N'dea Davenport's 2012 Concert History

The soulful voice of vocalist/ songwriter/ producer N'Dea Davenport first emerged in 1991 when she became the front woman for the Acid Jazz British funk band, The Brand New Heavies.

Female Vocalists
Neo Soul
Acid Jazz

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2012 2 concerts
2011 3 concerts
2009 1 concert
1998 5 concerts
 Jodah G
 David Dolinar
 Matthew Folkemer
 Colette Morton
 Anne G + Brandon B
 Amanda Bullock
 Lauren Silverman
 Kelly Flaherty
 Carey P
 Michael Wester
 Cindy Wester
 Julie La Bonte
 Jill Ogden
 Abq1215 Phx

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