Gimiau ir augau Kaune :) taciau uzaugau USA :) kartais megstu padainuoti kad nuimciau liudesi ;] o cia idejau savo pasidainavima nes man Vienas Draugiukas tiesiog liepe ;)...
Post Malone / Jack Johnson / Father John Misty / Broken Social Scene / Ruth B / Bahamas / Big Thief / Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats / Rodriguez / Lucy Dacus / Son Little / Allan Rayman / Tank and the Bangas / Margo Price / Scott Helman / Amanda Marshall / Corb Lund / Royal Canoe / The Family Crest / Matt Mays / Jenn Grant / Rose Cousins / Twain / The Suitcase Junket / The Philosopher Kings / Ian Tyson / Fred Penner / Sweet Crude / Common Deer / Nefe / Dead Flowers (US)
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Jack Johnson / Post Malone / Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats / Broken Social Scene / Rodriguez / Father John Misty / Bahamas / Ruth B / Big Thief / Son Little / Lucy Dacus / Allan Rayman / Amanda Marshall / Margo Price / Tank and the Bangas / Scott Helman / Corb Lund / Royal Canoe / The Family Crest / Jenn Grant / Matt Mays / Rose Cousins / The Suitcase Junket / The Philosopher Kings / Twain / Fred Penner / Ian Tyson / Sweet Crude / Common Deer / Nefe / Dead Flowers (US)
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Post Malone / Jack Johnson / Father John Misty / Broken Social Scene / Ruth B / Bahamas / Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats / Rodriguez / Big Thief / Lucy Dacus / Son Little / Allan Rayman / Tank and the Bangas / Margo Price / Scott Helman / Amanda Marshall / Corb Lund / Royal Canoe / The Family Crest / Matt Mays / Jenn Grant / Rose Cousins / Twain / The Suitcase Junket / The Philosopher Kings / Ian Tyson / Fred Penner / Sweet Crude / Common Deer / Nefe / Dead Flowers (US)
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Post Malone / Jack Johnson / Father John Misty / Broken Social Scene / Ruth B / Bahamas / Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats / Rodriguez / Big Thief / Lucy Dacus / Son Little / Allan Rayman / Tank and the Bangas / Margo Price / Scott Helman / Amanda Marshall / Corb Lund / Royal Canoe / The Family Crest / Matt Mays / Jenn Grant / Rose Cousins / Twain / The Suitcase Junket / The Philosopher Kings / Ian Tyson / Fred Penner / Sweet Crude / Common Deer / Nefe / Dead Flowers (US)
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Wolf Parade / Phantogram / Voivod / Metallica / Arkells / Kendrick Lamar / Muse / The Who / Backstreet Boys / The Devil Wears Prada / The New Pornographers / Foy Vance / Pink / A Tribe Called Red / DJ Shadow / Of Mice & Men / Plants and Animals / The Zombies / Lady Antebellum / Leif Vollebekk / Death from Above 1979 / The Dirty Nil / Nick Jonas / Flume / Les Trois Accords / Los Lonely Boys / Melissa Etheridge / DVBBS / Yonatan Gat / Migos / Fetty Wap / High & Mighty Brass Band / Gorillaz / Talisco / The Struts / Andy Shauf / Tei Shi / Lisa LeBlanc / BadBadNotGood / The Beaches / Mute / Les Cowboys Fringants / Tété / Men Without Hats / Acid Arab / DNCE / Pink Martini / Cardinals Pride / Dead Obies / Jesse Royal / Leyla McCalla / Monty / Glorious Sons / The Strumbellas / Les Sales Majestes / Ria Mae / Tony Allen / The Wooden Sky / Gazoline / Kelsea