Naja Concert History
1) naja is a j-pop band, one of their most famous songs is Mr. Déjà Vu which is the third ending theme of the anime series Get Backers. You can see this ending from episode 26 to 37.
1) naja is a j-pop band, one of their most famous songs is Mr. Déjà Vu which is the third ending theme of the anime series Get Backers. You can see this ending from episode 26 to 37.
Date | Concert | Venue | Location | |
Dec 29, 2024
– Jan 02, 2025 |
Sundance festival 2024
Vintage Culture / Dennis / Maz / Doozie / Mochakk / Ashibah / Naja / Nadja Stoller
Uíki Parracho | Arraial d’juda | |
Apr 29, 2006
Festival Pop Rock FM
Leela / Fresno / História do Rock Gaúcho / Rosa Tattooada / B5 / Papas da Língua / Claus & Vanessa / Cartolas / Tarcísio Meira's Band / CPM 22 / Maria do Relento / Ultramen / Wonkavision / Tequila Baby / Chimarruts / Naja / Comunidade Nin-Jitsu / Acústicos & Valvulados / Tijuana / Yuck
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Centro de Eventos da FIERGS | Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil |
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