MOON DESTROYS is the brainchild of guitarist Juan Montoya (ex-Torche) and drummer Evan Diprima ( Brother Hawk, ex-Royal Thunder). Having written together in various configurations for over a decade, they now come together under the auspices of celestial forces with a new project to unveil their mesmerizing debut EP Maiden Voyage. An experiment of truly galactic proportions, MOON DESTROYS blend heavy riffage with psychedelic flourishes and vivid imagery across two intricately designed centerpiece tracks; “Blue Giant”...
These are videos from concerts where Moon Destroys played, so they may be of other bands that played the concert as well.
ONLINE: Slay At Home Fest May 29 - 30, 2020 ONLINE Embedded by Jay O. Tea
Day 1 . May 29th, 2020
Day 2 . May 30th, 2020