Ballerini / Bobby Bazini / Boundaries / Jazz Cartier / Caravane / Ben Caplan & the Casual Smokers / Les Goules / Pat Thomas & The Kwashibu Area Band / Zagata / Beatdown / MXPX / La Chicane / Mydy Rabycad / Samito / Manu Militari / Rymz / Harfang / Yann Perreau / Raton Lover / Fred Fortin / Emeraude / The Souljazz Orchestra / Brisa Roché / Groenland / Isabelle Boulay / Peter Peter / Bixiga 70 / Avec Pas D'casque / Le Couleur / The Excitements / Faada Freddy / Geoffroy / Jonathan Roy / Jo Mersa Marley / Matt Holubowski / Sally Folk / Throes + The Shine / LiANA / Mauves / Aeternam / Nicolas Michaux / Nordheim / Francis Faubert / The Peptides / Michel Louvain / Beyries / Nefe / Corey Ledet / Atsuko Chiba / The Dizzy Brains / Never More Than Less / Common Deer / Keychain / Lesbo Vrouven / I.D.A.L.G / Aut'Chose / Gab Paquet / Samuele / Chocolat mtl / Sarah Toussaint Leveille / Trollwar / Damn The Luck / Sara Dufour / Les Ordures Ioniques / Les Trimpes / De la Reine / Mhedved / Jacques Jacobus / whitenails / Amadou Et Mariam / Floes / Hommage a Bob Walsh / Lary Kidd / Amelie No / Laura Lefebvre / Lou-Adriane Cassidy / Belle Et Bum / DESJARDINS, ON L'AIME TU! / Metalord / Gilles (Québec) / Michel Fugain & Pluribus / Mr. Weather / Orloge Simard / Pierre-Herve Goulet / Prieur Landry / DI Astronauts / Jérôme St-Kant / Grabrielle Shonk / The Atomics (US) / Apero Feq / Gypsy Sound System Orkestra / The Barr Brothers, Bassekou Kouyate, & Amy Sacko / Tze Texas Redmecs / Velvet Vice / mondo cozmo / Dakha Brakha / Pierce the Veil / Crown the Empire / Ben L'Oncle Soul / Bros / Heat / THE DAMN TRUTH / Les Dales Hawerchuk
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Muse / Kendrick Lamar / Metallica / Gorillaz / Lady Antebellum / The Who / Pink / Flume / Backstreet Boys / Fetty Wap / Phantogram / Nick Jonas / Migos / DJ Shadow / Of Mice & Men / The New Pornographers / The Devil Wears Prada / The Zombies / DNCE / Death from Above 1979 / Wolf Parade / Melissa Etheridge / DVBBS / Pink Martini / Los Lonely Boys / Men Without Hats / BadBadNotGood / MXPX / Foy Vance / Arkells / Kelsea Ballerini / The Strumbellas / Monty / Tei Shi / Plants and Animals / The Struts / Tony Allen / Andy Shauf / A Tribe Called Red / Jazz Cartier / Voivod / The Wooden Sky / The Souljazz Orchestra / Talisco / Les Cowboys Fringants / Tété / Brisa Roché / Groenland / Les Trois Accords / Leif Vollebekk / Bobby Bazini / Ria Mae / Isabelle Boulay / The Beaches / Lisa LeBlanc / Glorious Sons / Peter Peter / Mute / Bernard Adamus / Jesse Royal / Acid Arab / Bixiga 70 / The Dirty Nil / Les Soeurs Boulay / Ben Caplan & the Casual Smokers / Yann Perreau / Avec Pas D'casque / Dead Obies / Le Couleur / The Excitements / Leyla McCalla / Faada Freddy / Geoffroy / Les Sales Majestes / Jonathan Roy / Jo Mersa Marley / Caravane / Fred Fortin / Manu Militari / La Chicane / High & Mighty Brass Band / Matt Holubowski / Sally Folk / Yonatan Gat / Throes + The Shine / Gazoline / LiANA / Mauves / Aeternam / Nicolas Michaux / Nordheim / Francis Faubert / Beatdown / Cardinals Pride / Rymz / The Peptides / Émile bilodeau / Les Goules / Michel Louvain / Beyries / Boundaries / Nefe / Mydy Rabycad / Samito / Harfang / Corey Ledet / Atsuko Chiba / The