On Trial Concert History

There are three bands called On Trial.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 04, 2011 –
Aug 07, 2011
Pennywise / The Damned / The Bouncing Souls / The Hood Internet / The Exploited / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / The Adicts / Authority Zero / The Dickies / GBH / Off! / Street Dogs / UK Subs / Subhumans / The Vibrators / The Skints / Eddie and the Hot Rods / Cock Sparrer / Blame / The Boys / 999 / A Wilhelm Scream / The Meteors / Control / Captain Sensible / Anti-Nowhere League / The Business / The Creepshow / Fiend / Bay city rollers / MDC / Sarah Blackwood / Mad Sin / Left Alone / Peter And The Test Tube Babies / Vice Squad / Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine / Toyah / Jaya The Cat / Astronauts / Crows / Capdown / Citizen Fish / The Lurkers / London / Slaughter and the Dogs / Mike Scott / Booze & Glory / Exposed / Varukers / Menace / The Old Firm Casuals / Random Hand / Fearless Vampire Killers / Middle Finger Salute / Deadline / Kunt And The Gang / Devils Brigade / Splodgenessabounds / The Duel / Frenzy / Infa Riot / The JB Conspiracy / Mouthwash / TV Smith / The Have Not$ / English Dogs / Jons / Red Alert / The Filaments / Hard Skin / Neck / Pipes and Pints / Segismundo Toxicomano / RUST / The Grit / Strawberry Blondes / Goldblade / Crack / Newtown Neurotics / The Here and Now / Guilty Pleasures / Argy Bargy / Dirty Revolution / Major Accident / Red Eyes / The Human Project / Rubella Ballet / ATV / Stage Bottles / The Defects / Gimp Fist / Stza Crack / The Cravats / Stupids / Hateful / Sick on the Bus / Louise Distras / Heavy Metal Kids / Resistance 77 / Rat City Riot / Runnin' Riot / Tom Hingley / The Agitators / Dragster / Tyrannosaurus Alan / Captain Hotknives / Crashed Out / Texas Terri Bomb / Billy Liar / Threats / Guttersnipe / Paranoid Visions / Section 5 / Drongos For Europe / Marching Orders / Eastfield / Atheist Rap / Choking Susan / Ex-Cathedra / Criminal Class / Dipsomaniacs / Glen Matlock and The Philistines / The Rockabellas / On Trial / Demob / Radio Dead Ones / Ben Potter / Broken Nose / Perkie / Resolution 242 / A-Heads / H.D.Q. / The Zips / Church of Confidence / Anti-Vigilante / Spanner / Drunken Balordi / Geoffrey Oi!cott / Hotwired / Pete Bentham & The Dinner Ladies / Mangled / Bootstroke / The Bleach Boys / Fornicators / Mike Marlin / Poisoned Electrick Head / Jericho Hill / Girlfixer / Monkish / Joe Tilston / Towerblocks / The Septic Psychos / Pascal Briggs / Instant Agony / Paul Carter / The Red Eyes (UK) / The Angry Agenda / Emily & the Faves / Pink Hearse / El Morgan / Charred Hearts / Tight Finks / Steve Rawles / Sensa Yuma / Balsall Heathens / 3CR / Chas Palmer Williams / Backbiter / Maximum Rnr / Surfin Turnips / Picture Frame Seduction / Reazione / 5 Shitty Fingers / Simon Friend / New Forbidden / Matt Voodoo / Mike Only / Short Bus Window Lickers / Gimpfist / Noise Agents / A Heads / Kings of the Delmar / Barnyard Masturbator / One Man Stand / Biteback / Suicide Si / Dirty Folkers / Mauri Clash City Rocker / Dun2Def / Nick Cash / Bank Holiday Jez / The Disruptors / Robin Leitch / Abba Sensation / Tina Lee / The Shook Ups / Jonny One Lung / Last Amendment / Will Tun / The Multi-coloured Pop Shop / Prairie Dugz / Craig Temple / Jim Sorrow Show all bands
Blackpool Winter Gardens Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
Aug 05, 2010 –
Aug 08, 2010
