MouseRocket Concert History

The Lost Sounds' Alicja Trout's other band, Mouse Rocket seems to be an outlet for material not really suitable for the LS, resulting in a sunnier, poppier sound --more indie-rock and garage-rock.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 31, 2013 –
Sep 01, 2013
Memphis Music and Heritage Festival 2013
Roy Harper / First Class / Bobby Rush / kate campbell / Daddy Mack Blues Band / Preston Shannon / Toxie / MouseRocket / Billy Gibson Band / The Side Street Steppers / Sonny Burgess and the Legendary Pacers / Tonya Dyson / Sons of Mudboy / The Mellowtones / Joyce Cobb / Kallen Esperian / Bottom Of The Bottle / Hope Clayburn's Soul Scrimmage / Suavo J. ft Mr. 88 and the Bones / The Bell Singers / Brittany Russell / Los Contadores / Tom Kimmel (The New Agrarians) / Darrell Petties and SIP / Eric Crays and Thirty Paces / Swampkatz / Gary Topper Jazz Group / Navy Brass Band / Pierce Petties / Tav Falco's Panther Burns Show all bands
Center for Southern Folklore Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Memphis Indie

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