Sep 24, 2023
Kantine am Berghain
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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Sep 22, 2023
Reeperbahn Festival
Alina Amuri / Angie McMahon / Annie Hamilton / Arkan45 / Avec / Billy Bragg / Bobby Alu / Christian Löffler / CMAT / Daisy the Great / Dekker / Egyptian Blue / Fat Dog / Flyying Colours / Future Static / Gena Rose Bruce / Girl Scout / Jeremias / Julie Doiron / K.Flay / Kathryn Joseph / Keir / Kynsy / Lena & Linus / Lime Cordiale / Maple Glider / NOSO / Nyssa / Sam Himself / Sofie Royer / SPRINTS / Superbloom / Telenova / Temples / The Hives / The Omnific / The Terrys / Thelma Plum / Tiflis Transit / Tua / Willie Stratton / WOLF SAGA
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Various Venues
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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Sep 20, 2023
Botanique - Witloof Bar
Brussels, Brussels Capital, Belgium
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Sep 20, 2023
– Sep 23, 2023
Reeperbahn Festival 2023
The Hives / K.Flay / Matt Corby / grandson / Circa Waves / Billy Bragg / Temples / Arlo Parks / Penelope Scott / The Staves / Lime Cordiale / James Hersey / Christian Löffler / Blood Red Shoes / This Is The Kit / Brennan Savage / Puma Blue / Thelma Plum / Altın Gün / Jordan Mackampa / Ichiko Aoba / Bernhoft / Teleman / Arab Strap / Hauschka / Jazmin Bean / Angie McMahon / Grandbrothers / Fil Bo Riva / Nu Genea / Iniko / Jeremias / Maddie Zahm / Sorcha Richardson / blackwave. / KAWALA / Sarah Reeves / Daisy the Great / Julie Doiron / Jean-Michel Blais / Nova Twins / Novaa / Ryan McMullan / 49th & Main / spill tab / Dekker / Lina / Baby Rose / Geese / Avec / Bobby Alu / Lau / Bob Vylan / Mayberg / Cloudy June / PONGO / Jeshi / Bartees Strange / Katie Gregson-MacLeod / Art School Girlfriend / Will Varley / Sirens Of Lesbos / The Last Dinner Party / The Terrys / Chinchilla / ADOY / Diskopunk / Zaho De Sagazan / Hannes / Kelsy Karter / Orbit / Paula Hartmann / Tua / Sophie May / The Mary Wallopers / Skaar / Kathryn Joseph / Flyying Colours / Big Joanie / Mother's Cake / Savvy / Team Scheisse / NOSO / Wide Mouth Mason / Uma / SPRINTS / Kara Jackson / Bala Desejo / Jack in Water / Ailbhe Reddy / Maple Glider / Glen Check / NEEVE / Zeck / Gretel Hänlyn / The Omnific / Victor Ray / Go-Jo / Woody / Deadletter / English Teacher / Bibiza / Pærish / Jack Curley / Telenova / Levin Liam / Pablo Brooks / Rahel / Blumengarten / Mar Malade / CVC / Lynks / Dream Nails / Egyptian Blue / WOLF SAGA / Berq / Jerry Heil / UTO / BEKA / Floodlights / Nieve Ella / Dirty Sound Magnet / Bow Anderson / Antje Schomaker / William The Conqueror / Grove / Etran de L'Air / Ebow / Sofie Royer / Keir / Glume / fuffifufzich / Paula Carolina / Prima Queen / Die Selektion / Adwaith / Gaspar Claus / deathcrash / Liraz / 3lna / Eyelar / Annie Hamilton / Aziya / Haviah Mighty / Bandit Bandit / Kids Return / Kids With Buns / Cameron Hayes / Ellevator / Jessica Winter / Lena & Linus / Marie Bothmer / Flawless Issues / Sabrina Bellaouel / Sans Soucis / Kasi / Bon Enfant / Someone / MADMADMAD / Wyn Starks / Gena Rose Bruce / Keg / Susan O'Neill / Walkways / Kynsy / Sam Quealy / Cherise / Tramhaus / Wolf & Moon / Loupe / Chalk / Superbloom / Kuoko / Veronica Fusaro / Fat Dog / Keep Dancing Inc / YFG Pave / Boy Bleach / Nils Keppel / Arny Margret / Lucky Lo / Carlo Karacho / Ny Oh / The Crab Apples / Mitch Santiago / Traumatin / Sam Himself / Mise En Scene / Girl Scout / Ritter Lean / Enkay / Viji / Wa22ermann / Maria Hein / Circe / diggidaniel / Casper Clausen / Digging Roots / BURNOUT OSTWEST / Waterbaby / Willie Stratton / Cucamaras / Yikes / Picture Parlour / BROCKHOFF / Nueve desconocidos / Annahstasia / Pogendroblem / Mariybu / Moses Yoofee Trio / Naya Ali / Gewalt / Future Static / The Garrys / Bipolar Feminin / Anda Morts / Whammyboy / Eva McBel / Tiflis Transit / Dear Deer / Girlwoman / AUGN / Luna Morgenstern / AySay / Shitney Beers / Arkan45 / Cerys Hafana / 86TVs / T. Thomason / Lady Banana / Silvan Strauss / Noah Derksen / Get Jealous / TJARK / The Vices / Vox Rea / Nyssa / Mischgewebe / Pavelo & Schnell / Cam Kahin / C'est Karma / Katha Pauer / Lucifer XO / La Sécurité / Koikoi / Uzi Freyja / STORRY / Blush Always / Shell Beach / PAULA PAULA / ENNIO / cotoba / Boogey The Beat / Sophia Blenda / Maria Basel / Bush.Ida / Kaktus Einarsson / Kyle McKearney / AYMZ / KID BE KID / Cousines Like Shit / The Last Concorde / SQF2000 / Baby's Berserk / Lyschko / Yolande Bashing / Gillie / Bärchen und die Milchbubis / Soft Loft / REEZA / Mina Richman / Esfand / La Place / Joy Hotel / Noth / Judi&Cocho / Alice DiMar / Mace The Great / Uche Yara / Senta / Symba (DE) / Lorenzo Soria / Loveless (CA, USA) / Josh Island / CARY / orbit (live) / Jolle / POULISH KID / Ottolien / Ilayda / YMNK / Willow Parlo / Hanna Noir / Zustra / Toflang / Fred Roberts / Lil Cherry & GOLDBUUDA / Diner Drugs / HENRYY / iedereen / The Trade-Offs / BECKS (DE) / Kasi (DE) / Kuzi Cee / AERA TIRET / Chazz Luck / Maggie Andrew / NANTI / Brandon Howard Roy / Evil Ebeneezer / Dump Babes / GAST (GER) / RAHEL (AUT) / Poundo / liska (DE) / Dottie Anderson / FILLY (AUT) / LUNA (DE) / LAU FARES / Aaron (DE)
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Reeperbahn Festival
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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Sep 20, 2023
– Sep 23, 2023
Reeperbahn Festival 2023
The Hives / K.Flay / Matt Corby / grandson / Circa Waves / Billy Bragg / Temples / The Staves / Arlo Parks / Penelope Scott / James Hersey / Lime Cordiale / Christian Löffler / Blood Red Shoes / This Is The Kit / Brennan Savage / Puma Blue / Thelma Plum / Altın Gün / Jordan Mackampa / Bernhoft / Teleman / Arab Strap / Ichiko Aoba / Hauschka / Jazmin Bean / Angie McMahon / Grandbrothers / Fil Bo Riva / Nu Genea / Maddie Zahm / Jeremias / Iniko / Sorcha Richardson / blackwave. / KAWALA / Sarah Reeves / Daisy the Great / Julie Doiron / Jean-Michel Blais / Novaa / Nova Twins / Ryan McMullan / spill tab / Lina / 49th & Main / Baby Rose / Avec / Dekker / Lau / Bobby Alu / Geese / PONGO / Bob Vylan / Jeshi / Bartees Strange / Will Varley / Katie Gregson-MacLeod / Art School Girlfriend / Cloudy June / Mayberg / Sirens Of Lesbos / Diskopunk / ADOY / Kelsy Karter / The Terrys / Hannes / Orbit / Tua / Chinchilla / Kathryn Joseph / Flyying Colours / Paula Hartmann / Mother's Cake / Big Joanie / Zaho De