Motochrist's 2004 Concert History

Motochrist are an American Hard Rock/Punk Rock band formed by Singer, bassist Danny Nordahl (New York Loose, Faster Pussycat, Stiv Bators, The Throbs) and lead guitarist Marc Diamond (New York Loose, The Dwarves, Blister) in 1998. Ricky Vodka plays on Guitar and backing Vocals and also Chad Stewart on Drums. their debut album is "666-Pack" in 2000, the second one called "Greetings from the Bonneville Salt Flats" which is released in 2003 and the last one until 2012 is "Corvette Summer"...

Hard Rock
Punk Rock
Stoner Rock
Glam Punk
2020 1 concert
2011 2 concerts
2009 1 concert
2004 2 concerts
 Kat Kallen
 Chi Bears Girl815
 Pedro Maia Nogueira
 Steve H

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