Mule's 2016 Concert History

1) Two-thirds of Mule, Jim Kimball and Kevin Munro (formerly Kevin Strickland) was made up of ex-members of the Laughing Hyenas. The other third, a former member of Wig, P.W. Long (born Preston Cleveland), was a blood relative to the Hyenas front man, John Brannon (Negative Approach).

Date Concert Venue Location
Mar 12, 2016
Mule / Deep Purple Parco Buzzaccarini Padua, Veneto, Italy
Hard Rock
Blues Rock
Progressive Rock
Southern Rock
Noise Rock
Jam Band
Post-Teen Pop
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2016 1 concert
2003 1 concert
1996 1 concert
1995 3 concerts
1994 4 concerts
1993 8 concerts
1992 3 concerts
 Sacramento Shows
 Matt Jh
 Gretchen Rae
 Jerry Perry
 Jason Lewis
 Iann Robinson
 Ryan Johnstone

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