My City Burning Concert History

Since their founding in 2006 My City Burning has become a household name among

Date Concert Venue Location
May 25, 2013
AYS / My City Burning / Isolated / Pete Is Drunk

Prison Riot XI

Aug 18, 2012
Devil In Me / My City Burning / None Shall Fall Winston Kingdom Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Jun 10, 2012
My City Burning / Evergreen Terrace / Stick To Your Guns The Stage Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jul 17, 2011
Zwarte Cross 2011
Blondie / The Black Crowes / Anthrax / Sepultura / Helloween / Monster Magnet / Ill Niño / JD McPherson / Third World / Death Angel / Terror / Madball / Fozzy / Katzenjammer / Ilse DeLange / De Staat / Life Of Agony / The California Honeydrops / La Pegatina / Go Back to the Zoo / Miss Montreal / $miley / Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra / Jacqueline Govaert / Tim Knol / Rowwen Heze / Pagan's Mind / Beans & Fatback / Crimson Glory / The .357 String Band / Normaal / Dieter Thomas Kuhn / Mayan / Broken Glass Heroes / Psychotic Waltz / Death Letters / BZB / Scrum / The Cubical / Vanderbuyst / Fragment / Krach / Mother Misery / Ralph de Jongh / Bradley's Circus / Malle Pietje And The Bimbos / My City Burning / Piepschuim / The Backcorner Boogie Band / Striking Justice / Loco Loco Discoshow / The Wild Berrys / The Heinoos / Kees Van Hondt / Motorband / Poor John / Kasha Nasha / Warboel / Max Tax Y Sus Banditos / Thevoederbietels / Joechee / Ayatollahs Show all bands
De Schans Lichtenvoorde, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jul 15, 2011
Zwarte Cross 2011
Blondie / The Black Crowes / Anthrax / Sepultura / Helloween / Monster Magnet / JD McPherson / Ill Niño / Third World / Chef'Special / Death Angel / Annihilator / Royal Republic / Fozzy / Terror / Madball / The California Honeydrops / Ilse DeLange / $miley / De Staat / La Pegatina / Katzenjammer / Life Of Agony / Miss Montreal / Go Back to the Zoo / Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra / Marlon Asher / Jacqueline Govaert / Chef / Tim Knol / Rowwen Heze / Pagan's Mind / Birth of Joy / Beans & Fatback / Normaal / Crimson Glory / Ziggi Recado / The .357 String Band / Orange Grove / Dieter Thomas Kuhn / Andreas Kisser / Mayan / Psychotic Waltz / Broken Glass Heroes / Maikal X / BZB / Scrum / Fragment / The Cubical / Vanderbuyst / Krach / Ralph de Jongh / Mother Misery / Tommy Ebben / Malle Pietje And The Bimbos / Bertus Borgers / My City Burning / Piepschuim / The Backcorner Boogie Band / Loco Loco Discoshow / Striking Justice / The Heinoos / Motorband / The Wild Berrys / Kees Van Hondt / Kasha Nasha / De Motorband / Poor John / Herman Brusselmans / The Sensationals / Warboel / Max Tax Y Sus Banditos / Joechee / Thevoederbietels / 30 Euro Live / Gummbah / Ayatollahs Show all bands
Lichtenvoorde, Gelderland, Netherlands
Show Duplicate for Jul 15, 2011
Apr 23, 2011
No Turning Back / Never Face Defeat / Business As Usual / My City Burning Raumstation Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany
Apr 22, 2011
Blood For Blood / Crushing Caspars / Hoods / My City Burning / No Turning Back

Blood for Blood

Patronaat Haarlem, North Holland, Netherlands
Jan 15, 2011
Channel Zero / Closure (Rock) / My City Burning
Ancienne Belgique Brussels, Brussels Capital, Belgium
Jan 14, 2011
Channel Zero / Closure (Rock) / My City Burning
Ancienne Belgique Brussels, Brussels Capital, Belgium
Dec 12, 2010
Persistence Tour 2010
Sick of It All / Blood For Blood / D.R.I. / Unearth / Evergreen Terrace / Casey Jones / Crushing Caspars / Cruel Hand / The Setup / Final Prayer / My City Burning / AYS / Cataract / Donny Brook / All For Nothing / Vera Cruz / Strength Approach
Klokgebouw Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands
Death Metal
Hardcore Punk
Lowlands Hardcore
Show more genres
2013 1 concert
2012 2 concerts
2011 6 concerts
2010 5 concerts
2009 4 concerts
2008 1 concert
 D1 Doris
 Zhou Himself
 Junk Bond Trader
 Igor Schoevaart

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