Muscaria Concert History

The mastermind behind Muscaria is Thomas Wiesinger, located in Austria. Introduced to the psychadelic music scene in 2000, he started djing in 2004. After paricipating many parties, he began to make his own sound in 2006. He describes his sound as experimental psychadelic sound, using many different hardware synth's, taking a lot of insperation from oldschool sounds of the early 90's.

Date Concert Venue Location
May 05, 2021
Jinjer / Muscaria / HEY AWSM / Deadclown Yield Rock Lima, Lima, Peru
Jul 29, 2017
Festival Del Trueno
"Festival Del Trueno" / Richie Ramone / Muscaria / Los Txk / Mortal Decision / Anonimos / Amigos De Lo Ajeno / La Opera / Sarcasmo Banda / The Minimals / Antenas / Mantekilla Napoles
Centro De Convenciones Eugenio Espejo Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
Nov 01, 2008
Festival Rock al Parque 2008
Paradise Lost / Ethereal / Bloc Party / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club / Carcass / Sergent Garcia / Babasónicos / Bersuit Vergarabat / Panteon Rococo / Gondwana / La Kinky Beat / Ratos de Porão / Thermo / Error / 1280 Almas / Los Concorde / Popcorn / Nawal / Doctor Krápula / Velandia Y La Tigra / Koyi K Utho / Heartless / Odio A Botero / Entropia / EL SIE7E / Awaken / Profetas / Otro / Mac / DeepTrip / Muscaria / ciegossordomudos / Smoking Underdog / Thunderblast / Monojet / Loathsome Faith / Los Swingers / Fractal Flesh / Delavil / NO IMPORTA / Señores Usuarios / Barriosanto / Mmodcats / SANTAFUMA / Elsinsentido / Enepei Show all bands
Parque Simón Bolívar Bogotá, Bogota D.C., Colombia
May 17, 2008
Maquinaria Rock Fest 2008
Biohazard / Suicidal Tendencies / Misfits / Sepultura / Tristania / Ratos de Porão / Korzus / Muscaria / Matanza / Sawoya / Motorocker / Embrioma / Threat / Child Of Flames
Espaço das Américas São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Hardcore Metal
2021 1 concert
2017 1 concert
2008 2 concerts
 Tim Intravennous
 Caroline Carvalho
 Jack Deckard

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