Dizzy Brains / Never More Than Less / Common Deer / Keychain / Lesbo Vrouven / I.D.A.L.G / Aut'Chose / Raton Lover / Gab Paquet / Samuele / Chocolat mtl / Pat Thomas & The Kwashibu Area Band / Sarah Toussaint Leveille / Emeraude / Trollwar / Damn The Luck / Sara Dufour / Les Ordures Ioniques / Les Dales Hawerchuck / Les Trimpes / DakhaBrahka / De la Reine / Mhedved / Jacques Jacobus / whitenails / Amadou Et Mariam / Floes / Hommage a Bob Walsh / Lary Kidd / Amelie No / Laura Lefebvre / Lou-Adriane Cassidy / Belle Et Bum / DESJARDINS, ON L'AIME TU! / Metalord / Gilles (Québec) / Michel Fugain & Pluribus / Mr. Weather / Orloge Simard / Pierre-Herve Goulet / Prieur Landry / DI Astronauts / Jérôme St-Kant / Grabrielle Shonk / The Atomics (US) / Apero Feq / Gypsy Sound System Orkestra / The Barr Brothers, Bassekou Kouyate, & Amy Sacko / Tze Texas Redmecs / Velvet Vice / Zagata / The Damn Truth / Ben l'Oncle Soul / BROS / HEAT / mondo cozmo / Pierce the Veil / Crown the Empire
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Kendrick Lamar / Muse / Metallica / Gorillaz / Migos / P!nk / Flume / The Who / Lady A (fka Lady Antebellum) / Fetty Wap / Backstreet Boys / Nick Jonas / Phantogram / Pierce the Veil / DNCE / DJ Shadow / Of Mice & Men / The Zombies / BadBadNotGood / Kelsea Ballerini / DVBBS / The Devil Wears Prada / The New Pornographers / Death from Above 1979 / Crown The Empire / Melissa Etheridge / The Strumbellas / Pink Martini / Wolf Parade / Men Without Hats / The Struts / Foy Vance / Los Lonely Boys / Monty / Tei Shi / MxPx / Ben l'Oncle Soul / Andy Shauf / Arkells / Jazz Cartier / Glorious Sons / Leif Vollebekk / The Halluci Nation / Plants and Animals / Tony Allen / The Souljazz Orchestra / Mondo Cozmo / Talisco / Les Cowboys Fringants / Geoffroy / The Beaches / Acid Arab / Voivod / Tété / Ria Mae / ДахаБраха / Bobby Bazini / Les Trois Accords / Lisa LeBlanc / H. E. A. T / The Dirty Nil / The Wooden Sky / Jesse Royal / Le Couleur / Isabelle Boulay / Jonathan Roy / Groenland / Leyla McCalla / Matt Holubowski / Brisa Roché / Dead Obies / Bixiga 70 / Peter Peter / Faada Freddy / Jo Mersa Marley / Dakha Brakha / Beyries / Mute / Boundaries / Yann Perreau / Avec Pas D'casque / Les Sales Majestes / The Damn Truth / Manu Militari / Rymz / The Excitements / La Chicane / Fred Fortin / Nicolas Michaux / LiANA / Lary Kidd / Caravane / Ben Caplan & the Casual Smokers / Orloge Simard / Sally Folk / Yonatan Gat / Lou-Adriane Cassidy / Sara Dufour / Aeternam / High & Mighty Brass Band / Throes + The Shine / Samito / Les Dales Hawerchuk / Common Deer / Amadou & Mariam / Gazoline / MYDY / Zagata / Harfang / Nefe / Nordheim / Mauves / Cardinals Pride / Les Goules / Michel Louvain / Atsuko Chiba / Beatdown / Francis Faubert / The Dizzy Brains / Samuele / Floes / Gab Paquet / whitenails / The Peptides / Amelie No / Raton Lover / Pierre-Herve Goulet / Keychain / Corey Ledet / Aut'Chose / Never More Than Less / De la Reine / Trollwar / I.D.A.L.G / Les Ordures Ioniques / Emeraude / DI Astronauts / Laura Lefebvre / Lesbo Vrouven / Les Trimpes / Pat Thomas & The Kwashibu Area Band / Jacques Jacobus / Metalord / Sarah Toussaint Leveille / Damn The Luck / Chocolat mtl / Gypsy Sound System Orkestra / Mhedved / Mr. Weather / The Barr Brothers, Bassekou Kouyate, & Amy Sacko / Michel Fugain & Pluribus / Velvet Vice / The Atomics (US) / BROS (Can) / Jérôme St-Kant / Belle Et Bum / DESJARDINS, ON L'AIME TU! / Apero Feq / Grabrielle Shonk / Gilles (Québec) / Hommage a Bob Walsh / Prieur Landry / Tze Texas Redmecs