Bad Religion / Streetlight Manifesto / New York Dolls / Peter Murphy / Stiff Little Fingers / Fucked Up / Strung Out / Agent Orange / Gallows / Agnostic Front / Big D And The Kids Table / Catch 22 / The King Blues / GBH / UK Subs / Subhumans / The Slackers / Dwarves / The Aggrolites / The Vibrators / The Skints / Discharge / Blame / Cro-Mags / Hazel O'Connor / The Rezillos / 999 / Control / The Godfathers / Cockney Rejects / 7Seconds / Perfect / Star Fucking Hipsters / Demented Are Go / Department S / Left Alone / Peter And The Test Tube Babies / Sonic Boom Six / Vice Squad / Jaya The Cat / Penetration / Robin / Citizen Fish / Chelsea / The Lurkers / The Valentines / Slaughter and the Dogs / London / Mike Scott / Bombshell Rocks / Shapes / World/Inferno Friendship Society / The Last Resort / Varukers / Menace / Glitter Band / Random Hand / King Kurt / The Oppressed / Frantic Flintstones / Deadline / Channel 3 / The cynics / Kunt And The Gang / Middle Finger Salute / One Way System / This Is A Standoff / Broken Bones / The Duel / Splodgenessabounds / Vic Ruggiero / civet / Kevin Seconds / Viv Albertine / Blood Or Whiskey / Blitzkrieg / The JB Conspiracy / Abrasive Wheels / Mouthwash / TV Smith / Attila the Stockbroker / Gorgeous / Funeral Dress / Red Alert / The Filaments / Hard Skin / The Rabble / Dan Potthast / Neck / The Grit / Strawberry Blondes / Goldblade / Krawallbruder / Guilty Pleasures / Argy Bargy / The Pigs / Stomper 98 / Dirty Revolution / The Human Project / Stage Bottles / Gimp Fist / The Defects / Stza Crack / The Cravats / Punishment of Luxury / Intro5pect / Subterraneans / Sick on the Bus / The Skunks / Resistance 77 / The Stiffs / Accelerators / Suicide Bid / Klasse Kriminale / The Agitators / Tom Hingley / The Remnants / Static Thought / Dragster / Crashed Out / Captain Hotknives / Ich / Blaggers ITA / Billy Liar / Texas Terri Bomb / Section 5 / Drongos For Europe / Rentokill / Guitar Gangsters / Certified / The Dead Pets / Ed Tudor Pole / Choking Susan / Criminal Class / Dipsomaniacs / Ashers / Evacuate / On Trial / Radio Dead Ones / East End Badoes / Broken Nose / Perkie / Church of Confidence / Anti-Vigilante / Pete Bentham & The Dinner Ladies / Chris Butler / Geoffrey Oi!cott / Poisoned Electrick Head / Jericho Hill / Bastard Squad / BabyBoom / Girlfixer / Joe Tilston / Monkish / The Septic Psychos / No Thrills / Guns On The Roof / Andrew Cream / Chas / Paul Carter / The Red Eyes (UK) / Instant Agony / Keyside Strike / Some Sort of Threat / Pink Hearse / Charred Hearts / Poundaflesh / Sensa Yuma / Balsall Heathens / The Casual Terrorist / 3CR / Goo Goo Muck / Badtown / Rebel City Radio / Picture Frame Seduction / ZOOPARTY / Potential Victims / Reazione / Danger's Close / Flav Giorgini / Noise Agents / Max Splodge / G.G. Elvis and the T.C.P. Band / Mauri Clash City Rocker / Dun2Def / Nick Cash / Tina Lee / Abba Sensation / Chas & His Band / Arturo Bassick / Ben Childs / Johnny One Lung / Potential Victim / The Multi-coloured Pop Shop / Micky Oliver / Craig Temple / Play Daisy / Jim Sorrow Show all bands
Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
Aug 09, 2007
The Adicts / Abrasive Wheels / The Animals / The Damned / Slade / Alabama 3 / The Vibrators / Leftöver Crack / UK Subs / The Adverts / Dwarves / Cockney Rejects / 999 / The Business / Subhumans / The Ruts / Anti-Nowhere League / Blood Or Whiskey /...
