Norte Cartel Concert History

HARDCORE for us always meant something like roughness, harshness, hardship. And from this viewpoint NORTE CARTEL it leave us the impression that we have reached a goal, whether it is the theme of the songs, or the heavyness and aggressiveness of the music. We live on a time that what’s called HARDCORE is flooded by emotional songs, fake attitudes and weird hair looks. There is no better time to talk about vengeance, to take back things we believe are the essence of HARDCORE such as friendship and honor...

Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 02, 2024
Festival Hardcore do Rio
declive / Norte Cartel / Clava / Liträo / Sangue de Bode / Klitoria / Austera / Dia de Greve
Audio Rebel Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Oct 20, 2024
H2O / Gritando HC / Norte Cartel / Mustaphori

30th Year Anniversary South American Tour

Basement Cultural Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Hardcore Punk
Brazilian Hardcore
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 Júlia Machado
 Thiago Taborda

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