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Kendrick Lamar / Muse / Metallica / Gorillaz / Migos / P!nk / Lady A / The Who / Flume / Fetty Wap / Backstreet Boys / Nick Jonas / Phantogram / DNCE / Pierce the Veil / DJ Shadow / Of Mice & Men / The Zombies / BadBadNotGood / DVBBS / Kelsea Ballerini / The New Pornographers / The Devil Wears Prada / Death from Above 1979 / Crown the Empire / Melissa Etheridge / The Strumbellas / Wolf Parade / Pink Martini / Men Without Hats / Foy Vance / The Struts / Los Lonely Boys / Monty / Tei Shi / MxPx / Ben l'Oncle Soul / Arkells / Andy Shauf / Jazz Cartier / The Halluci Nation / Glorious Sons / Tony Allen / Plants and Animals / Leif Vollebekk / Mondo Cozmo / The Souljazz Orchestra / Talisco / Geoffroy / Les Cowboys Fringants / Voivod / The Beaches / Ria Mae / Tété / Acid Arab / Bobby Bazini / The Wooden Sky / Jesse Royal / Les Trois Accords / HEAT / The Dirty Nil / Lisa LeBlanc / ДахаБраха / Le Couleur / Groenland / Isabelle Boulay / Brisa Roché / Dead Obies / Matt Holubowski / Bixiga 70 / Leyla McCalla / Peter Peter / Jonathan Roy / Faada Freddy / Jo Mersa Marley / Mute / Dakha Brakha / Beyries / Yann Perreau / Avec Pas D'casque / The Damn Truth / The Excitements / Les Sales Majestes / Boundaries / Fred Fortin / Manu Militari / LiANA / Rymz / Ben Caplan & the Casual Smokers / La Chicane / Lary Kidd / Caravane / Sally Folk / Yonatan Gat / High & Mighty Brass Band / Nicolas Michaux / Samito / Throes + The Shine / Orloge Simard / Les Dales Hawerchuk / Common Deer / Aeternam / Amadou Et Mariam / Gazoline / MYDY / Lou-Adriane Cassidy / Zagata / Nefe / Harfang / Nordheim / Sara Dufour / Cardinals Pride / Mauves / Michel Louvain / Les Goules / Beatdown / Francis Faubert / Atsuko Chiba / The Dizzy Brains / Samuele / whitenails / Floes / The Peptides / Amelie No / Keychain / Raton Lover / Corey Ledet / Pierre-Herve Goulet / Never More Than Less / Gab Paquet / De la Reine / Aut'Chose / Trollwar / I.D.A.L.G / Emeraude / Laura Lefebvre / Les Ordures Ioniques / DI Astronauts / Lesbo Vrouven / Pat Thomas & The Kwashibu Area Band / Les Trimpes / Jacques Jacobus / Metalord / Chocolat mtl / Sarah Toussaint Leveille / Damn The Luck / Mhedved / Gypsy Sound System Orkestra / The Barr Brothers, Bassekou Kouyate, & Amy Sacko / Mr. Weather / Velvet Vice / The Atomics (US) / Michel Fugain & Pluribus / BROS (Can) / Tze Texas Redmecs / Prieur Landry / Hommage a Bob Walsh / Gilles (Québec) / Grabrielle Shonk / Apero Feq / DESJARDINS, ON L'AIME TU! / Belle Et Bum / Jérôme St-Kant / Anderson Paak
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Phoenix / Portugal. The Man / Feist / James Vincent McMorrow / Thundercat / The Pharcyde / BadBadNotGood / LP / Cloud Nothings / Timber Timbre / Tei Shi / Joseph / Hannah Georgas / Overcoats / Royal Canoe / Jaunt / Bernice / Walrus / The Halluci Nation / Nefe
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