The Adicts / Abrasive Wheels / The Animals / The Damned / Slade / Alabama 3 / The Vibrators / Leftöver Crack / UK Subs / The Adverts / Dwarves / Cockney Rejects / 999 / The Business / Subhumans / The Ruts / Anti-Nowhere League / Blood Or Whiskey / Citizen Fish / Conflict / Varukers / Peacocks / Eddie and the Hot Rods / Sonic Boom Six / Vice Squad / Discipline / Deadline / Peter And The Test Tube Babies / Los Fastidios / John Cooper Clarke / The King Blues / Penetration / The Lurkers / time again / Turbo A.C.'s / Neck / Funeral Dress / Howards Alias / Blitzkrieg / The Filaments / Captain Everything! / Stage Bottles / Mouthwash / Hard-Ons / Klasse Kriminale / Chas 'n' Dave / Splodgenessabounds / Suicide Bid / Special Duties / The JB Conspiracy / English Dogs / Rejected / Random Hand / Criminal Class / Pama International / Riot squad / The Last Resort / Pickled Dick / Shark Soup / Section 5 / Foreign Legion / Failsafe / The Restarts / Frank Sidebottom / TV Smith / John Otway / Hogwash / MDM / Intro5pect / Argy Bargy / Resistance 77 / Crack / Newtown Neurotics / Krawallbrder / The Lancashire Hotpots / On Trial / Forgotten / Grown At Home / Church of Confidence / Northern Uproar / Evil Conduct / APB / Buzzkill / Reazione / The Agitators / Pain / The Wall / Goldblade / Ghouls / Rory McLeod / External Menace / Pork Dukes / The Tights / Martha Tilston / Ari Up / Sick on the Bus / Dragster / No Choice / Kunt And The Gang / The Duel / Billy No Mates / Mr Shiraz / Intensified / Demob / Threats / Babar Luck / The Neville Staple Band / The Rebels / KrawallBrueder / Paranoid Visions / Instant Agony / BabyBoom / Duff Muffin / Outl4w / Urban Dogs / Blame / Matthew Reynolds / D.B.D / Strawberry Blondes / Captain Hotknives / Texas Terri Bomb / Scrub / Fire Exit / Picture Frame Seduction / Flamingo 50 / Hardskin / The Casual Terrorist / Roddy Radiation / East End Badoes / Wild Youth / Middle Finger Salute / Bastard Squad / Splitters. The / Smith And Jones / Paul Carter / The Straps / Choking Susan / Jonny One Lung / The Emotional Problems of Dirk Diggler / Guilty Pleasures / Holy Racket / Dirty Love / Sofa Head / Dik Guru / Stuntface / Barnyard Masturbator / The Kirkz / Nick Cash / The Dead Class / The Blaggers / Lowlife UK / Western Promise / Max Splodge / Kelly Kemp / Lay Out The Traps! / The Baghdaddio's / Harakiri Karaoke / Pink Hearse / The Booze Boys / Pink Torpedoes / Martha Tilson / CHEMICAL KAOS / Alias Smith & Jones / Havana A Go Go / Play Daisy / Monkish Show all bands
Winter Gardens Blackpool Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
Aug 11, 2006
Wasted 2006 - 30 Years Of Punk - Day 2 of 4
Cockney Rejects / Eddie & The Hot Rods / Patrik Fitzgerald / Argy Bargy / Captain Hotknives / Notsensibles / Atilla The Stockbroker / The Blaggers / Templeton Pek / Guns On The Roof / Outl4w / Foreign Legion / On Trial / The Straps / The Varukers / The Crack / Anti-Nowhere League / Skylar / Steve Drewett / Lowlife UK / Chelsea / Hazel O'Connor & The Subterraneans / Hugh Cornwell / GBH / Leftover Crack Show all bands
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Blackpool Winter Gardens Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
May 19, 2005
Subhumans / The Stranglers / Turbonegro / The Undertones / Pain / The Exploited / Sham 69 / UK Subs / Levellers / MU330 / 999 / The Business / Demented Are Go / Angelic Upstarts / GBH / Anti-Nowhere League / Blood Or Whiskey / The Rezillos / The B...
