More Rockers Concert History

More Rockers are loosely based Rob Smith, who is one half of Bristol's seminal outfit Smith & MIghty and Peter D. Rose who was at the time providing Massive Attack MK1 with basslines. 'Cure' is their version of Diana Ross' 'Love Hangover' and features the vocal talents of LD (Louise De Cordova). It utilizes the evergreen talents of the vocalist over a booming bassline and an old hardcore style break." 1999 release, last copies, reduced price.

Date Concert Venue Location
No concerts found
Drum And Bass
2008 1 concert
1998 2 concerts
 Jeremy Dunham
 Iain Mac Leod
 Andy Mc Culloch
 Keith Rayner
 Phil Augé
 Adam Goodway
 Matt Bennett
 Paul Allison
 Offbeat Music
 Steve H

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