Outskirts Concert History

Outskirts is a four piece band from the West-coast of Belgium. These four young gentlemen only have one mission: to make their songs smooth and catchy. How catchy sir? So catchy that you’ll need a lot more than a simple toilet plunger to get the songs out of your thoughts. Their music is a mixture of different genres. They will only serve cocktails with a fresh rock of rock ‘n roll, a lick of indie-rock and to top things off, they will drown your glass with Britpop.

Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 14, 2019
Gouge Away / Outskirts / None Above All / Gel

Gouge Away, Outskirts, None Above All, Materialistics, Gel

Trans-Pecos New York, New York, United States
Nov 04, 2018
Lifetime / Cold World / Outskirts / Corrode
Brooklyn Bazaar New York, New York, United States
Future Bass
Kawaii Future Bass
Show more genres
2019 1 concert
2018 1 concert
 Andy Levitz
 Wavy Havok
 Ben Levesque
 Daniel Loso
 Kel Motel

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