Subhumans / The Stranglers / Turbonegro / The Undertones / Pain / The Exploited / Sham 69 / UK Subs / Levellers / MU330 / 999 / The Business / Demented Are Go / Angelic Upstarts / GBH / Anti-Nowhere League / Blood Or Whiskey / The Rezillos / The Briefs / Varukers / Sonic Boom Six / The Oppressed / Discipline / Antidote / Deadline / Peter And The Test Tube Babies / Los Fastidios / Penetration / Avengers / Chelsea / The Weirdos / Smut Peddlers / Neck / Funeral Dress / Howards Alias / [Spunge] / Toyah / One Way System / Disorder / Captain Everything! / Stage Bottles / Hard Skin / Red Alert / Adequate Seven / Jesse James / Raw Power / nocomply / Splodgenessabounds / Random Hand / Criminal Class / Channel 3 / The Crabs / The Last Resort / Shark Soup / Foreign Legion / The Skulls / Frontkick / Weekend Warriors / 4ft Fingers / The Lurkers / TV Smith / Beerzone / MDM / Catch-it Kebabs / Emergency / Argy Bargy / Resistance 77 / Crack / On Trial / APB / The Stiffs / The Agitators / Stockyard Stoics / Goldblade / Carpettes / Pork Dukes / Blue Demon / Sick on the Bus / Guitar Gangsters / The Hyperjax / Midnight Creeps / Red Flag 77 / Lambrusco Kids / Threats / Blisterhead / The Briggs / The Freaks Union / John Holmes / Instant Agony / Ny Rel-x / Down And Outs / Channel 5 / The Filaments / The Hangmen / Zen Baseballbat / Crashed Out / The Krays / Skeptix / Combat Shock / Mumrah / Splitters. The / Texas Terri Bomb / Skywalkers / Fire Exit / Derita Sisters / Eastfield / Flamingo 50 / Boobytrap / The Bleach Boys / Zen Baseball Bat / Anoraks / Holy Racket / Self Abuse / The Zips / Sofahead / Glueball / Barnstormer / Stuntface / Capo Regime / Striknien D.C / The Supatones / Fish Brothers / Bosseye / The Pubcrawlers / Lower Case J / Rule 303 / The Straps / Sick 56 / Deadpad / CHEMICAL KAOS / The Mercury League / X-rippers / King Django and the Version City Rockers Show all bands
The Dome Morecambe, UK
Jul 01, 1999 –
Jul 04, 1999
Roskilde Festival 1999
Echo & the bunnymen / Placebo / Metallica / Blur / Chemical Brothers / Marilyn Manson / The Flaming Lips / Robbie Williams / Blondie / Wilco / The Roots / Al Green / Stereophonics / Basement Jaxx / Barenaked Ladies / Faithless / Manic Street Preachers / Culture Club / Everlast / Suede / Built to Spill / Blonde Redhead / Skunk Anansie / Ministry / Cassius / Lamb / Orbital / R.E.M. / The Rasmus / Mercury Rev / Death In Vegas / The Divine Comedy / Monster Magnet / Molotov / Guano Apes / Coldcut / Los Amigos Invisibles / Heather Nova / Hammerfall / Kashmir / The Tubes / Cornelius / Cibo Matto / Hotei / Marcos Valle / Covenant / Apoptygma Berzerk / Mouse on Mars / I:Cube / Carlinhos Brown / Jello Biafra / Silicone Soul / The Residents / Ernest Ranglin / Hallucinogen / Swayzak / Motorpsycho / Olu Dara / Transglobal Underground / Thomas Helmig / Tim Christensen / Bob Hund / Badmarsh And Shri / Nashville Pussy / TV-2 / Ulf Lundell / Die Sterne / Spain / Andre Williams / Eva Dahlgren / Grooverider / Pole / Gluecifer / The Creatures / Alliance Ethnik / Junior Delgado / Raga Rockers / The Nomads / B12 / Raul Paz / Solex / Derrick Carter / Schneider Tm / Albita / Radio Tarifa / Superheroes / Waldemar Bastos / 22-Pistepirkko / Hedningarna / Johnny Madsen / Opiate / Fabio / Den Gale Pose / Psyched Up Janis / The Makers / Margareth Menezes / Liberator / Daude / Godspeed / Mbongeni Ngema / Maryam Mursal / An Der Beat / Hotel Hunger / Frederic Galliano / Mixmaster Morris / Mangu / Salamat / A1 People / Chaser (USA) / Mnemonic / Maas / Melted / On Trial / Gilb-r / Moses Taiwa Molelekwa / Rizwan-Muazzam Qawwali / Phuzekhemisi / Yossi Fine / Withering Surface / The Burnouts / Rue East / Tu Nokwe / Busi Mhlongo / Deepfried Toguma / Port Friendly / The Tuesdays / Dazee / Kyed / Noise Khanyile Show all bands
