Overset Concert History

Were born in 1986 (Mikhaelyan Arthur) and 1985 (Blagodarnyy Vadim) Their passion to music as a creation work started from learning to handle the sequencer "Fruity Loops" A love to an electronic sound was inculated in them by the monsters of lifless sound - Prodigy. In 2002 guys sarted to familiarizate a local clublife, taking a great interest in electronic sound, in particular in works of Junior Jack, Eric Prydz, Armand van Helden, Tiga etc. Starting as a dj's, guys quickly came to create their own music.

Date Concert Venue Location
No concerts found
Electro House
Big Beat
UK Pop Punk
2020 2 concerts
2019 1 concert
 Holly Pimlott
 Big Jambo
 Zoe Olivia
 Charlotte Cullen
 Hannah Silverstein

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