Sagazan / Skaar / Sophie May / Savvy / The Mary Wallopers / The Last Dinner Party / Wide Mouth Mason / NOSO / Team Scheisse / Uma / Jack in Water / Ailbhe Reddy / SPRINTS / Kara Jackson / Glen Check / Bala Desejo / NEEVE / The Omnific / Maple Glider / Woody / Gretel Hänlyn / Pærish / Go-Jo / Zeck / Jack Curley / Pablo Brooks / Victor Ray / Telenova / Deadletter / Rahel / Bibiza / English Teacher / WOLF SAGA / UTO / Mar Malade / Dream Nails / BEKA / Lynks / CVC / Jerry Heil / Egyptian Blue / Floodlights / Levin Liam / Bow Anderson / Antje Schomaker / Dirty Sound Magnet / William The Conqueror / Grove / Blumengarten / Keir / Etran de L'Air / Ebow / Sofie Royer / Glume / Gaspar Claus / Adwaith / Die Selektion / deathcrash / Liraz / fuffifufzich / Prima Queen / Eyelar / Nieve Ella / Annie Hamilton / Haviah Mighty / 3lna / Cameron Hayes / Aziya / Ellevator / Paula Carolina / Kids Return / Sabrina Bellaouel / Bandit Bandit / Marie Bothmer / Sans Soucis / Jessica Winter / Bon Enfant / Kids With Buns / Flawless Issues / Someone / Gena Rose Bruce / Wyn Starks / MADMADMAD / Walkways / Keg / Susan O'Neill / Berq / Lena & Linus / Kynsy / Wolf & Moon / Tramhaus / Kuoko / Cherise / Veronica Fusaro / Superbloom / Kasi / Chalk / Loupe / Keep Dancing Inc / Sam Quealy / Fat Dog / Ny Oh / Boy Bleach / The Crab Apples / Carlo Karacho / Arny Margret / Lucky Lo / Mitch Santiago / Mise En Scene / Nils Keppel / Sam Himself / YFG Pave / Circe / Casper Clausen / Digging Roots / Traumatin / Wa22ermann / Enkay / Girl Scout / Willie Stratton / BURNOUT OSTWEST / Yikes / Maria Hein / diggidaniel / Cucamaras / Viji / Waterbaby / Naya Ali / BROCKHOFF / Nueve desconocidos / Pogendroblem / Gewalt / Mariybu / The Garrys / Annahstasia / Ritter Lean / Dear Deer / Eva McBel / Tiflis Transit / Future Static / Girlwoman / Whammyboy / Picture Parlour / Bipolar Feminin / Shitney Beers / Luna Morgenstern / Arkan45 / AySay / AUGN / T. Thomason / Anda Morts / Cerys Hafana / Noah Derksen / Lady Banana / Silvan Strauss / The Vices (official) / Nyssa / Get Jealous / Vox Rea / C'est Karma / Mischgewebe / Moses Yoofee Trio / Cam Kahin / STORRY / Shell Beach / Koikoi / 86TVs / Uzi Freyja / TJARK / Katha Pauer / Lucifer XO / Pavelo & Schnell / Sophia Blenda / Kaktus Einarsson / La Sécurité / PAULA PAULA / Boogey The Beat / ENNIO / Kyle McKearney / KID BE KID / cotoba / Bush.Ida / Maria Basel / Blush Always / AYMZ / The Last Concorde / Lyschko / Gillie / SQF2000 / Bärchen und die Milchbubis / Yolande Bashing / Esfand / Cousines Like Shit / La Place / Baby's Berserk / Mina Richman / Noth / REEZA / Soft Loft / Mace The Great / Joy Hotel / Senta / Loveless (CA, USA) / Alice DiMar / Symba (DE) / Judi&Cocho / Josh Island / Lorenzo Soria / orbit (live) / CARY / POULISH KID / Ilayda / Zustra / Jolle / Toflang / Hanna Noir / YMNK / Ottolien / Diner Drugs / Fred Roberts / HENRYY / Lil Cherry & GOLDBUUDA / Willow Parlo / The Trade-Offs / Uche Yara / iedereen / BECKS (DE) / Kuzi Cee / Chazz Luck / Maggie Andrew / Brandon Howard Roy / AERA TIRET / Evil Ebeneezer / NANTI / Kasi (DE) / Dump Babes / RAHEL (AUT) / liska (DE) / FILLY (AUT) / GAST (GER) / LUNA (DE) / Poundo / LAU FARES / Dottie Anderson / Aaron (DE) / Tirzah / Sofia Kourtesis / Easy Easy
