Night Raids Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 15, 2017
Night Raids / Churchburn / Dark Water Transit / Heavy Temple / Castle / Mome

Shadow Woods Metal Fest

Camp Hidden Valley White Hall, Maryland, United States
May 28, 2017
Maryland Deathfest
"Maryland Deathfest" / die choking / Genocide Pact / Iron Lung / Junior Bruce / Night Raids / P.L.F. / SUPPRESSION / Terrorizer / UxDxS / War Master
Baltimore Soundstage Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Show Duplicate for May 28, 2017
May 25, 2017 –
May 28, 2017
Maryland Deathfest 2017
Morbid Angel / Vader / Candlemass / Acid King / Cryptopsy / Tiamat / Fiend / Exhumed / Conan / Autopsy / grave / Gost / Terrorizer / Decrepit Birth / Siege / SubRosa / Oranssi Pazuzu / Agoraphobic Nosebleed / Akercocke / Behexen / Exumer / Macabre / Insect Warfare / Uada / Sargeist / Dopethrone / October Tide / In the Woods... / Morbid Saint / Iron Lung / Noothgrush / Nightbringer / Gorgasm / Malignancy / SKELETAL REMAINS / Samothrace / Nordjevel / Crud / Root / Acheron / Birdflesh / Genocide Pact / Usurper / Brodequin / Cognitive / P.L.F. / Fucking Invincible / die choking / War Master / The Occultist / Father Befouled / Captain Cleanoff / Embalmer / Fissure / Goolagoon / Goratory / Encoffination / Junior Bruce / Necropsy / Torture Rack / Meth Leppard / SUPPRESSION / Organ Dealer / Chepang / Mother Brain / Kerasphorus / Ex Dementia / UxDxS / Disparo / Night Raids / Flash Out / Myxoma / Stormtroopers Of Beer Show all bands
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Show Duplicate for May 25, 2017
May 23, 2015
Night Raids / Pharoah / Unsacred / Yautja The Sidebar Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Death Metal
Black Metal
Thrash Metal
Modern Rock
Modern Alternative Rock
Indie Poptimism
Acid Jazz
Indie Rockism
Show more genres
2017 3 concerts
2015 1 concert
 Brett Morrison

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