primordial / Portal / Arcturus / Tombs / Goatsnake / Triptykon / Skinless / Devourment / Ghoul / Iron Man / Blood Red Throne / Tsjuder / Razor / Conan / Jex Thoth / Aura Noir / Einherjer / Master / Full of Hell / Inter Arma / Wolfbrigade / Winter / Lock Up / Solstice / Coke Bust / The Early Graves / Demilich / Agoraphobic Nosebleed / Martyrdöd / Skepticism / Noisear / Vattnet Viskar / Vulcano / Gnaw Their Tongues / Mantar / Homewrecker / Primitive Man / Aeternus / Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult / Antigama / Serpentine Path / Artificial Brain / Mortal Decay / Internal Bleeding / Cianide / Inverloch / Thantifaxath / Funebrarum / Bulldozer / Usnea / Triac / Impetuous Ritual / Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation / Morpheus Descends / Water Torture / Twilight of the Gods / P.L.F. / Chainsaw to the Face / Splatterhouse / Engorged / Lycanthrophy / Adversarial / SUFFERING MIND / Mother Brain / Backslider / Entrails Massacre / Knelt Rote / Demoncy / Spazztic Blurr / Prosanctus Inferi / Fulgora / Grin and Bear It / Pizzahifive
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Unknown venue
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
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Jan 18, 2015
P.L.F. / Mountain Of Smoke / Pavel Chekov / Mouth Breather
Three Links
Dallas, Texas, United States
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