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Reeperbahn Festival
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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Sep 20, 2023
– Sep 23, 2023
Reeperbahn Festival 2023 @ Reeperbahn Festival
The Hives / K.Flay / Arlo Parks / The Last Dinner Party / Matt Corby / grandson / Circa Waves / Billy Bragg / Penelope Scott / Lime Cordiale / Temples / The Staves / Christian Löffler / Ichiko Aoba / James Hersey / 49th & Main / This Is The Kit / Brennan Savage / Blood Red Shoes / Dekker / Altın Gün / Puma Blue / Nu Genea / Angie McMahon / Jazmin Bean / Thelma Plum / Jordan Mackampa / Jeremias / Iniko / Zaho De Sagazan / Teleman / Sophie May / Maddie Zahm / Arab Strap / English Teacher / Baby Rose / spill tab / Bobby Alu / Geese / Grandbrothers / Bernhoft / Hauschka / Fil Bo Riva / Cloudy June / blackwave. / Victor Ray / Mayberg / Ryan McMullan / Daisy the Great / KAWALA / The Terrys / Paula Hartmann / Sorcha Richardson / Nova Twins / Bob Vylan / Chinchilla / SPRINTS / Jean-Michel Blais / The Mary Wallopers / Hannes / Jeshi / Levin Liam / Katie Gregson-MacLeod / Berq / Sarah Reeves / Art School Girlfriend / Julie Doiron / Orbit / Zeck / Kara Jackson / Lina / Deadletter / Novaa / Uma / ADOY / Avec / Bartees Strange / Kasi / PONGO / Fat Dog / Skaar / Blumengarten / Lau / Nieve Ella / NOSO / Sirens Of Lesbos / Will Varley / Go-Jo / Paula Carolina / Mar Malade / Bibiza / Team Scheisse / Maple Glider / Flyying Colours / Tua / Ritter Lean / Telenova / Tessa Rose Jackson / Big Joanie / Bala Desejo / CVC / The Omnific / Prima Queen / Egyptian Blue / Savvy / Mother's Cake / Diskopunk / Pærish / Jerry Heil / Chalk / Lynks / Lena & Linus / Kathryn Joseph / Jack Curley / Aziya / Kelsy Karter / Dream Nails / Etran de L'Air / Bow Anderson / Dirty Sound Magnet / Sofie Royer / NEEVE / Floodlights / Flawless Issues / Woody / Sam Quealy / 3lna / Ailbhe Reddy / Glen Check / Wide Mouth Mason / fuffifufzich / YFG Pave / Rahel / Pablo Brooks / BEKA / Tramhaus / Cherise / UTO / Kids With Buns / Jack in Water / Anda Morts / Sans Soucis / Die Selektion / Traumatin / deathcrash / Gretel Hänlyn / Glume / TJARK / Nils Keppel / 86TVs / Antje Schomaker / Wyn Starks / Kids Return / Ebow / Moses Yoofee Trio / Bandit Bandit / Superbloom / Girl Scout / William The Conqueror / Enkay / Marie Bothmer / Grove / Adwaith / Waterbaby / Liraz / diggidaniel / Carlo Karacho / Keg / Jessica Winter / Wa22ermann / WOLF SAGA / Bon Enfant / Maria Hein / Annie Hamilton / Gaspar Claus / Kuoko / Keir / Viji / Mitch Santiago / Arny Margret / MADMADMAD / Loupe / Picture Parlour / Lucky Lo / Annahstasia / Uche Yara / Haviah Mighty / Cameron Hayes / Alice DiMar / Kynsy / Susan O'Neill / Eyelar / Mariybu / Cucamaras / BURNOUT OSTWEST / Sabrina Bellaouel / Pogendroblem / Gena Rose Bruce / Ellevator / Soft Loft / Walkways / Katha Pauer / La Sécurité / Judi&Cocho / Pavelo & Schnell / Veronica Fusaro / Boy Bleach / BROCKHOFF / AUGN / Cousines Like Shit / Keep Dancing Inc / Bipolar Feminin / Future Static / Whammyboy / Wolf & Moon / Circe / Silvan Strauss / Lucifer XO / AySay / Ny Oh / The Crab Apples / Sam Himself / Nueve desconocidos / Blush Always / Cerys Hafana / Luna Morgenstern / Cam Kahin / Get Jealous / Digging Roots / Mina Richman / Baby's Berserk / Shitney Beers / The Garrys / Tiflis Transit / Gewalt / Mise En Scene / Yikes / Girlwoman / cotoba / Noah Derksen / Casper Clausen / Jolle / Fred Roberts / Vox Rea / Eva McBel / Willie Stratton / Joy Hotel / Naya Ali / Lady Banana / The Last Concorde / REEZA / Uzi Freyja / Koikoi / iedereen / Boogey The Beat / Arkan45 / PAULA PAULA / Bush.Ida / Dear Deer / SQF2000 / Bärchen und die Milchbubis / STORRY / C'est Karma / Nyssa / Kaktus Einarsson / AYMZ / Mischgewebe / Ottolien / Lyschko / HENRYY / Maria Basel / Lorenzo Soria / Kyle McKearney / T. Thomason / Hanna Noir / The Vices / Senta / Willow Parlo / Gillie / Yolande Bashing / Sophia Blenda / La Place / Shell Beach / Noth / KID BE KID / ENNIO / Mace The Great / Loveless (CA, USA) / Ilayda / CARY / Esfand / POULISH KID / Maggie Andrew / YMNK / Symba (DE) / Lil Cherry & GOLDBUUDA / Josh Island / orbit (live) / The Trade-Offs / Diner Drugs / Zustra / AERA TIRET / Toflang / Dump Babes / NANTI / Poundo / Kuzi Cee / Kasi (DE) / BECKS (DE) / Chazz Luck / Brandon Howard Roy / Evil Ebeneezer / LUNA (DE) / RAHEL (AUT) / GAST (GER) / LAU FARES / liska (DE) / FILLY (AUT) / Dottie Anderson / Aaron (DE) / Only The Poets / Durry / Picture This / Yet No Yokai / Bazzookas
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Reeperbahn Festival
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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Sep 20, 2023
– Sep 23, 2023
Reeperbahn Festival 2023
The Hives / K.Flay / Matt Corby / grandson / Circa Waves / Billy Bragg / Temples / Arlo Parks / The Staves / Penelope Scott / James Hersey / Lime Cordiale / Christian Löffler / Blood Red Shoes / This Is The Kit / Brennan Savage / Puma Blue / Thelma Plum / Altın Gün / Jordan Mackampa / Bernhoft / Teleman / Hauschka / Arab Strap / Ichiko Aoba / Angie McMahon / Jazmin Bean / Fil Bo Riva / Grandbrothers / Sorcha Richardson / Maddie Zahm / Nu Genea / Jeremias / blackwave. / Iniko / KAWALA / Sarah Reeves / Julie Doiron / Daisy the Great / Jean-Michel Blais / Novaa / Nova Twins / Ryan McMullan / Lina / spill tab / Baby Rose / Avec / Lau / 49th & Main / Bobby Alu / PONGO / Dekker / Bartees Strange / Will Varley / Jeshi / Bob Vylan / Geese / Katie Gregson-MacLeod / Art School Girlfriend / Sirens Of Lesbos / Cloudy June / Mayberg / Diskopunk / Kelsy Karter / ADOY / The Terrys / Tua / Orbit / Hannes / Kathryn Joseph / Flyying Colours / Mother's Cake / Big Joanie / Skaar / Chinchilla / Savvy / Sophie May / Paula Hartmann / Wide Mouth Mason / Zaho De Sagazan / NOSO / The Mary Wallopers / Jack in Water / Uma / Ailbhe Reddy / Team Scheisse / Glen Check / The Last Dinner Party / NEEVE / SPRINTS / Bala Desejo / The Omnific / Woody / Maple Glider / Pærish / Jack Curley / Kara Jackson / Gretel Hänlyn / Pablo Brooks / Telenova / Go-Jo / Rahel / Zeck / WOLF SAGA / UTO / Deadletter / Dream Nails / BEKA / English Teacher / Victor Ray / Lynks / Bibiza / Jerry Heil / Egyptian Blue / Mar Malade / Antje Schomaker / Floodlights / Bow Anderson / CVC / Grove / William The Conqueror / Dirty Sound Magnet / Keir / Ebow / Sofie Royer / Gaspar Claus / Glume / Adwaith / Etran de L'Air / Die Selektion / Eyelar / Liraz / deathcrash / Haviah Mighty / fuffifufzich / Annie Hamilton / Cameron Hayes / Ellevator / Prima Queen / Blumengarten / Kids Return / Sabrina Bellaouel / Levin Liam / Aziya / 3lna / Marie Bothmer / Sans Soucis / Bandit Bandit / Nieve Ella / Jessica Winter / Bon Enfant / Kids With Buns / Someone / Gena Rose Bruce / Walkways / Wyn Starks / Kynsy / Flawless Issues / Keg / Susan O'Neill / Paula Carolina / MADMADMAD / Wolf & Moon / Kuoko / Veronica Fusaro / Cherise / Tramhaus / Keep Dancing Inc / Lena & Linus / Chalk / Superbloom / Berq / Ny Oh / The Crab Apples / Fat Dog / Sam Quealy / Mise En Scene / Arny Margret / Sam Himself / Lucky Lo / Carlo Karacho / Mitch Santiago / Casper Clausen / Digging Roots / Circe / Kasi / Nils Keppel / Loupe / Willie Stratton / YFG Pave / Yikes / Traumatin / Enkay / Girl Scout / Naya Ali / BURNOUT OSTWEST / diggidaniel / Wa22ermann / Cucamaras / Gewalt / Maria Hein / Nueve desconocidos / Pogendroblem / The Garrys / BROCKHOFF / Viji / Mariybu / Dear Deer / Tiflis Transit / Annahstasia / Eva McBel / Waterbaby / Girlwoman / Future Static / Shitney Beers / T. Thomason / Arkan45 / Whammyboy / AySay / Luna Morgenstern / Picture Parlour / Lady Banana / Cerys Hafana / Noah Derksen / Nyssa / The Vices / Bipolar Feminin / Ritter Lean / C'est Karma / Silvan Strauss / AUGN / Mischgewebe / Vox Rea / Anda Morts / Shell Beach / Get Jealous / Cam Kahin / STORRY / Sophia Blenda / Koikoi / Kaktus Einarsson / Lucifer XO / KID BE KID / Boogey The Beat / Maria Basel / Kyle McKearney / Uzi Freyja / Katha Pauer / Bush.Ida / PAULA PAULA / AYMZ / Pavelo & Schnell / Lyschko / ENNIO / The Last Concorde / 86TVs / Moses Yoofee Trio / Gillie / Esfand / Yolande Bashing / cotoba / Bärchen und die Milchbubis / SQF2000 / Blush Always / La Place / La Sécurité / Mina Richman / Noth / TJARK / Mace The Great / Baby's Berserk / Cousines Like Shit / Senta / Symba (DE) / Loveless (CA, USA) / REEZA / Josh Island / orbit (live) / Joy Hotel / Lorenzo Soria / Alice DiMar / Toflang / POULISH KID / CARY / Diner Drugs / Ottolien / Zustra / Soft Loft / Ilayda / Jolle / Hanna Noir / YMNK / BECKS (DE) / The Trade-Offs / HENRYY / Chazz Luck / Kuzi Cee / Willow Parlo / Evil Ebeneezer / AERA TIRET / iedereen / Lil Cherry & GOLDBUUDA / Brandon Howard Roy / Dump Babes / RAHEL (AUT) / Kasi (DE) / GAST (GER) / NANTI / Maggie Andrew / LAU FARES / Poundo / LUNA (DE) / Uche Yara / FILLY (AUT) / liska (DE) / Aaron (DE) / Dottie Anderson / Judi&Cocho / Goldkimono / Die Cigaretten / KIZ / Boy Bleach / Only The Poets / Damona / Frozemode
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Reeperbahn Festival
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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Sep 20, 2023
– Sep 23, 2023
Reeperbahn Festival 2023
The Hives / K.Flay / Matt Corby / grandson / Circa Waves / Billy Bragg / Temples / Penelope Scott / Lime Cordiale / Blood Red Shoes / Christian Löffler / This Is The Kit / Brennan Savage / Puma Blue / Jordan Mackampa / Altın Gün / Teleman / Arab Strap / Jazmin Bean / Fil Bo Riva / Grandbrothers / Maddie Zahm / Jeremias / Daisy the Great / Jean-Michel Blais / Ryan McMullan / spill tab / Avec / Bobby Alu / PONGO / Bartees Strange / Sirens Of Lesbos / Dekker / Bob Vylan / Art School Girlfriend / Kelsy