Unknown venue Roskilde, Zealand, Denmark
Jun 25, 1998 –
Jun 28, 1998
Roskilde Festival 1998
Bob Dylan / Marilyn Manson / A Tribe Called Quest / The Verve / Kylie Minogue / Rammstein / Deftones / Black Sabbath / Portishead / Tool / Iggy Pop / Garbage / Slayer / Mogwai / Echo & the Bunnymen / Pulp / Primal Scream / Tori Amos / Misfits / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Kraftwerk / The Stranglers / In Flames / Steve Earle / Tricky / Beastie Boys / Eagle-Eye Cherry / Buddy Guy / Ash / Spiritualized / The Mighty Mighty Bosstones / Dr. John / The Sisters of Mercy / Mew / Meredith Brooks / Great White / Junkie Xl / Soulfly / Kent / Carl Cox / Green Velvet / Dimmu Borgir / Nitin Sawhney / Kruder & Dorfmeister / The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion / Idlewild / Tortoise / Sonic Youth / Laurent Garnier / Paradise Lost / Turbonegro / Coal Chamber / Oscar D'León / The Skatalites / Catatonia / Alabama 3 / D-A-D / Kashmir / Asian Dub Foundation / Lisa Ekdahl / Moonspell / Stereo Total / Atari Teenage Riot / Money Mark / Kristin Hersh / Backyard Babies / Natacha Atlas / Lo Fidelity Allstars / Rocket from the Crypt / Sophie Zelmani / Pizzicato Five / Bentley Rhythm Ace / Weeping Willows / Nils Petter Molvaer / TV-2 / Malk De Koijn / Dub Syndicate / Galaxy / Boom Boom Satellites / Clemens / Bernard Butler / Hanne Boel / Charanga Habanera / Seigmen / Brave Combo / Illdisposed / Kreidler / Vieja Trova Santiaguera / Nikolaj Nørlund / The Bootleg Beatles / The New Birth Brass Band / Tabou Combo / BAAL / Lois / Psyched Up Janis / Scan X / E.t.a. / Bjørn Svin / Radish / Sawt el Atlas / Steve Stoll / Musafir / Future 3 / Sorten Muld / Headrillaz / Impulse / Speaker Bite Me / Ulan Bator / Puddu Varano / Keith Secola / Drags / Palace of Pleasure / Sternklang / Mystic Revelation Of Rastafari / Mynta / On Trial / Super Cayor De Dakar / Setona / Sportsguitar / Penniless / Paulito fg y Su Elite / Drum Island / Hypnotix / Aziza-a / BLEEDER / Subgud / Luksus / Smilin' Myron / Ole Theill / Queens Of Shiba Show all bands
Roskilde, Zealand, Denmark
Show Duplicates for Jun 25, 1998

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Roskilde Festival 1998 on Jun 25, 1998 [681-small]

Roskilde Festival 1998
Jun 25 - 28, 1998
 Roskilde, Zealand, Denmark
  Uploaded by Rocdsan

Wasted 2006 - 30 Years Of Punk - Day 2 of 4 on Aug 11, 2006 [754-small]

Wasted 2006 - 30 Years Of Punk - Day 2 of 4
Aug 11, 2006
 Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Rut

Wasted 2006 - 30 Years Of Punk - Day 2 of 4 on Aug 11, 2006 [756-small]

Wasted 2006 - 30 Years Of Punk - Day 2 of 4
Aug 11, 2006
 Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Rut

Psychedelic Rock
Garage Rock
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Space Rock
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2011 1 concert
2010 1 concert
2007 1 concert
2006 1 concert
2005 1 concert
1999 1 concert
1998 1 concert
 Lena Linderoth
 Em Vstyle
 Troels List
 Didrik Tandberg Klausen
 Paul Douglas
 Alan Petersen
 Camilla Olsrud
 Sanne Strøh Andersen
 Joakim Lenell
 Bård Frydenlund

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