Karter / ADOY / Tua / Kathryn Joseph / Geese / Orbit / Flyying Colours / Mother's Cake / Hannes / Big Joanie / Savvy / Skaar / Sophie May / NOSO / Glen Check / NEEVE / The Mary Wallopers / Team Scheisse / Zaho De Sagazan / The Omnific / SPRINTS / Pærish / Maple Glider / Pablo Brooks / Gretel Hänlyn / UTO / Zeck / Kara Jackson / BEKA / Egyptian Blue / English Teacher / Deadletter / Antje Schomaker / Grove / Keir / Gaspar Claus / Dirty Sound Magnet / Sofie Royer / Glume / deathcrash / CVC / Liraz / Annie Hamilton / Etran de L'Air / Kids Return / Wallners / Bandit Bandit / Jessica Winter / Gena Rose Bruce / Walkways / Someone / Kynsy / Bon Enfant / Keg / Blumengarten / Kids With Buns / Nieve Ella / Flawless Issues / MADMADMAD / Kuoko / Keep Dancing Inc / The Crab Apples / Paula Carolina / Ny Oh / Superbloom / Mise En Scene / Casper Clausen / Sam Quealy / Fat Dog / Lucky Lo / Lena & Linus / Mitch Santiago / Carlo Karacho / Kasi / Loupe / Girl Scout / Cucamaras / Pogendroblem / BURNOUT OSTWEST / BROCKHOFF / Shitney Beers / Girlwoman / Annahstasia / AySay / Cerys Hafana / Future Static / Whammyboy / Shell Beach / Silvan Strauss / Get Jealous / Bipolar Feminin / Sophia Blenda / Koikoi / Lyschko / Uzi Freyja / Katha Pauer / Baby's Berserk / cotoba / orbit (live) / Zustra / POULISH KID / 86TVs / Loveless (CA, USA) / Joy Hotel / TJARK / Willow Parlo / Soft Loft / Kasi (DE) / Lil Cherry & GOLDBUUDA / Uche Yara / FILLY (AUT) / Aaron (DE) / Dottie Anderson / Tramhaus / PFOERTNER / Dear Deer / The Bug Club / Ichiko Aoba / Blush Always / Blush Always / Traumatin / Gewalt / Floodlights / Yikes / Adwaith / The Vices / Damona / Noisy / Chalk / Dream Nails / William The Conqueror / Pretenders / Durry
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Reeperbahn Festival
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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Show Duplicates for Sep 20, 2023
Sep 19, 2023
Le Hasard Ludique
Paris, Île-de-France, France
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Sep 16, 2023
NOSO europe tour
La Parenthèse
Nyon, Vaud, Switzerland
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May 31, 2023
Hozier / NOSO
Eat Your Young Popup Shows
West Hollywood, California, United States
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May 12, 2023
Kilby Block Party 2023
Mannequin Pussy / Deeper / Crumb / Faye Webster / Duster / Wednesday / The Backseat Lovers / Surf Curse / Pixies / Pavement / Alex G / Caroline Polachek / Weyes Blood / Hippo Campus / Osees / The Strokes / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Frankie Cosmos / Japanese Breakfast / Cuco / Remi Wolf / Lucius / NOSO / Julie / Momma / Miya Folick / Goth Babe
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Utah State Fairpark
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
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May 12, 2023
– May 14, 2023
Kilby Block Party 2023
The Strokes / Pavement / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Pixies / Run the Jewels / Dominic Fike / Japanese Breakfast / The Backseat Lovers / Hippo Campus / The Walkmen / Caroline Polachek / Cuco / Goth Babe / Remi Wolf / Alex G / Surf Curse / Duster / Osees / Faye Webster / Weyes Blood / Lucius / Gus Dapperton / Ritt Momney / Crumb / ethel cain / Frankie Cosmos / Jean Dawson / Indigo De Souza / Alice Phoebe Lou / Deerhoof / Dreamer Isioma / Wednesday / Kate Bollinger / Mannequin Pussy / Westerman / the moss / Tamino / spill tab / Wallice / Julie / Momma / Grace Ives / NOSO / Miya Folick / Tanukichan / Tolchock Trio / Deeper / Sunsleeper / Worlds Worst / The Plastic Cherries / Kipper Snack / Fonteyn / Backhand / hi again / Homephone / Anais Chantal / Musor / Sunhills / Josh Doss & The Cancers
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Utah State Fairpark
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
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May 12, 2023
– May 14, 2023
Kilby Block Party 2023
The Strokes / Pavement / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Pixies / Run the Jewels / Hippo Campus / Dominic Fike / Japanese Breakfast / The Backseat Lovers / The Walkmen / Caroline Polachek / Cuco / Goth Babe / Remi Wolf / Alex G / Surf Curse / Duster / Osees / Faye Webster / Weyes Blood / Lucius / Gus Dapperton / Crumb / Ethel Cain / Frankie Cosmos / Jean Dawson / Indigo De Souza / Alice Phoebe Lou / Deerhoof / Dreamer Isioma / Wednesday / Kate Bollinger / Ritt Momney / Mannequin Pussy / Westerman / The Moss / Tamino / spill tab / Wallice / Julie / Momma / Grace Ives / NOSO / Miya Folik / Tanukichan / Tolchock Trio / Deeper / Sunsleeper / Worlds Worst / The Plastic Cherries / Kipper Snack / Fonteyn / Backhand / Homephone / hi again / Anais Chantal / Musor / Sunhills / Josh Doss & The Cancers
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Utah State Fairpark
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
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May 12, 2023
– May 14, 2023
Kilby Court Block Party 2023
Sunhills / The Plastic Cherries / Miya Folick / Homephone / Jean Dawson / NOSO / Westerman / Lucius / Remi Wolf / Deerhoof / Alice Phoebe Lou / Cuco / Japanese Breakfast / Frankie Cosmos / Dominic Fike / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Kipper Snack / Josh Doss & The Cancers / Anais Chantal / Sunsleeper / Tamino / hi again / Grace Ives / The Moss / Gus Dapperton / Tanukichan / Wallice / Alex G / Goth Babe / Dreamer Isioma / Indigo De Souza / Caroline Polachek / Hippo Campus / Weyes Blood / Osees / Run the Jewels / The Strokes / Backhand / Fonteyn / Worlds Worst / Musor / Deeper / spill tab / Crumb / Mannequin Pussy / Tolchok Trio / Faye Webster / Duster / Kate Bollinger / Wednesday / The Walkmen / The Backseat Lovers / Ethel Cain / Surf Curse / Ritt Momney / Pixies / Pavement
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The Utah State Fairpark
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
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Show Duplicates for May 12, 2023
Mar 10, 2023
Basement, YES
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
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Mar 09, 2023
NOSO / Yaoundé Boxing Club
London, England, United Kingdom
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Feb 21, 2023
NOSO / Squirrel flower
at Rickshaw Stop
Rickshaw Stop
San Francisco, California, United States
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